Ue Flashcards
Treatment options for acute AC joint injuries type I and II.
- Rest ice nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- sling for comfort
- avoid heavy lifting in contact sports
- shoulder girdle complex strengthening -return to play with patients asymptomatic with full range of motion
-type one: two weeks
Type 2:6 weeks.
How many degrees glenohumeral motion for everyone degree of scapulothoracic motion in arm abduction?
2 GH:1 St motion
Treatment of AC joint injuries type III (controversial)
- Conservative or surgical route depends on patients need (occupation or sports) for part particular shoulder stability.
- Surgical for those indicated (heavy labor, athletes)
- generally no functional advantage is seen between the two treatment regimens
Treatment for acute AC joint injury type 4-6
Recommend surgery: ORIF or distal clavicle resection with reconstruction of the cc ligament.
Describe a mallet finger
Mallet Finger occurs when a sudden unexpected passive flexion occurs at the DIP joint. This results in an avulsion fracture fragment of bone from the base of a distal phalanx into which the extensor tendon inserts.
How do you treat Malet Finger?
Treat by splinting to immobilize the distal phalanx in hyperextension
- acute need splinting for six weeks
- chronic splinting for 12 weeks
-surgical indications: poor Volar subluxation, avulsion greater than one third of the bone
Describe Boutonnière deformity
Hyperextension at the MCP joint, flexion at the PIP joint and extension at the DIP joint caused by weakness/tearing of the distal extensor hood, which allows the lateral band to slip down and flex the PIP joint.
Describe a swan neck deformity.
A swan neck deformity occurs as a result of contractures and shortening of the intrinsic muscles causing flexion at the MCP joint,
Hyperextension at the PIP joint,
and flexion at the DIP joint.
How does distance between the humeral head and achromion lend to the diagnosis of rotator cuff tear?
The thickness of supraspinatus is roughly 6 mm. If there is less than this difference, that indicates the tendon is not present between via chromium and the humeral head.
What does PIN innervate?
- supinator
What exam finding would you have in PIN syndrome?
The pseudo-claw- hand deformity maybe demonstrated due to finger extensor weakness.
- Radial deviation is noted with wrist extension (ECU weakness) and sensation is spared
- Macebearer supinator
-always spares brachioradialis triceps DCR-L, DCR-B, and Anconeus
What are the medial rotators of the hip?
- tensor fasciae of superior gluteal nerve
- adductor Magnus, longus, and brevis
- adductor Magnus is obturator and sciatica tibial division
- adductor longus and brevis are obturator
- gluteus medius superior gluteal Nerve
- gluteus minimus superior gluteal nerve
- Gracilis obturator
- semi tendinosis sciatic nerve tibial division
- semi-membranous sciatic nerve tibial division.
What tendons form the anatomical snuff box?
Medial= EPL
Lateral =EPB & APL
Floor is scaphoid and trapezium
Proximal= head of radius
But hand injury for cyclists frequently have?
Ulnar nerve injury at Guyon’s canal resulting in hand weakness decreased sensation of the hand volar surface of fourth and fifth digit
Name the hip flexors
Iliopsoas from the femoral nerve
- Sartorius femoral Nerve
- rectus femoris femoral Nerve
- pectineus femoral Nerve L2-L4
- Tfl superior gluteal L4, five S-1
- adductor brevis , obturator
- adductor longus obturator
- . adductor Magnus obturator and sciatic nerves L2- S1
Hip adductors
Chrysalis obturator nerve
- pectin this femoral nerve
- adductor longest Obturator Nerve
- adductor brevis Obturator
- adductor. Magnus Bob Obturator and (tibial)sciatic nerves
Strongest shoulder muscles
Adductors, extensors, flexors, abductors, internal rotators, external rotators,
It’s tendons run through the carpal tunnel?
Fds, fdp, fpl with median nerve