UKMEC Quiz Flashcards
UKMEC for CHC in hepatocellular adenoma
[3 for progestogen-only methods]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for DMPA in SLE with positive antiphospholipid antibodies
[2 for all progestogen-only methods]
[4 for CHC]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for LNG IUD in focal nodular hyperplasia
2 (same for all hormonal methods, including CHC)
[1 for Cu IUD]
2 (due to absorption, therefore CHC is the same)
UKMEC for CHC in Sickle cell disease
2 (higher VTE risk than patients without sickle cell disease)
[1 for progestogen-only methods]
[2 for Cu IUD due to possible anaemia]
UKMEC for Cu IUD in thalassaemia
[because of anaemia]
[all other methods are UKMEC 1]
UKMEC for CHC in benign focal nodular hyperplasia (liver tumours)
2 (same as all hormonal methods)
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for CHC in SLE without antiphospholipid antibodies
2 (same as all progestogen only methods)
[becomes a 4 WITH antiphospholipid antibodies]
UKMEC for DMPA in thyroid disorders
UKMEC for CHC in medically treated but symptomatic gallbladder disease
3 (2 if treated with cholecystectomy or asymptomatic)
[all progestogen-only methods are a 2 regardless of symptoms or treatment]
UKMEC for implant in asymptomatic gallbladder disease
[2 for all hormonal methods, including CHC]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for CHC in previous obstetric cholestasis
2 (1 for everything else)
UKMEC for commencing CHC in someone who has an acute flare of viral hepatitis
But a 2 for continuing the method
[UKMEC 1 for all other methods with hepatitis, regardless of acuteness/chronicity]
UKMEC for LNG-IUD in someone with severe (decompensated) liver cirrhosis
[3 for all progestogen-only methods]
[4 for CHC]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for implant in someone with past COC related cholestasis
[2 for all progestogen only methods]
[3 for CHC]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for initiating Cu IUD in someone with HIV who has a CD4 count <200
3 (but a 2 for continuining)
Same as LNG IUD
UKMEC for initiating LNG IUD in someone with HIV who has a CD4 count >200
2 (same as Cu IUD)
UKMEC for starting CHC in someone with pelvic tuberculosis
[all are 1 apart from IUCs - they are 4 for initiating, and 3 for continuing)
[all method are a 1 for non-pelvic TB]
UKMEC for initiating Cu IUD in someone with pelvic tuberculosis
But a 3 for continuing
Same as LNG IUD
UKMEC for DMPA in someone with nephropathy/retinopathy/neuropathy in a diabetic
[although clinically this patient probably also has vascular disease?? And UKMEC for DMPA in vascular disease with HTN is a 3]
[2 for all progestogen-only methods]
[3 for CHC]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for CHC in someone with vascular disease who has diabetes
[2 for progestogen only methods]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for fitting a Cu IUD in someone with known uterine fibroids with distortion of the uterine cavity
3 (same for LNG IUD)
UKMEC for fitting an LNG IUD in someone with a previous history of PID
1 (same as Cu IUD)
UKMEC for fitting a Cu IUD in someone with current PID
(but a 2 for continuing)
UKMEC for fitting an LNG IUD in someone with symptomatic chlamydia infection
(but a 2 for continuing, and a 3 if asymptomatic)
UKMEC for fitting a Cu IUD in someone who has purulent cervicitis or gonorrhoea
(but a 2 for continuing)
[GC the UKMEC is 4 regardless of symptoms, CT the UKMEC changes based on symptoms - 4 for symptomatic, 3 for asymptomatic]
UKMEC for fitting an LNG-IUD in someone with vaginitis (including TV and BV)
2 (same as Cu IUD)
UKMEC for fitting an LNG IUD in someone with CIN
[but 1 for Cu IUD]
[also a 2 for DMPA and CHC]
[but a 1 for imp and POP]
UKMEC for giving DMPA in someone with cervical cancer awaiting treatment
[1 for POP only]
