Ultra 2.25.14 Flashcards
haulage, carriage
transport charges
gastos de acarreo
well off, affluent
leader, champion
un adalid
training (of an animal)
adiestramiento de animal
to train, to drill
an offense, insult, affront
un agravio
He took it as an insult
Se lo tomó como un agravio
a builder, construction worker, bricklayer
un albañil
rustic, provincial, village (adj)
to encourage sb to do sth
alentar a algn a hacer algo
to provide, contribute
All members will contribute 50 euros monthly
Cada socio aportará cincuenta euros al mes.
to hit the target
atinar en el blanco, dar en el blanco `
he always gets it right
siempre atina
to join, unite
They joined (or: combined) forces and managed to knock down the door.
Aunaron fuerzas y lograron derribar la puerta.
a berry
una baya
a hole 4
un boquete, un hoyo, un agujero, un hueco
a ringleader
un/a cabecilla
town council, lobby, chapter
el cabildo
closed under lock and key
cerrado a cal y canto
foreman, overseer
el/la capataz
the high price/cost of living
la carestía de la vida
a period of shortage
una época de carestía
to gossip
a schism, split
una cisma
the sewer, drain
la cloaca
The wound is consistent with a blow to the head.
La herida es consecuente de un golpe en la cabeza.
He is one of the few politicians who is consistent in his ideology.
Es uno de los pocos políticos que es consecuente con su ideología
Is this theory consistent with the other one?
¿Esta teoría es congruente con la otra?
He is a very consistent worker. He rarely makes mistakes.
Es un trabajador constante. Es raro que cometa errores.
continuous, constant
a crybaby
un/a llorón/a
affected, tacky, kitsch
a decade
un decenio, una década
too much, excess
con/en demasía
the rest
lo demás
otherwise, apart from that
por lo demás
and so forth
y demás
and everything else
y todo lo demás
to provide, afford
to wear out
erosion, wear, wearing away
el desgaste
to gut, disembowel
a skit, act
una dramatización
boarding pass
la tarjeta de embarque
a loan
un empréstito
to fit something into sth
encajar algo en algo
he couldn’t handle the blow
no supo encajar el golpe
to fit into sth
encajar en algo