Uk human evolving landscape Flashcards
What is the population density like in the urban core ?
Age structure ?
Economic activity?
Settlement ?
High,over 200 people per km
Many young adults ,many single people
Retailing large shops ,offices,headquarters,cultural centeres
Mix of low and high rising buildings ,
Property often more expensive
Population density in Rural areas ?
Age structure
Economic activities
Low 1-100 people per km
Older married people
Farming ,fishing ,mining
working from home-IT ,Tourism,renewable energies
Low-rise buildings ,Property generally cheaper .
Which areas tend to be assisted areas ?
What does the European regional development fund do ?
Largely rural areas as there are lack of jobs but also urbanised formal industrial areas where decline of industries have casued poverty and unemployment
supports economic regenration , improved communications and safeguarding jobs
National migration
Two main type of national migration?
Retirement migration effect on host area?
Retirement migration -impact on host areas it adds large numbers of old people meaning increase pressure on Health services and prices of houses
Rural to urban migration -few job opportunities
International migration
What may the government do when there is a shortage of labour ?
What are the impacts of international migration ?3
When there is a shortage of labour Uk government may encourage immigration from former colonies .
-provide new source of skilled and unskilled labour
-increase population density putting pressure on services
-Can affect population demographics as many migrants are young and have children young
North east-poor
Why have industries declined ?
What sector has led to improvement
Place example
The economy used to be dominated by heavy industry . Industries have declined because of foreign competition and high land and labour cost .
Primary industry based on agriculture
However growth in tertiary activities has led to improvements
South east
What is located here ?
What industry is growing rapidly here
What is the region an important center of?
place ex
Some of the most prosperous farms are located here (fruit and wheat)
Manufacturing industry is growing rapidly here (oil refineries)
Region is a very important centre for tertiary and quaternary industries(financial)
Why is the south east so attractive to industries?
markets and labor
Transport-network of motorways (M25)
Four major airports, Ports important for the movement of bulky items.
Close to decision-making centre of London.
Close to the channel tunnel giving access to Europe.
Wealthiest area ,Skilled local labor force
Globalization definition?
What are the three key elements of the global economy?
The process through which countries are becoming more interconnected through trade , migration,technology and culture.
Networks-linking countries together through internet ,trading blocs
Flows-goods and services
Global players -TNCS and world trade organisations
What is Privatization?
What are the effects of privatization?
give an example 3
- Essential services that are taken over by a private company from the government.
Increased FDI-countries want to invest in private firms
increased competition
increased foreign ownership of uk owned firms
What does free trade allow?
Why do firms want to take part of international trade?
free movements of goods and services all for good and services to be cheaper
Firms want to take part in international trade to increase profits and increase the market for a firm
What is FDI?
What are TNCS?
- When a business or person in one country invests in a business
located in a different country.
Large companies that operate in a range of different countries
Where is London located ?
What was london orginally ?
Population ?
London is located in South east england
London was originally used as a port .
Now is Uks wealthiest and largest city
Young and diverse population.8.5 million
Qualative data?
Quantitative data
is descriptive data eg big house
Quantitative data = is measurable data
Describes the land it is built on -eg on a hill or in a sheltered valley.
this describes where the settlement is in relation to other settlements and the features of the surrounding area g is the settlement surrounded by forest or is it next to a large city?
How is the Burgues model structured?
What is the CBD like ?
land value
CBD,inner city ,inner suburbs,outer suburbs .
commercial centre of an area ;main shops ,financial institutions.
Most accessible part of the city
High land value; buildings tend to be tall and building density is high
Inner city
land value
population density
During the industrial revolution people who worked in factories needed to live near factories ,they built tightly packed terraced housing next center.
land values remain high especially if gentrification has occurred.
very high population density
It’s away from center of town or city
Private semi-detached houses with front gardens and garages
medium population density
building density is low
What was stratford before ,how did this all change ?
Why was tower of hamlets in dire need of regeneration?
It was a brownfield site that had suffered from deindustrialization.
Olympics was held here which caused the regeneration of this area
Industrial wasteland,lots of abandoned industrial areas , Low gcse point scores, higher unemployment,lower household income
What is urban regeneration ?
When an urban area is upgraded
negatives -had to pay extra 1 billion in taxes
land value goes up so resturants shops more expenisve
housing more expensive displacing poorer people