UMKC Spreadsheet Random Part 1 Flashcards
Avulsion Milk is okay transport medium
Blomlof, Lindskog, 1983
Trust the Patient? 37% of time, PT could identify tooth causing pain; usually neighboring tooth
Friend & Glenwright, 1968
Why not apexification Ca(OH)2 for longer than 30 d weakens dentin
History of various methods Vertical compaction demonstrated TWICE the number of lateral and accessory canals and denser fill
Brothman, 1981
Anatomical considerations CT scans of 38 patients; 5% had roots protruding into sinus; 2M closer to sinus than 1M
Eberhart, Torabinejad, 1992
Flexible splint Decribed flexible splint
Antrum, 1982
Apexification 96% healing (Ca(OH)2 long term)
Stressed pulp Stressed-pulp, do endo prior to complex restorative work
Abou-Rass, 1982
Md 2P 90% - 1 canal, 10% - 2 canals
Green, 1955
Bevel on root resection Bevel shouldn’t be greater than depth of retrofill; 3 mm prep provides safe and effective seal even when bevel is 45 degrees
Gagliani, 1998
Methods of vitality testing Drop in pulp temp. safe with CO2 ice, no clinical damage to tooth
Augsburger, Peters 1981
Looking for zebras Sickle cell anemia patient - 8x more likely to have pulpal necrosis of clinically intact tooth
Costa, 2013
IC med ideal properties 10 ideal requirements of IC Med
Grossman, 1944
Nerves of pulp Sprouting, nuerogenic inflammation (CGRP,SP)
Byers, 1988
Membrane needed? No difference between guidor and control with 5 mm cranial defects
Bohning, Jeansonne, 1999
Why necessary? Sealer required as interface between GP and root dentin
Gutmann, 1998
Sinus tract 16 surgical cases of extraradicular lesions, mostly included actinomyces, recommended surgery for eradicating bacteria
Happonen, 1986
E. faecalis E. faecalis is resistant to Ca(OH)2 treatment
Bystrom, 1985
Ortho resorption on RCT teeth Vital teeth had a mean 1.04 mm resorption, and root-treated teeth, 0.82 mm (NS).
Esteves, 2007
Remove smear layer? SEM study showed that final irrigation with NaOCl after EDTA will result in collapse of collagen matrix
Endo vs. Implants NSD between NS RCT and Implant (both had failure rate of 6%)
Doyle, Law, Bowles, 2006
Trephination to relieve pain? Described trephination to relieve pain
Chester, Selman, 1968
Non Endo Pain 10% of MI’s have pain referred to mandible
Drinnan, 1987
Collegues of excellence
Anesthesia (1/50k epi.) Epi 1:50k produces better hemostasis than epi 1:100k (vasoconstriction via Alpha 1 adrenoceptor)
Gutmann, 1993
Anachoresis - supported showed anachoresis in traumatized pulps after systemic IV injection of bugs
Gier, Mitchell, 1968
PAR vs. No PAR 93% w/o PAR, 82% w/PAR
Friedman (2008)
Anachoresis - supported Found bacteria in traumatized teeth with intact crowns and necrotic pulps 64% of time
Bergenholtz, 1974
Mx 2P 65% - 1 canal; 35% - 2 canals
Green, 1955
Sinus tracts Epithelial lined sinus tract 33% (stratified squamous) sometimes, more commonly lined with granulation tissue 67%
Baumgartner, 1984
The 3 D’s (flexible pain control plan) D’s: Diagnosis, definitive treatment, and drugs (page 200 in Dental Pulp, 2nd ed.)
Hargreaves and Keiser
2nd RETX 47% healed
Allen, Newton, Brown
Intentional replant 81% healing
Bender & Rossman
Post op Pain 48% of PT with sealer/GP extrusion had post-obturation pain
Baumgartner, 1983
RETX vs. S RCT Success of RETX + Surgery is 24% higher than Surgery alone
Grung, 1990
History of various methods Canals can get recontaminated in unfilled canal in 2 days
Bystrom, 1981
Cvek Pulpotomy 96% healing (young incisors)
Techniques Anticurvature filing, described danger and safety zones
Abou-Rass, Frank, Glick, 1980
Intraosseous IO+IA=90% numb compared to 42% IA alone
Dunbar and Reader 1996
Diff bact in diff roots of secondary inf Apical bacteria more diverse in primary infections than secondary, diff roots of same teeth with secondary infections displayed low similarity in bacterial composition
Chugal, 2011
Indications 4 indications for Abx: Rapid increase of Signs & Symptoms; anatomical danger zone; disease/drug that compromises immunity; systemic involvement
Harris, Baumgartner
Intentional replantation, 81% success
Bender, Rossman, 1993
Avulsion Don’t do endo before implanting avulsed teeth, replant quickly, open in 7-10 days and place Ca(OH)2 to stop resorption
Andreasen, 1981
Hydrodynamic Theory First developed hydrodynamic theory of pain (popularized by Brannstrom)
Interpretating radiographs PAR in cancellous bone can’t be detected radiographically, had to remove cortical plate
Bender & Seltzer, 1961
PAR vs. No PAR 93% w/o PAR, 69% w/PAR
Friedman, (1995)
Strange morphology Palatal root of Max molars has B hook at apex 90% of time
Bone and Mule
