ultra 2.16.14 Flashcards
to entertain, to fête
They lavished the new president with all kinds of luxuries
Agasajaron al nuevo presidente con toda clase de lujos.
to assault, attack, set upon (phys or verb)
hardened, veteran (adj)
to deserve
to muzzle, to gag,
a gag
una mordaza
to postpone, put off
to dismount, alight, get off
a plough
un arado
a day off
un día de asueto
to take an afternoon off
tomarse una tarde de asueto
to plug, clog up
he got stuck halfway up the climb
se quedó atascado a mitad de la cuesta
to dress up (in)
ataviarse (con, de)
bold, cheeky, daring
to knock down, run over
she was run over by a taxi
la atrepelló un taxi
a bastion
un bastión
a tantrum
un berrinche
to fly into a rage
llevarse un berrinche
he had a tantrum
le dio/hizo/cogió un berrinche
a beret
una boina
a (bank) vault, a safe
una bóveda (de banco)
to exchange, swap, cash in`
After the battle both factions exchanged prisoners
Después de la batalla ambos bandos canjearon prisioneros.
I went to the store to cash in the gift certificate my aunt gave me
Fui a la tienda a canjear el certificado de regalo que me dio mi tía
lack, shortage
la carencia
a total lack of resources
una carencia absoluta de recursos
a float, carriage (parade)
una carroza
el caudillismo
autocratic government
a leader
un caudillo
stock, strain (racial, agricultural)
la cepa
to limit, restrict (2)
coartar, restringir
Dictatorships restrict people’s liberty
Las dictaduras coartan la libertad de las personas.
fang, canine tooth
un colmillo
to show one’s teeth
enseñar los colmillos
the making up, preparation
la confección
spoiled (child)
she’s totally spoiled
es una consentida