UE Joints II - Wrist And Hand Flashcards
Describe the 3 joints associated with the radius and ulna?
Proximal: pivot type with radial head articulating with radial notch of ulna
Middle: interosseous membrane
Distal: round head of ulna articulating with notch of radius
What ligament is associated with the proximal joint between the radius, ulna, and humerus?
Annular ligament
What ligament is associated with the distal joint between the radius and ulna (aka the round head of the ulna articulating with the notch of the radius)?
Radioulnar ligament
What motions are present via the 3 radioulnar joints?
Pronation and supination
During pronation and supination of the radioulnar joints, what is the bone that rotates?
Supination of the radioulnar joints is primarily driven by which 2 muscles?
Supinator m.
Biceps brachii m.
Pronation of the radioulnar joints is primarily driven by which 2 muscles?
Pronator quadratus m.
Pronator teres m.
What are the 3 joints of the wrist?
Radiocarpal joint
Intercarpal joint
Carpometacarpal joint
Wrist movements include flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation (a combination of the first 4 movements).
Which motion is more prominent at the mid-carpal joint?
Wrist movements include flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation (a combination of the first 4 movements).
Which motion is more prominent at the radiocarpal joint?
Wrist movements include flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation (a combination of the first 4 movements).
Which motion is considered radial deviation?
Wrist movements include flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation (a combination of the first 4 movements).
Which motion is considered ulnar deviation?
How is the wrist joint classified?
Condyloid synovial joint
What are the bones involved in the wrist joint?
Styloid process of ulna
3 carpal bones: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum
What 2 ligaments are associated with the wrist joint?
Intercarpal ligament
Metacarpal ligaments
What are the roles of the palmar and dorsal transverse metacarpal ligaments in the wrist joint?
Stabilize metacarpal heads
What 2 ligaments contribute to wrist stability?
Ulnar collateral ligament of wrist
Radial collateral ligament of wrist
The ulnar collateral ligament of the wrist connects what 2 bones?
Ulna styloid process to triquetrum
The radial collateral ligament of the wrist connects what 2 bones?
Radial styloid process to scaphoid
What ligament forms the carpal tunnel?
Transverse carpal ligament (aka flexor retinaculum)
What are the contents of the carpal tunnel?
Median n.
9 flexor tendons of digits
Aside from the carpal tunnel, what other anatomical “tunnel” is associated with the wrist joint?
Ulnar tunnel
What ligaments are involved in forming the ulnar tunnel
Palmar carpal ligament
Transverse carpal ligament
What are the contents of the ulnar tunnel?
Ulnar n.
Ulnar a.