UDEMY Flashcards
IAM Credentials Report
All users and status of users (account level)
IAM access advisor
At user level: shows permissions granted and where last accessed.
How can you connect to and ECS instance
instance Connect
What are the three placement Groups for Ec2
Spread-across multiple az (limit 7)
Cluster-same hardware same az
Partition: spreaad at least two AZx but can have more than one instance on az
Root Volumes upon termination?
Delete on termination unless otherwise specified.
Sticky sessions
ELB Sticky Session feature ensures traffic for the same client is always redirected to the same target (e.g., EC2 instance). This helps that the client does not lose his session data.
What does “X Forward for Header modified” added to the back end of a load balancer mean?
To obtain the client’s IP Address
Network LB
high performance low latecy
T/F Application load balancers support TCP
False Http, https and web socket
How can ALBs route traffice?
ALBs can route traffic to different Target Groups based on URL Path, Hostname, HTTP Headers, and Query Strings.
ALBs are good for
S3 Key are made up of
a made up of prefix and object name.
What does S3 Requester pays mean?
requester pays instead of the bucket owner. requester must be authenticated in AWS
Purpose of an SNS or sqs or lamda resource access policy
attaches from S3 in replace of IAM policies (or all of these and can work with Event Bridge)
s3 Select
400% faster to perform SQL queries