udemy ielts course Flashcards
surpassing (adj)
more impressive than anything else of its kind
SYNONYM : incomparable, outstanding
>scenery of surpassing beauty
fluctuate (v)
to change frequently in size, amount, quality, etc., especially from one extreme to another (dalgalanma)
SYNONYM : vary
>fluctuating prices
accurately (adv)
in a way that is correct and true in every detail
>The article accurately reflects public opinion.
in an exact way
>Quantities must be measured accurately.
punctuation (n)
punctuation mark: the marks used in writing that divide sentences and phrases; the system of using these marks (noktalama işareti)
adequate (adj)
enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need
>They’ll need an adequate supply of hot water.
collocation (n)
a combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance (sözcüklerin tümce içinde dizilişi.)
>‘Resounding success’ and ‘crying shame’ are English collocations.
concisely (adv)
in a way that gives only the information that is necessary and important, using few words
>He spoke clearly and concisely.
frequent (adj)
happening or doing something often
>He is a frequent visitor to this country.
assumption (n)
a belief or feeling that something is true or that something will happen, although there is no proof
>It was impossible to make assumptions about people’s reactions.
comprehensible (adj)
(to somebody) that can be understood by somebody
>easily/readily comprehensible to the average reader
precision (n)
the quality of being exact, accurate and careful
SYNONYM : accuracy
>Her writing is imaginative but lacks precision.
>with precision He chose his words with precision.
ambiguity (n)
the state of having more than one possible meaning
>Write clear definitions in order to avoid ambiguity.
accurate (adj)
correct and true in every detail
>an accurate description/picture of something
able to give completely correct information or to do something in an exact way
>a highly accurate electronic compass
wrap up (phrasal v)
wrap it up : (informal) usually used as an order to tell somebody to stop talking or causing trouble, etc.
wrap somebody/yourself up
to put warm clothes on somebody/yourself
wrap something up
(informal) to complete something such as an agreement or a meeting in an acceptable way
>That just about wraps it up for today.
elicit (v)
something (from somebody) to get information or a reaction from somebody, often with difficulty
>He elicited the truth at last by questioning all the boys in school.
to elicit a reply: cevap sağlamak.
to elicit applause: alkış toplamak.
to elicit the truth/facts of a case: bir davada gerçekleri meydana çıkarmak.