Security and Monitoring Flashcards
Default security group behavior
deny all inbound traffic
Simple Network Mgmt Protocol
monitor and manage network devices connected over an IP. SNMP is used for communication between routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, servers, CCTV cameras, and wireless devices
Hypertext transfer protocol
Transmission Control Protocol
enables application programs and computing devices to exchange messages over a network. It is designed to send packets across the internet and ensure the successful delivery of data and messages over networks.
TCP port 80 is used for non-encrypted web services, and TCP port 443 is used for encrypted web services.
Internet Protocol
Internet Message Control Protocol
used for reporting errors and performing network diagnostics. In the error reporting process, ICMP sends messages from the receiver to the sender when data does not come though as it should.
Windows Management Instrumentation Protocol
Secure Socket Layers
securing an internet connection by encrypting data sent between a website and a browser (or between two servers). It prevents hackers from seeing or stealing any information transferred, including personal or financial data.
Tool that use successive echo packets to display the path to the destination and the response time of each hop (ping)
Simple fault monitoring
system polls registered devices at established intervals to verify if they respond.
packet analyzer…or packet sniffer
standard tool for capturing packets.
Logs each packet it intercepts, decodes the packet, and presents the values of the various fields within the packet for examination.
Traffic Mirroring
direct network traffic coming to and from an EC2 instance to a separate Amazon EC2 based packet analyzerto analye
five phases of reliability pillar
generate, aggregate, alert, analyze, , storage
Monitoring service for AWS workloads and resources.
Cloudwatch Events
near real-time stream of events which describe resources changes