UE Surface Anatomy Flashcards
Sternoclavicular Joint
lateral to sternal notch
Sternal Notch
superior sternum
Sternal Angle
bump inferior to notch; where 2nd rib attaches
bottom of sternum
1st Rib
press inferiorly below medial end of clavicle
2nd Rib
opposite the sternal angle
C1 Vertebrae
Hollow below external occipital protuberance;
Transverse process is below and anterior to tip of mastoid process
C2 Vertebrae
2 finger widths below external occipital protuberance
C7 & T1 Vertebrae
Largest protrustion at base of cervical spine is usually C7 followed by T1
C6 Vertebrae
Locate C7, palpate for C6 with index finger. Flex and extend neck. C6 moves away with extension and back with flexion.
C5 Vertebrae
C5 is a finger’s width above C6.
T2 Vertebrae
level of superior angle of scapula
level of root of the spine of the scapula
level of inferior angle of the scapula
L4 L5 Interspace
level of superior border of iliac crests
Two dimples at inferior back; S2 is the line conncting the two PSIS’s
bilaterally on frontal plane of inferior trunk
Iliac Crest
L4-L5 level, palpate from ASIS to PSIS
Vertebral Border of Scapula
Arm in small of back; 2 inches from spinous processes
Inferior Angle of Scapula
Arm in small of back, bottom of scapula at level of T7
Superior Medial Angle of the Scapula
Arm in small of back, covered by levator scapulae
Spine of Scapula
From acromion to end with smooth flat triangle
Upper Trapezius
Resisted shoulder shrug; occiput to clavicle
Middle Trapezius
Arms out and up, resist scapular adduction; palpate between acromion process and and spine
Lower Trapezius
superman arms (extend and elevate) against resistance; palpate medial to inferior angle
Arm in small of back, elbow pushes up; push next to inferior angle
Below spine of scapula; externally rotate
Acromion Process
follow clavicle out to the flat part; lateral point of shoulder
Medial 2/3 convex; Lateral 1/3 is concave
Coracoid Process
Follow clavicle out, press laterally and posteriorly