Understand the effective use of soft landscaping elements (3) Flashcards
Name 10 hardy plants grown as annuals, suitable for planting in a variety of garden situations.
State details of their decorative merits, height and spread and site requirements; describe a situation where each could be used effectively
- Lathyrus odoratus
- Calendula officinalis
- Nigella damascena ‘ Miss Jekyll’
- Centaurea cyanus
- Limnanthes douglasii
- Borago officinalis
- Lavatera trimestris
- Salvia viridis
- Eschscholzia californica
- Ammu majus
Lathyrus odoratus
Decorative merits: Pinnate leaves ending in tendrils / Strongly scented, pea-like flowers (summer and autumn), wine red standard petals and purple wings and keels
Height and spread: 1.5-2.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not chalk / well-drained / full sun, paartial shade / any exposure
Situation: Cut flowers / cottage / wall side borders / climber / city
Calendula officinalis
Decorative merits: Simple, aromatic leaves / Heads of vivid orange daisy-like flowers (summer and autmn) borne in long succession
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not Clay / well-drained / full sun, partial shade / any exposure
Situation: garden edging / wildlife gardens / borders /container
Nigella damascena ‘Miss Jekyll’
Decorative merits: Sky-blue, solitary flowers (summer) / above feathery foliage / followed by decorative, inflated seed capsules
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not clay / not acid / well-drained / full sun / sheltered
Situation: Cottage / container / border / coastal
Centaurea cyanus
Decorative merits: Simple or slightly lobed leaves / solitary, deep blue thistle-like flowerheads (spring and summer) / often with enlarged outer florets
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not chalk and clay / well-drained / full sun / any exposure
Situation: Wildflower / pollinators / cut flowers / container
Limnanthes douglasii
Decorative merits: Spreading bushy annual / Pinnately divided leaves / open, bowl-shaped yellow 5-petalled flowers (summer and autumn) with white-tipped petals
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Any soil / moist but well-drained / full sun / any exposure
Situation: Plant for pollinators in wildlife garden / container / garden edging / cottage
Borago officinalis
Decorative merits: Coarse and hairy, ovate simple leaves / Branched cymes of starry, bright blue flowers (summer)
Height and spread: 0.5-1m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Any soil / well-drained / full sun, partial shade / any exposure
Situation: Plant for pollinators for wildlife gardens / borders
Lavatera trimestris
Decorative merits: Rounded, shallowly-lobed leaves / Funnel-shaped flowers (summer) in shades of pink or white, often with darker veining of the throat
Height and spread: 0.5-1m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not chalk and clay / well-drained / full sun / sheltered
Situation: good for pollinators / cottage / borders / container / city
Salvia viridis
Decorative merits: Colourful bracts borne on upright stems (summer) / The modified leaves are blue, pink or white
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Any soil / moist but well-drained / full sun / any exposure
Situation: Cottage / wildlife / underplanting of roses and shrubs / borders
Escscholzia californica
Decorative merits: Finely divided blue-green leaves / orange, yellow or red solitary, long-stalked poppy-like flowers (summer) / followed by conspicuous long seed pods
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not clay and chalk / well-drained / full sun / any exposure
Situation: Plant for pollinators / rock and gravel / borders / cottage / cut flowers / coastal
Ammi majus
Decorative merits: Fern-like 2-to 3-pinnate leaves / Large, branched, compound umbels of small creamy-white flowers (summer)
Height and spread: 0.5-1m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not clay / well-drained / full sun, partial shade / any exposure
Situation: Wildflower meadow / cottage / borders
Name 10 half-hardy plants suitable for seasonal bedding.
State details of their decorative merits, height and spread and site requirements; describe a situation where each could be used effectively
- Nicotiana alata
- Salvia splendens
- Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Purity’
- Zinnia elegans ‘ Purple Prince’
- Antirrhinum majus ‘Montego Pink’
- Impatiens walleriana Super Elfin Series
- Tagetes patula ‘Honeycomb’
- Petunia x hybrida
- Senecio cineraria ‘Silver Dust’
- Helichrysum petiolare
Nicotiana alata
Decorative merits: Large spoon-shaped, dark green, simple, alternate leaves that become smaller higher up / Racemes of tubular greenish-yellow flowers (summer and autumn) with funnel-shaped mouths / Strongly scented at night
Height and spread: 1-1.5m / 0.1 - 0.5m
Site requirements: (Not clay) / moist but well-drained, well-drained / partial shade, full sun / sheltered
Situation: Great for pollinators in wildlife gardens or indeed a city garden / bedding / borders / cottage
Salvia splendens
Decorative merits: Compact and upright / oval leaves / Dense spikes of tubular scarlet flowers with large red bracts (summer and autumn)
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5 / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not clay and chalk / moist but well-drained, well-drained / full sun / any exposure
Situation: Plant for pollinators / container / cottage / edging / coastal / wall side borders
Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Purity’
Decorative merits: Tall / Bright green, finely divided, feathery foliage on branching upright stems / pure white, saucer-shaped, daisy-like flowers (summer), with a yellow- button centre.
Height and spread: 1-1.5m / 0.5-1m
Site requirements: Any soil / moist but well-drained / full sun, partial shade / sheltered
Situation: Plant for pollinators / city / cottage / borders / cut flower bed
Zinnia elegans ‘Purple Prince’
Decorative merits: Branching stems bearing opposite leaves / Bright pinkish-purple, fully double, solitary terminal flowerheads 10cm across (summer and autumn)
Height and spread: 0.5-1m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Any soil / moist but weill-drained, well-drained / any exposure
Situation: Plant for pollinators / borders and beds / cut flower / cottage / city
Antirrhinum majus ‘Montego Pink’
Decorative merits: Dwarf, strongly branched plants / simple leaves / Tubular, two-lipped pink flowers with lavender tones and a slight fragrance.
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not clay / not acid / well-drained / full sun / sheltered
Situation: Pollinators / city / patio / borders / cottage
Impatiens walleriana Super Elfin Series
Decorative merits: Spreading plant / simple toothed leaves / Singled, 5-petalled flowers in shades of pink, orange, red and purple
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5
Site requirements: Any soil / moist but well-drained / full shade, partial shade / sheltered
Situation: City / cottage / borders and beds / patio and containers
Tagetes patula ‘Honeycomb’
Decorative merits: Aromatic, pinnately divided leaves / full double, crested flowers / light mahogany-red petals edged with deep yellow
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Not chalk / moist but well-drained, well-drained / full sun / any exposure
Situation: City / cottage / borders / containers / edging / low maintenance / coastal / cut flowers / banks and slopes / low maintenance
Petunia x hybrida (carpet series)
Decorative merits: Simple leaves / Trumpet-shaped flowers (summer and autumn) in shades of red, purple, yellow and white
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5m
Site requirements: Any soil / moist but well-drained, well-drained / sheltered
Situation: city / cottage / borders and beds / containers / edging
Senecio cineraria ‘Silver Dust’
Decorative merits: Ovate, pinnately lobed, strikingly silvery-white leaves / sometimes with loose clusters of yellow daisy-like flowers (summer)
Height and spread: 0.1-0.5m / 0.1-0.5
Site requirements: Any soil / not alkaline / well-drained / full sun / sheltered
Situation: cottage / mediterranean style / city / costal / container / border and bedding