Ulrich Zwingli Flashcards
Who was his theology similar to?
Did Luther and Zwingli disagree?
Yes on many points
What leader was Zwingli?
A Swiss Protestant Leader
Is he as famous as Luther or Calvin?
Did he go to university?
What did he serve as?
A parish priest
What kind of support to Zwingli have?
Political support
Who was he more determined than?
What did he maintain obedience to when he preached?
The Bible
What did he argue the authorities should do?
Implement changes to church life
What did he become?
A mercenary soldier
Why did he become disgusted with being a mercenary soldier?
Due to the mass murder of thousands of men at the hands of the Pope
What was he elected?
The people’s priest in Zurich
Where did he preach directly from?
The Bible
What quote highlights how he feels on the Bible?
The word of God will follow its course as surely as the Rhine
What did Zurich’s council actively represent and enforce?
Unity in the church
What did Zwingli say the unity of the church was to him?
Very sacred
What did Zwingli defend as a right for Christians to choose?
To fast or not to fast
What did he join other clergy to try and do?
He tried to enable clergy the right to marry
What did he encourage monks and nuns to do?
Leave their life of solitude
What language was the communion put in?
The language of the vernacular
What did he preach against that were present in the church?
Images in the church
When were the images removed?
Only when the city council had authorized it
When did Latin mass end?
What bread and wine was used during communion?
Ordinary bread and wine
Who did Zwingli have to compete against during this time?
A radical group called the Anabaptists
What were the Anabaptists claiming should not happen?
The baptism of infants
Even though Zwingli defended some of these rights, what was argued he did not do?
He did not go far enough
What did Zwingli believe baptism did for an individual?
It admitted someone to the Christian community
Why did Zwingli defend the right for there to be infant baptism?
As he believed a baptism was God pledging his love for the child which would be returned in their life
What interested Zwingli?
The change in church life as opposed to the development of a theology
Who could accept this reform?
Many Swiss
Who did executions begin against?
The Anabaptists
When the Anabaptists spread who did this lead to a breach with?
The Lutherans
Why did Luther and Zwingli meet?
In order to establish a unity in Protestantism
What did Luther and Zwingli disagree on?
The symbolism used in the Last Supper by Jesus
What did Luther argue Zwingli had become?
Why did he argue Zwingli had been radicalised?
As he could not see the true meaning of the mass and Christ’s presence during it
Who killed Zwingli?
What did the Swiss recognise because of Zwingli and his death?
Each others right to co-exist religiously
Who heard of Zwingli’s death as a relief?
Erasmus and Luther
Was the Swiss Confederation to ever become completely reformed?
Who did Zwingli convert to his point of view?
The city council
What ideology was making an impression on him?
What did Humanism lead Zwingli to question?
What did he write?
The 67 Articles
What were the 67 Articles adopted by Zurich as?
The official doctrine
What was the result of the 67 Articles?
Rapid reform
What become ever more frequent?
Preaching and reading from the Bible
What was frowned on?
Images and relics
What was dissolved?
What was the wealth from the monasteries used to do?
It was used to fund the poor and education
When did Zurich break from Rome?
What became a very simple ceremony?
What did Zwingli support when it came to the Anabaptists?
Their exile
What did the inability to form a Protestant Union show?
How the Catholic’s counter-reformation was having an impact
Who continued his work?
His son in law
What happened in 1524 - 1525?
Steps were taken to remove images, relics and organs from churches
What was mass replaced with?
A simple communion
What was there an introduction of?
Bible readings
Was there a native version of the Bible?
What did Zwingli argue the church was born of?
The word of God
What did he want to be lawful?
Marriage for all
What did Zwingli argue Christ was?
Christ alone is mans righteousness