UCC Art. 2 - SALES Flashcards
What has to be specified in order for a sales contract to be enforceable?
When is an offer accepted under UCC Art. 2 when a buyer makes an order?
When it is shipped by the seller
If ship the wrong item = acceptance and breach
FOB Shipping vs FOB Destination and when does risk of loss pass
FOB Shipping - Risk of loss passes when sellers goods are received by a common carrier
FOB Destination - risk of loss passes when goods are shipped to a specific location i.e. buyer’s warehouse
3 Types of Warranties
Warranty of title - seller delivers goods free from any lien the buyer did not know of
Implied warranty of fitness - seller is AWARE of the purpose of buyer’s use of goods, knows the buyer is RELYING on them
Implied warranty of merchantability - made by merchant seller - goods are fit for their normal and intended purpose i.e turkey sandwich is a turkey sandwich
Cash on Delivery
Buyer cannot inspect goods BEFORE payment is made, but can and reject after the fact
If COD does not exist - buyer can inspect goods before making a payment
If receive nonconforming goods, but after inspection buyer does not reject them = acceptance
Types of Express Warranty
Can be oral or written - statement of FACT
- Sample/Models that played part in buyer’s decision
- Descriptions of goods
- Affirmation of fact or promise
Remedy for Special Ordered Goods
Exception to the $500 rule
Halfway through production and someone rejects goods, can seek recovery for full contract amount plus incidental damages (legal fees, storage costs)
Can a seller stop delivery for an insolvent buyer if the good are already in transit, the risk of loss has passed, they do not have document of title and refuse to pay cash.
The seller can stop delivery if buyer is insolvent and refuses to pay cash and they do not have document of title.
Offer and Acceptance
Different under UCC for sale of goods:
- merchant’s firm offer makes it irrevocable
- offeror MUST be a merchant
- must give assurance will be open for certain time - if not specified, open for reasonable time not to exceed three months
If no agreement is made, when does risk of loss pass?
- Noncarrier, nonmerchant - passes upon tender of delivery
- Merchant seller - passes when buyer takes physical possession
- Carrier, shipment - passes when goods are at carrier
- Destination - passes when goods reach the specified destination
Sale on Approval risk
remains with seller until approved by buyer
Sale or Return
risk on buyer until they return the goods
Tort Liability
- Negligence - plaintiff must prove duty of care; failure to use due care; damages & causation
- Strict Liability - plaintiff proves product was defective; caused injuries; unreasonably dangerous; seller is in business of selling the product; product reached the buyer without damages. Privity and negligence is NOT required**
Buyer/Seller Remedies
Anticipatory repudiation
Demand assurances
No punitive damages
Duty to mitigate damages
Seller remedies only
Cancel/sue for damages;
Withhold delivery/stop goods in transit
Resell and sue
Right to full contract price (if cannot be re-sold)
Liquidated damages per UCC or if contract provides & is reasonable
Copyright term
Creator’s life plus 70
Company-owned = 95 yrs from publication or 120 years from creation; whichever is earlier
Patent term
20 years for most
14 for design