UE Flashcards
What two parts of the AC joint must you palpate?
- Acromion process
2. Coracoid process
WHat is this test: arm extended in full supination with shoulder flexed. Elevate arm against resistance?
What epicondyle is involved in golfers elbow?
What are the muscles of the rotator cuff
Teres minor
What muscle group attaches to the medial epicondyle?
Flexor/pronator group
What causes a winged scapula?
Paralysis of serrated anterior due to long thoracic nerve lesion
What is broken in a colle’s fracture
Distal radius (dinner fork abnormality)
What is this test:Passive flexion with arm probated and scapoula is stabilized
Neers “near to the ear”
What is finkelstein’s test?
Fist over thumb and ulnar deviation
What score would movement with full resistance receive?
What is this test: flexion of elbow and shoulder to 90* in pronation, then assist patient into internal rotation assessing for pain?
Hawkins test (chicken wing)
What score would movement against gravity only receive?
What score would visible contraction, no joint movement receive?
How would you test median nerve motor function?
Making three sign or OK sign]
What score would no muscle contraction receive?
What two tests test for glenohumeral instability?
Sulcus sign
Apprehension and Relocation Test
What rotator cuff muscle does internal rotation
What nerve does most of the back of the hand and the side of the thumb (minus finger tips)
What nerve does sensory for the whole pinky finger and half of the 4th finger
What is nursemaids’ elbow
Subluxation/dislocation of radial head
What are the bony landmarks of the shoulder
AC joint
Bicipital groove
What type of arthritis usually involves radial deviation?
What direction are glenohumeral joints dislocated in 95% of the time?
heberden’s nodes are characteristic of which type of arthritis
What is a Boutonnière deformity?
Flexion of PIP joint with hyperextension of DIP joint
What tests are done to assess for rotator cuff tears
Empty Can
Gerber’s lift off
Drop Arm
What causes de Quervain’s tenosynovitis/
Repetitive gripping
Commonly seen in students, athletes, and moms
How would you test motor function of ulnar nerve?
Spreading fingers apart
What two tests are for the biceps tendon?
What is a postive Finkelstein test indicative of
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
What epicondyle is involved in tennis elbow?
What nerve is in the carpal tunnel
How would you test motor function of radial nerve
Wrist extension (revving motorcycle)
What might indicate a scaphoid fracture?
a tender anatomical snuffbox
What score would joint movement but only without gravity receive?
What is olecranon bursitis?
Inflammation of the bursa with fluid accumulation due to trauma or infection. May be hot/painful.
What are the borders of the anatomical snuffbox
Lateral: Extensor pollicis brevis Abductor Pollicis longus Medial: Extensor pollicis longus
What would a positive empty can test indicate?
Supraspinatus injury/tear
What test might you do if you suspected adhesive capsulitis?
Apley scratch test
What is this test: provider passively abducts arm to 120 degrees and asks patient to slowly lower it
Drop Arm test
What type of arthritis usually involves ulnar deviation?
What is a Swan neck deformity
Hyperextensin of PIP joint and flexion of DIP joint
What is a normal capillary refill time
Under 2 seconds
What are ganglion cysts
Collection of synovial fluids within a joint or tendon sheath
Which type of node is more common with RA but can appear in both RA and OA?
What does a positive Hawkins test indicate
Supraspinatus tendon impingement
What is adhesive capsulitis
Frozen shoulder. Pt literally can’t move arm that way, has nothing to do with pain.
Mechanical restriction
What rotator cuff muscles do external rotation
Infraspinatus 80%
Teres minor 20%
What is the scoring range fro muscle strength?
Who gets nursemaid’s elbow
Kids age 1-4
What test is this: place hand on back with shoulder internally rotated. Then have pt push against your hand.
Gerber’s Lift Off Test
What is this test: elbow flex at 90* with forearm pronated. Supinate forearm and externally rotate humerus against resistance
Yergason (ask them to try to hit you while they supinate)
What muscle group attaches to the lateral condyle
Extensor/supinator group
What does a positive gerbers lift off test indicate
Subscapularis injury tear
What does a positive drop arm test indicate
Rotator cuff tear
What Rotator cuff muscles does abduction
Where are Bouchard’s nodes?
PIP joints
What nerve is usually assessed with Tinel’s sign?
Median nerve to assess for carpal tunnel
What is Tinel’s sign
tapping over a nerve and looking for tingling in the distribution of that nerve
What is de Quervain’s tenosynovitis
Inflammation of the 1st Dorsal Compartment involving sheaths of APL and EPB
What part of the hand will atrophy with carpal tunnel syndrome?
Thenar eminence
What score would movement with some resistance receive?
What test is this: elevate arms to 90*, slightly away from midline, rotate arms medially (thumbs down). Pt asked to resist providers downward pressure.
Empty Can test
What nerve does most of the palm and the tips of first 3.5 fingers?
Where are Heberden’s nodes
Dorsolateral aspects of DIP joints
What two tests are done for carpal tunnel
What is Phalen’s test
Flexing the wrists together in “praying” or backs of hands together for 30-60 seconds assessing for tingling in the median nerve distribution
What does a positive Neer’s sign mean
Sub acromion impingement