[2 for imp and CHC - although personally would argue the VTE risk of having cancer would rule out CHC]
[4 for initiating IUCs, 2 for continuing IUCs]
UKMEC for fitting a Cu IUD in someone who has had a radical trachelectomy for cervical cancer
3 (same as LNG IUD)
[POP is the only UKMEC 1]
[DMPA, Imp, CHC are UKMEC 2]
UKMEC for continuing someone’s CHC if they have an undiagnosed breast mass / breast symptoms
(3 for initiating)
[2 for progestogen only methods - does not specify difference between continuing or initiating]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for CHC in family history of breast cancer
UKMEC for CHC in someone who is a known carrier of BRCA gene
[2 for progestogen only methods]
[1 for Cu IUD]
What is the only UKMEC 1 method in current breast cancer
UKMEC for continuing someone’s Cu IUD after they have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer
[UKMEC 4 for initiating]
UKMEC for CHC in someone with previous ovarian cancer
UKMEC for CHC in someone with idiopathic intracranial hypertension
[1 for everything else]
UKMEC for DMPA in someone with unexplained vaginal bleeding (suspicious for serious condition) before evaluation
3 (same as implant)
UKMEC for Cu IUD in someone with endometriosis
2 (due to increased risk of dysmenorrhoea and IMB/HMB)
UKMEC for LNG IUD in someone with benign ovarian tumours, including cysts
UKMEC for Cu IUD in someone with GTD but has decreasing hCG levels
3 (same as LNG IUD)
[UKMEC 1 for all other methods]
UKMEC for CHC in someone with malignant GTN
1 (?? are these patients at increased risk of VTE though)
UKMEC for CHC in uncomplicated valvular / congenital heart disease
2 (4 when complicated)
[1 for all other methods]
UKMEC for DMPA in someone with complicated valvular or congenital heart disease (i.e. pulmonary HTN or bacterial endocarditis)
1 (same as POP and imp)
[2 for both IUDs]
[4 for CHC]
UKMEC for LNG IUD in someone with complicated valvular or congenital heart disease (i.e. pulmonary HTN or bacterial endocarditis)
2 (same as Cu IUD)
- Doesn’t differentiate between initiation or continuation
[4 for CHC]
[2 for other progestogen-only methods]
UKMEC for CHC in cardiomyopathy with impaired cardiac function
4 (2 if normal cardiac function)
[UKMEC 2 for everything else with impaired function, UKMEC 1 for everything else with normal function]
[2 for all progestogen only methods]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for DMPA in someone with AF
2 (same as imp, POP, IUS)
UKMEC for initiating Cu IUD in someone with AF
1 (but 2 for LNG-IUD)
UKMEC for initiating LNG IUD in someone with known long QT syndrome
(a 1 for continuing)
- same as Cu IUD
[DMPA and CHC are a 2, IMP and POP are a 1]
UKMEC for continuing CHC in someone with severe non-migrainous headaches
2 (would be a 1 for initiating)
UKMEC for continuing CHC in someone with migraine without aura
3 (would be a 2 for initiating)
[POP and Cu IUD are the only ones that are a 1, but POP becomes a 2 for continuing]
UKMEC for CHC in someone who used to have migraines with aura (>5 years ago)
(would be a 4 if current / more recent)
UKMEC for DMPA in someone with a current VTE on anticoagulants
2 (same for POP, imp, IUS)
UKMEC for CHC in family history of VTE (first-degree relative age <45 years)
Would be a 2 if 45 years or older
UKMEC for CHC in someone having major surgery with prolonged immobilisation
(is a 2 without prolonged immobilisation)
UKMEC for implant in someone having major surgery with prolonged immobilisation
2 (same for IUS, POP, DMPA)
UKMEC for CHC in a long-term wheelchair user
UKMEC for CHC for someone with superficial venous thrombosis
UKMEC for CHC in someone with protein C deficiency
4 (any known thombogenic mutations)
[2 for all progestogen only methods]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for DMPA for someone with factor V leiden
