[UCL 100 formulary] Flashcards
Absorbs by physical binding (drug overdose)
Restore liver glutathione (paracetamol OD)
Surfactant laxative - enhances water incorparation (constipation)
increases gastric pH (GORD)
*sodium anginate + calcium carbonate.
hyperosmotic laxative (constipation)
Hyperosmotic laxative (constipation)
Lactulose breakdown by colonic bacteria acidifies lumen. inhibiting NH3 diffusion out of gut and enhances NH3 entry into gut (Portal systemic encephalopathy)
Iso-osmotic laxative (constipation)
saline cathartic effect (constipation)
PPI: binds to H+/K+-exchanging ATPase in gastric parietal cells preventing acid secretion (ulcers/GORD/H.pylori)
H2 receptors antagonist of gastric parietal cells; inhibits gastric secretions (GORD/ulcers)
Intestinal irritant and stimulant (constipation/bowel prep)
ACEi: inhibits ACE, reduced [ATII]. (hypertension/CHF post MI/MI+stroke prevention)
alpha-adrenergic = ^CO and HR with reduced renal perfusion
beta-1 agonist = bronchial smooth muscle relaxation
(cardiac arrest/asthma/anaphylaxis)
Class III antiarrhythymic. (ventricular arrhythymias)
ATII-R antagonists. Reduced vasconstriction/aldosterone (hypertension)
irreversible COX-i. Reduced TXA2 and PGs. Inhibits platelet aggregation, anti-pyretic, analgesic. (ACS/pain/fever/TIA/RA etc)
nb: other NSAIDs are reversible inhibitors
Thiazide diuretic. Inhibits Na reabsorption in DCT. (Hypertension)
inhibits Ca2+ into myocardium/smooth muscel withough affecting [serum]. Prevents contraction of myocardium + dilation of coronary/systemic arteries (hypertension/CAD/angina)
Inhibitor of adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced pathway for platelet aggregation (ACS/CAD/MI+stroke prevention)
heart failure = inhibits Na/K which increases Ca influx causing increased contractility
SVT = supresses AV node. ^ refractory
(AF/heart failure)
phosphodiesterase enzyme inhibitor increased cAMP. Inhibits platelet aggregation. (Thromboembolism prophylaxis)
Loop diuretics. inhibit Na/Cl reabsorption. ^ K/Mg/water loss. (hypertension/^k/^Mg/acute oedema)
Nitrate causing vasodilation (angina)
Nitrate convert to NO intracellularly –> activating cGMP causing vasodilation (angina)
Factor 10, 9, 7, 2, C and S (Vit K antagonist reversal)
Aldosterone-antagonist. Increased Na,Cl,H20 secretion. retention of K+, H+. (hypertension, oedema, hyperaldosteronism, CHF, hypoK+)
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor; inhibits the rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis (hypercholestraemia)§
alpha-receptor antagonist, vascular dilation (hypertension
Block beta1-r. Negative chrono/ionotropic effect. (angina/post-MI/SV-arryhthymia/hypertension)
short and long acting M3 antimuscarinics –> smooth muscle dilation (COPD/CF)
Histamine H1-receptor antagonist in blood vessels, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract (allergic rhinitis)
inhaled steroids. (asthma)
binds to nicotine receptors (smoking cessation)
increased PaO2. (hypoxia/ etc..)
Long-acting beta-2 agonist; action on beta-2 receptors relaxes bronchial smooth muscle with little effect on heart rate (asthma)