Understanding Business Flashcards
Explain wealth creation
Created by a business by adding value.
When the final value of goods + services provided in the UK is added up it is known as the Gross domestic product (GDP)
Benefits of wealth creation
- Jobs created - reduces unemployment
- Other businesses keen to invest
- Infrastructure improved + roads + transport links
- Because of reduced unemployment, demand for goods + services increases as does the standard of living
Costs of wealth creation
- Volume of non-renewable resources can decrease
- Too much demand for goods + services can cause inflation
- Greenfield sites are lost
- Businesses can have environmental impact on a country or specific location
Types of business organisations
- Sole traders
- Partnerships
- Public + private limited companies
- National government
- Local government organisation
- Non profit making organisation
- Social enterprises
Public limited company
Ownership - Shareholders
Control - Board of directors
Liability - Limited
Financed - Selling items on stock exchange
Advantages - Take advantage of economies of scale because of size and large amounts of capital can be raised by selling shares
Disadvantages - Financial statements have to be produced annually and no control over who buys shares in the company
Objectives - Maximise profits and sales
Private limited company
Ownership - Private individuals
Control - Board of governors
Liability - Limited
Financed - Issuing shares, borrowing loans
Advantages - limited liability, set up costs decreased and legal process is simpler
Disadvantages - Profits shared among shareholders
Objectives - Maximise profit and sales
What is a franchise
A person who starts a business and provides a product or service supplied by another business
Advantages for franchisee
- Can begin trading in the new established reputation of the franchiser immediately - reduces failure
- Franchiser will offer training and business support and advice
- Franchiser is likely to advertise nationally saving the franchisee money
Disadvantages for franchisee
- Requires significant capital investment to set up
- A percentage of the revenue is paid to the franchiser
- Franchiser may impose strict rules on the franchisee and restrict the ability to operate on their own initiative - can be demotivating
Advantages for franchiser
- Gain a larger gain market share without spending large amounts of money
- Earns a percentage of franchisees revenue each year
- Risks and uncertainties are shared between franchisee and franchiser
Disadvantages for franchiser
- Reputation of whole business is dependant on the success of individual franchisees
- Time and recourses are devoted to support franchisee
- Only a percentage of the franchisees revenue goes to the franchiser which could be lower than what the franchiser earns themselves
Name the sectors of industry and explain them
Primary - Extraction of raw materials from the ground
Secondary - Manufacturing and assembly of goods. Take raw materials and transform them into a tangible finished product.
Tertiary - Provide a service, an intangible product.
Quaternary - Knowledge based and info service, concerned with innovation, research and development.
Explain horizontal integration
Two businesses providing the same service, or producing the same product, join together.
Allows to gain market share and grow bigger and reduce the no. of competitions in the market.
Explain Vertical integration
When businesses in the same industry, but who operate different stages of production, join together.
Explain backward vertical integration
Taking over a supplier.
Should have sufficient supplies available at reasonable prices.
Explain forward vertical integration
Taking over a customer
Explain diversification
Two businesses that provide different goods and services join together. Aka conglomerate.
Reduces risk of failure by operating in more than one market and allows profit to be obtained in more than one market.
Explain takeover
One large business takes control and ownership of a smaller business