2 (same as all hormonal methods apart from CHC)
UKMEC for CHC for BMI 32 with recent bariatric surgery
2 (just depends on their current BMI. Take into account any oral malabsorption issues though)
UKMEC for initiating LNG IUD in someone with a complicated organ transplant
3 (would be a 2 for continuing) - same as Cu IUD
UKMEC 2 if uncomplicated organ transplant
UKMEC for CHC in someone with an uncomplicated renal transplant
2 (would be a 3 if complicated)
UKMEC 2 for all contraceptives in uncomplicated organ transplants
UKMEC for DMPA in someone who smokes, is obese, and has diabetes
3 (i.e. multiple risk factors for CVD)
- The other contraceptive this would be a 3 for is CHC
- The rest hormonal options are UKMEC 2
- Cu IUD is UKMEC 1
UKMEC for DMPA in someone with adequately controlled HTN
2 (1 for other progestogen-only methods, 3 for CHC)
UKMEC for CHC in someone with BP >160/100
[UKMEC 2 for DMPA]
[UKMEC 1 for everything else]
UKMEC for DMPA in someone with known peripheral vascular disease (under the HTN section)
- Would be UKMEC 2 for imp, POP, IUS
- UKMEC 1 for Cu IUD
- UKMEC 4 for CHC
UKMEC for CHC in someone with known vascular disease
[3 for DMPA]
[2 for POP, imp, LNG IUD]
[1 for Cu IUD]
UKMEC for CHC in someone with previous history of high BP during pregnancy
UKMEC for LNG IUD in someone with a history of IHD
2 for initiating
3 for continuing
UKMEC for implant in someone with a history of TIA
2 for initiating
3 for continuing
(Same as IHD. Same as POP)
UKMEC for DMPA in history of TIA
3 (same as IHD)
DMPA is the only progestogen-only method where it is a 3 for both initiating AND continuing
UKMEC for CHC in someone with known dyslipidaemia
2 (same as all hormonal contraceptives)
UKMEC for Cu IUD in someone who is 27 days post partum
UKMEC for CHC in a smoker who is 32 years old
2 (any number of cigarettes)
UKMEC for CHC in someone who is 36 and only smokes 2 a day
3 (would be 4 if smokes more than 15 a day)
UKMEC for CHC in someone who is 40 but stopped smoking 18 months ago
2 (becomes a 2 when stopped ≥1 year ago. Is a 3 if stopped <1 year ago)
UKMEC for CHC based on BMI
- BMI ≥30-34 = UKMEC 2
- BMI ≥35 = UKMEC 3
UKMEC for CHC in someone who is 5 weeks post partum and breastfeeding
4 (turns to 2 once over 6 weeks and still breastfeeding, and turns to a 1 once 6 months post partum)
UKMEC for DMPA in someone who is 5 weeks post partum and breastfeeding
UKMEC for CHC who is 5 days post partum but VTE score of 0 and not breastfeeding
3 (turns to a 4 if any additional VTE risk factors)
UKMEC for CHC in someone who is 4 weeks post partum but VTE score of 0 and not breastfeeding
2 (would be a 3 if additional VTE risk factors)
- If NOT breast feeding, and no VTE risk factors, and >3 but <6 weeks post-partum, UKMEC 2
- If NOT breast feeding, but VTE risk factors, and >3 but <6 weeks post-partum, UKMEC 3
- UKMEC 1 once over 6 weeks and NOT breastfeeding
UKMEC for DMPA in someone who is 4 weeks post partum and has a VTE score of 3 but is not breastfeeding
2 (would be a 1 without additional VTE risk factors)
List the UKMEC 4s for POP
Current breast cancer
List the UKMEC 3s for POP
- Hepatocellular adenoma
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Severe (decompensated) liver cirrhosis
- Past breast cancer
- Continuation of with stroke / IHD
List the UKMEC 4s for progestogen only injection
Current breast cancer
List the UKMEC 3s for progestogen only injection
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- Hepatocellula adenoma
- Severe (decompensated) liver cirrhosis
- Past breast cancer
- Unexplained vaginal bleeding (suspicious for serious pathology)
- Stroke
- Vascular disease
- Multiple risk factors for CVD
UKMEC for LNG IUD insertion in under 20s
- 2 if <20
- 1 if ≥20
- Same for Cu IUD
UKMEC for DMPA by age
- menarche to <18 = UKMEC 2
- 15-45 = UKMEC 1
- > 45 = UKMEC 2
