Neurologic Evaluation w/Mental Status Flashcards
Purpose of Glasgow Coma Scale
Assess level of consciousness
in patients with TBI and to define broad categories of head injury
Grading for Glasgow coma scale is based on what
3 parameters:
- E: Eye opening (graded 1-4; no eye opening - spontaneous)
· 2 = opens to pain
· 3 = opens to verbal command
- V: Best verbal response (1-5; no verbal response – oriented)
- M: Best motor response (1-6; no motor response – obeys command)
Nl level of consciousness =
- hyperalert level of consciousness
- drowsy, but easily aroused\
- arousable, but responds slowly and is somewhat confused
- difficult to arouse
- unarousable
- vigilant
- lethargic
- obtunded
- stupor
- coma
how to conduct GSC
- 1. Ask to open eyes
- 2. squeeze trapezium and score response
- 3. apply pressure on supra-orbital ridge
- 4. firm-nail bed pressure
CAM diagnosis
what is it used for?
Who is it scored?
- CAM = used to diagnosis delirium
- diagnosis requires presence of 1 AND 2; either 3 OR 4
- 1. Acute onset of fluctuating course: acute change from BL?
- 2. Inattention
- 3. Disorganized thinking: is pts thinking disorganized or incoherent
- 4. Altered level of consciouness
- diagnosis requires presence of 1 AND 2; either 3 OR 4
PE for patients with acute change in MS
- First, ABCs to make patient is stable
Full head => toe exam, making sure to pay atn to
- CN
- Fundascopic exam
- Strength
- Sensation
Tests for meningeal irritation
- Nuchal rigidity
- Brudzinki
- Kernig
Nuchal rigidity
Patient is unable to touch chin to chest either actively or passively.
Dx = meningeal irritation
Brudzinki’s Test
Patient lies supine. When the head is elevated, the knees involuntary flexing the knees and hips in an attempt to relieve the pain caused by meningeal irritation.
Dx: Meningeal Irritation
Kernig test
- Patient is supine.
- Hip and knee begin in the flexed position.
- When the knee is extended ==> back pain=> meningeal irritation.
- Returning to knee flexion relieves the pain.
Dx: Meningeal irritation
Decorticate posturing
Flexed posture
- Upper arms are held tightly to side of body
- Elbows, wrists, fingers = flexed
- Feet = plantar flexed
- Legs = extended and IR
- Fine tremors or intense stiffness may be present
Decerebrate posturing
- Arms are fully extended
- Forearms pronated.
- Wrists and fingers are flexed and jaw is clenched.
- Neck is extended and back may be arched.
- Feet are plantar flexed
Babinski reflex
Stimulation of the plantar aspect of the foot
- NL=> big toe plantarflexion of the big toe.
- babinksi => big toe dorsiflexes
Indicates= CNS lesion affecting the corticospinal tract.
Pronator Drift
- Patient extends arm , palms up and closes their eyes for 20 – 30 seconds.
- Close eyes and try to maintain arm positions.
- (+) sign = one arm drifts downward.
Tests for lesions in corticospinal tract lesions in the contralateral hemisphere. (upper motor neuron)
Dx: Mild hemiparesis or CVA