Unclassified Signs And Syndromes Flashcards
Wet Lung Disease
Hypoplasia of the thymus;PTA ,(-) Parathyroid gland
Di George Syndrome
Pneumonia Alba
Syphylitic Pneumonitis
Focal hyperaeration syndrome
Wilson-Mikity syndrome and BPD
Noonan’s syndrome
(+) lymphangiectasia
Pneumomediastinum signs
Angel’s wing, spinnaker,rockerbottom thymus,continuous diaphragm sign
Shaggy heart
Milk allergy
Heiner’s syndrome
Pulmonary fibrosis
Hamman-Rich syndrome
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Surfactant B deficiency disease
Kartagener’s syndrome
Degenerative cilia syndrome + situs inversus
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Oculocutaneous albinism + cerebellar abnormalities
McKusick metaphyseal dyostosis
Cartilage hair hypoplasia
Hypoplastic lung(acquired) sec. to obliterative bronchiolitis sec. to adenovirus
Langerhan’s syndrome
Dumbbell tumor
Floating teeth sign
Histiocytosis X
Steeple sign/funnel sign
Head spasm and neck torticollis + seizure-like
Sandifer’s syndrome
Empty cervix sign
Pyloric stenosis
Carney’s triad
Leiomyoblastoma + Paraganglionoma + pulmonary Chondroma
Rim sign
Duplication cyst
Windsock sign
Colonic atresia
Shortened lead pipe colon
Ulcerative colitis
Alagille’s syndrome
Arteriohepatic dysplasia
Wilm’s tumor + pseudohermaphroditism + nephritis
Cobra head
Heinemann syndrome
Non neurogenic neurogenic bladder
Large Urinary bladder, small colon
Megacystis microcolon intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome
Polydactyly + vaginal atresia +/- imperforate anus +/- sacral dysgenesis +/- esophageal/duodenal atresia +/- CHD +/- malrotation
McKusick-Kaufman syndrome
Calcium in the adrenals
Wolman’s disease
Blount’s disease
Tibial bowing
Wimberger’s sign
Congenital syphilis
Celery stalk appearance
Infantile cortical hyperostosis
Tarsal navicular necrosis
Kohler’s disease
Femoral capital epiphysis necrosis
Legg Calves Perthes disease
2nd metatarsal head necrosis
Frieberg’s disease
Wimberger’s RING, Pelkan spurs
TAR syndrome
Thrombocytopenia with absent radius
Turner’s syndrome in neonate
Bonnevie-ulrich syndrome
Albers-Schomberg disease
Osteopetrosis/marble disease
Jeune’s disease
Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
Retinal detachment , deafness and bony dysplasia
Kniest’s syndrome
Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome
Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia
Engelmann-Camurati disease
Pyle’s disease
Metaphyseal dysplasia
Bird headed dwarf
Seckel syndrome
Goldenhar’s syndrome
Oculoauriculo vertebral syndrome
Cerebral gigantism
Soto syndrome
Cephalo skeletal dysplasia
Taybi Linder syndrome
Facial digital genital syndrome
Aarskog syndrome
Melnick needles syndrome
MMN syndrome
Swachman diamond syndrome
Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome
Gideon syndrome
Long horn,happy moose sign
Agenesis of the corpus callosum