UE XR Flashcards
Posterior Long Arm Splint
- Indications
- Procedure
- Postioning
- Olecranon, humus and radial head/neck fractures
- Start at posterior proximal arm => down ulnar forearm => end at MCP
- Postioning
- Flex elbow 90
- Position forearm neutral with thumb pointing up
- Extend wrist 10-20, like holding a can
Volar Splint
- Indications
- Procedure
- Positioning
- Soft tissue injuries of the hand and wrist
- Fracture to carpal bone
- Frature to 2nd - 5th metacarpal head fractures
- Procedure:*
- Start at metacarpal heads and end at distal forearm
- Positioning:*
- Forearm in neutral position with thumb pointing up
- Wrist extended 10-20° (as if holding a can)
Sugar tong splint:
- Indications
- Procedure
- Positioning
- Indications:*
- Ffracture to distal radius and/or ulna fracture
- Procedure:*
- Start at dorsal metacarpal heads => end at volar MCP joints
- Positioning:*
- Elbow flex to 90°
- Forearm in neutral position with thumb up
- Wrist extended 10-20° (as if holding a can)
Double Sugar tong splint:
- Indications
- Procedure
- Positioning
Complex and unstable forearm fractures
Elbow fractures
Forearm sugar tong splint (place first): start at dorsal metacarpal heads and end at volar MCP Joints
Arm sugar tong splint: start at medial proximal humerus, wrap around elbow, end at lateral proximal humerus
- Elbow flex 90°
- Forearm in neutral position with thumb up
- Wrist extended 10-20° (as if holding a can)
Radial Gutter Splint
- Indication
- Procedure
- Positioning
- Indications:
- Fracture/ST injury to 2nd and 3rd fingers
- Fracture to neck/shaft/base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal
- Start at radial side of mid-forearm, end at mid distal phalanx of 2nd and 3rd digits
- Forearm in neutral position
- Wrist extended 10-20° (as if holding a can)
- Thumb AB-ducted
- MCP flexed 50-70° (90° for metacarpal neck fractures)
Thumb Sica Splint
- Indication
- Procedure
- Positioning
- Indications:
- Injuries to scaphoid, lunate, thumb and 1st metacarpal
- Game keepers/skiers thumb
- de Quervain’s tenosynovitis
- Start at mid distal phalanx of thumb => end at mid-forearm
- Forearm in neutral position
- Wrist extended 10-20° (as if holding a can)
- Thumb AB-ducted (as if holding wine glas)
Ulnar Gutter Splint
- Indication
- Procedure
- Positioning
- Fracture to 5th finger/ST injuries
- Fracture of neck, shaft, base of 4th/5th metacarpal
- Start at at ulnar side of mid-forearm => end at mid distal phalanx of 4th and 5th digits
- Forearm in neutral position
- Wrist extended 10-20° (as if holding a can)
- MCP is flexed 50-70 (90 for boxers fx)
- PIP and DIP flexed 5-10
Mallet Splint
- Indication
- Procedure
- Positioning
- Injury to Mallet Finger
- Splint only the DIP on dorsal side
- Full extension (NOT hyperextension)
Finger Splint
- Indication
- Procedure
- Positioning
- Fracture/dislocation to phalynx
- PIP/MCP dislocations
- Injuries to tendon
- Typically use prefabricated splint or cut splinting material to proper size
- Can be placed on dorsal or volar side, extending from fingertip to mid-hand or distal forearm depending on the joints requiring immobilization
- MCP is flexed 50
- PIP and DIP flexed 15-20
- To repair tendon: splint should be either in flexion or extension
type of XR for elbow
AP and lateral with elbow flexed
type of XR for forearm
AP and lateral
Type of XR for wrist
AP, lateral and oblique
(the oblique view is helpful for curved or overlapping joints)