Effect of Endo disease on Perio Found no association between pulp disease and: probing depths, extent of bone loss, and extent of perio disease
Bender, Seltzer, 1972
GI over MTA for immediate restoration GIC can be placed over freshly mixed MTA with minimal effects on MTA properties
Eid, 2012
Md 2M 85% - 3 canals, 5% - 4 canals
Green, 1955
Smoking affects implant and RCT success, and RCT affected by AP, post placement, and overfilling. No sig diff for diabetes, age, gender, or # of endo visits
Doyles, Bowles, 2007
Treatment Tx of internal resorption - 90% successful with nonperforating defect w/1wk of Ca(OH)2 and warm GP; 25% success with perforating defect
Caliskan, Turkun, 1997
C-shaped canals C shape classificatons both in pulp chamber and radiographically
Gutman, Fan 2004- 2006
Ca(OH)6 Long term Ca(OH)2 has increased risk of root fracture
Andreasen, 2002
Gutta-percha Gutta-percha = 65% Zinc oxide, 20% GP, 10% metal sulfates, 5% waxes and resins
Friedman, 1977
Pulpotomy (primary teeth) 84% w/formocresol; 93% with ferric sulfate; 97% with MTA
Fuks, 2008
Visualization Methylene blue can help detect cracks and isthmi at resection level
Cambruzzi, Marshall, 1985
RETX vs. S RCT Did S RCT in cases that had no NS RCT, 50% success, but 90% had bacteria in canals; Can see radiographic success even with bacteria in canals
Danin, 1999
Avulsion Okay to move avulsed tooth orthodontically 3 weeks after accident
Gazit, 1988
RCT during ortho tx Fill with Ca(OH)2 until ortho tx is completed
Hamilton, Gutmann, 1999
Methods of vitality testing Place EPT tip at incisal edge of anterior teeth
Bender, 1989
Lidocaine for blocks (not articaine) Articaine 4x more likely for paresthesia then lidocaine for IA block
Haas, Lennon 1994
Direct Pulp Cap 44.5% failures (18.5% questionable and 37% successful cases) in the 5-yr group and 79.7% failing, 7.3% questionable, and 13% successful cases in the 10-yr group. As a factor of influence, the placement of a definitive restoration within the first 2 days after pulp exposure was found to contribute significantly to the survival rate of these teeth.
Barthel, 2000
How to differentiate? Differentiating between external and internal resorption (symmetry, canal through lesion, etc.)
Gartner, Mack 1976
Anachoresis - refuted In order for anachoresis to occur, you need some tissue in canals; unfilled canals do not become infected from bloodstream
Delivanis, 1984
Maxillary sinus Apex of the MB max 2nd molar closest to sinus floor (mean 1.97 mm) and also P of max 1st molar
Ebenhardt and Torabinejad, 1992
PAR in Vital Teeth? Irreverible pulpitis: PAR visible in 3% of cases (PA), vs. 14% of cases (CBCT)
Abella, 2012
Interpretating radiographs Who’s reading the radiograph: 6 examiners agreed 47% of time (radiographic interpretation), 80% agree with self at later point
Goldman, Pearson, Darzenta, 1972
Horizontal root fracture Four modes of horizontal bone fracture: calcified callus, fibrous callus, bony ingrowth, granulation tissue
Andreasen, 1967
Going long 48% of PT with sealer/GP extrusion had post-obturation pain
Baumgartner, 1983
RETX vs. S RCT NS RETX better success than S RCT (66% vs. 54%)
Allen, 1989
Irrigation methods Closer the needle is to apex, better the irrigation (needle doesn’t irrigate much past the bevel tip)
Abou-Rass, 1982
Necrosis with calcification? 22% of traumatized teeth undergo calcific metamorphosis, only 7% develop necrosis
Andreasen, 1970
Caution with US retroprep US on medium power with water spray reduces incidence of root cracks
Frank, Bakland, 1996
Anachoresis - refuted Against anachoresis. Cat study: IV injection of bacteria did nothing in inflamed pulps
Doyle, Miller, 1981
Ultrasonic activation In vivo (instrumented then extracted): 1 minute use of US activated irrigation improved cleanliness of canals and isthmuses
Burleson, 2007 (Nusstein)
Tetracycline staining? Intentional endo, internal bleaching promising for tetracycline staining
Abou-Rass, 1982
Electronic apex locator EAL accurate even with apical resorption
Goldberg, 2002
Coronal Seal Quality of coronal restoration equally important as root filling at healing apical periodontitis; Systematic review
Gillen, 2011
The 3 D’s (flexible pain control plan) D’s: Diagnosis, definitive treatment, and drugs (page 200 in Dental Pulp, 2nd ed.)
Hargreaves and Keiser
US retroprep In endo surgery, US remove bacteria better than burs
Gutmann, 1994
Lymphatics Demonstrated lymphatics in human pulp
Bernick, 1977
Zones of Fish ICIS = Infection (bacteria, PMNs), Contamination (bacterial toxins, lymphocytes, macrophages), Irritation (macrophages, plasma cells), Stimulation (osteoblasts, fibroblasts)
Fish, 1939
Pulpotomy Advocated partial pulpotomy (removing 1.5-2 mm pulp), even after 72 hr traumatic exposure
Cvek, 1978