[and advise a woman over 50 stop DMPA, although not in UKMEC specifically]
UKMEC for age in CHC
- Menarche to <40 = 1
- ≥40 = 2
[and advise someone over 50 to stop CHC, although not in UKMEC specifically]
UKMEC for IUDs in nulliparous women
UKMEC for IUD in past ectopic pregnancy
UKMEC for IUC in history of pelvic surgery
List the UKMEC 4s for implant
Current breast cancer
List the UKMEC 3s for implant
- Continuing if has IHD or stroke whilst using it
- Unexplained vaginal bleeding suspicious for serious condition
- Past breast cancer
- Severe (decompensated) liver cirrhosis
- Hepatocellular adenoma
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
List the UKMEC 4s for CHC
- Breastfeeding and <6 weeks post partum
- Not breast feeding, under 3 weeks post partum with VTE risk factors
- Age ≥35 and smokes ≥15 cigarettes a day
- BP ≥160/100
- Vascular disease with HTN
- History IHD or stroke
- History / current VTE
- Major surgery with prolonged immobilisation
- Known thrombogenic mutations
- Complicated valvular and CHD
- Cardiomyopathy with impaired cardiac function
- Migraine with aura, any age
- Current breast cancer
- Severe, decompensated liver cirrhosis
- Hepatocellular adenoma
- Hepatocellular carcinoma
- SLE with positive antiphospholipid antibodies
- Positive antiphospholipid antibodies
List the UKMEC 3s for CHC
- Not breast feeding, no VTE risk factors, but under 3 weeks post partum
- Not breast feeding, has VTE risk factors, 3-6 weeks postpartum
- Age ≥35 and smokes <15 cigarettes a day
- Age ≥35 and stopped smoking <1 year ago
- BMI ≥35
- Complicated organ transplant
- Multiple risk factors for CVD
- Adequately controlled HTN
- BP >140/90
- First degree relative FH VTE <45
- Immobility (wheelchair use e.g.)
- Continuing if develops migraine without aura
- History (≥5 years ago) migraine with aura
- Initiating with undiagnosed breast mass/symptoms
- BRCA carrier
- Past breast cancer
- Nephropathy/retinopathy/neuropathy secondary to diabetes
- Other vascular disease secondary to diabetes
- Medically treated / current gallbladder disease
- Past COC related cholestasis
- Initiating in acute flare of viral hepatitis
List the UKMEC 4s for Cu IUD
- Postpartum sepsis
- Post-abortion sepsis
- Unexplained vaginal bleeding suspicious for serious condition (initiation)
- Persistently elevated hCG levels or GTN
- Awaiting treatment for cervical cancer (initiation)
- Endometrial cancer (initiation)
- PID (initiation)
- Symptomatic CT (initiation)
- GC or purulent cervicitis (initiation)
- Pelvic TB (initiation)
List the UKMEC 3s for Cu IUD
- 48 hours - <4 weeks post partum
- Initiating with complicated organ transplant
- Initiating with prolonged QT
- Decreasing hCG levels (GTD)
- Post radical trachelectomy for cervical cancer
- Distortion of uterine cavity (fibroids or anatomical abnormalities)
- Asymptomatic chlamydia
- Initiating HIV CD4 count <200
- Continuing in pelvic TB
List the UKMEC 4s for LNG IUD
- Postpartum sepsis
- Post abortion sepsis
- Initiating in unexplained vaginal bleeding suspicious for serious condition
- Persistently elevated hCG levels / malignant GTN
- Initiating cervical cancer awaiting treatment
- Current breast cancer
- Initiating current endometrial cancer
- Initiating current PID
- Initiating symptomatic CT
- Initiating GC or purulent cervicitis
- Initiating pelvic TB
List the UKMEC 3s for LNG IUD
- 48 hours to <4 weeks post partum
- Initiating in complicated organ transplant
- Continuing if IHD/stroke occurs during use
- Initiating in prolonged QT
- Decreasing hCG levels (GTD)
- Post radical trachelectomy for cervical cancer
- Past breast cancer
- Distortion of uterine cavity (fibroids or anatomical abnormality)
- Asymptomatic chlamydia infection
- HIV CD4 count <200 (initiating)
- Continuing pelvic TB
- Severe, decompensated liver cirrhosis
- Hepatocellular adenoma
- Hepatocellular carcinoma