Safeguarding Flashcards
What is the Care Act 2014?
- Legal framework for safeguarding adults
- Adult safeguarding = working with an individual to protect their right to live free from abuse, harm and neglect
- Respecting their rights and choices
- Right are underpinned by the Human Rights Act 1998
What does ‘making safeguarding personal’ mean?
- Person-centred approach which achieves the outcomes that the adult wants
What are Safeguarding Adult Reviews?
- Multi-Agency process
- Determines what relevant agencies and individuals could have done differently to prevent the serious harm or death of an adult from taking place
What is a safeguarding adult board?
- They provide leadership and oversight of adult safeguarding in their area
- Includes providing local guidance and procedures for safeguarding adults
Who does the Care Act 2014 apply to?
Any adult, aged 18 or over, who
- Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs)
- Is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse and neglect
- As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or experience of, abuse and neglect
What are the 6 key principles of Safeguarding defined by the Care Act 2014
- Empowerment
- Prevention
- Proportionality
- Protection
- Partnership
- Accountability
What is the trilogy of risk?
Mental health, domestic abuse, substance misuse
General actions if you have an adult safeguarding concern?
- Is there an acute medical need
- Explain concerns to patient
- Involve senior staff (i.e. consultant, nurse-in-charge, matron etc)
- Do the police need to be called (i.e. immediate danger, a crime has been committed
- Safeguarding referral as per local protocol (call the team for advice, follow-up with online referral / email)
- Speak to adult social care?
What is a safeguarding adults enquiry?
- Performed after a safeguarding concern / flag has been raised in response to abuse or neglect
- ‘Section 42 enquiry’ of the Care Act 2014
- Instigated by the local authority
Can an enquiry be done without consent of the person involved?
- When the adult lacks the mental capacity to consent to an enquiry, even after all practicable measures to maximise capacity have been carried out
- When it’s in the best interests of the adult
- When there is an overriding public interest due to others being at risk
What is MARAC?
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference
- Risk management meeting where professionals discuss a case of domestic abuse
What is the Mental Capacity Act 2005?
- Presumption in law that anyone over the age of 16 is able to make their own decisions about their lives, regardless of their medical conditions, age or appearance
- Just because we make a decision that other people think is unwise, that cannot itself be used to say we lack capacity, although unwise decisions may indicate that an assessment of capacity is required
What is the Liberty Protection Safeguards 2020?
- The old DOLS (deprivation of liberty safeguards)
If there is an adult who is subject to a safeguarding enquiry, who must be assigned to them?
Independent advocate
What are your responsibilities when you have a safeguarding concern?
- Are emergency services required?
- Ensure safety and wellbeing of the individual
- Establish the wishes of the individual about the safeguarding concern and procedure
- Maintain any evidence / good documentation
- Follow local procedures for reporting
- ## Inform the person you are required to report, what it is you’re reporting and why