Constructive Income
cash basis taxpayer
any value of property should be recognized in the period in which they gained the right to it in
Tax Benefit Rule
T/P to include an expense reimbursement in income of the CY if that expense was taken in the PY as a deduction and it decreased the T/P taxable income
i. e. usually interest with a state tax refund
i. e. using standard deduction = not using itemized which includes state tax refund in calc = no benefit = do not include in income
Interest Income taxable events and items
Mortgage, fed/state tax refunds, US notes and bonds, prepaid interest income
Always taxable except for municipal bonds (by state and local govts) and mutual funds if the funds own municipal bonds
If the municipal bond is sold = taxable
Series EE Bonds
interest paid and taxed at maturity - can elect to tax annually
can exclude from income if at least 24 years old; used to pay higher education expenses
purchaser must be sole owner of the bond (t/p or spouse)
Alimony vs Child Support
Alimony is taxable to the person who receives payment
Child support is NOT taxable to the person who receives payment
Dividend Income
If 0-15% bracket = 0% tax
most = 15% tax
if 39.6% bracket = 20%
3.8% tax could apply depending on AGI
- Extent of E&P
- Reduced by basis in stock
- Capital gain
Preferred vs Common Stock Dividends
Preferred is taxable
Common is not taxable
Taxable Bonds
Can elect to amortize bond if bought at a premium
Nontaxable bond bought at a premium must be amortized
Amortization - used to offset bond’s basis using constant yield to maturity
Taxable bonds is an offsetting deduction for interest received
Alimony Qualifications
- Must be in cash or expense payment (mortgage)
- Contingent upon life of recipient - terminates when they die
- Must be required by written agreement
- It is not child support or considered non-alimony
List the Damage & Insurance Benefits that are either excluded or included in income
- unemployment comp (think about same as wages)
- damages received for emotional distress, discrimination, injury to reputation
- punitive damages
- worker’s comp - physical injury or sickness
- accident & health policy benefits
- disability plans unless premiums not taxed to employee
- medical insurance premiums
- benefits received under LT care
Annuity Formula
Excludable portion =
(Cost of annuity / expected return) * payment
Prizes & Awards
FMV is included - can be excluded if for civic, artistic, scientific, educational, or literary AND:
- selected without action (i.e. not applying for scholarship)
- not required to perform services
- amount paid directly to tax-exempt or govt organization
Excluded if covers - tuition, books, supplies and equipment required
Included if for room & board
Social Security Benefits formula and rule
Provisional Income = AGI + Tax-Exempt + 50% (SSB)
If over $34,000 take lesser of: 1. 85% * SSB OR 2. [85% * (PI - 34,000)] PLUS lesser of: 50% (SSB) OR 4,500 (single); 6,000 (mfj)
Accrual Basis
Unearned income - recognized in year received - action before dollar
can elect to defer service income in next year if service is to be provided in the next year
can defer advance payment for goods if tax and f/s methods are the same
Rental Income recognition under accrual basis
- Prepaid - taxed when received
- Lease deposits - not income if they can be returned to the tenant = liability
- leasehold improvement income to landlord if made in lieu of rent
Name the entities that cannot use cash basis of accounting
C Corporations - made on initial tax return
Partnerships with C corporation partners
Tax shelters
Retail stores with more than $1m
Inventory accounting
must use accrual method
can use LCM unless LIFO is used
LIFO can be used if its on financials
when prices rise under LIFO - cogs up; lower taxable income
Uniform Capitalization (263A)
Required for manufactures, certain retailers & wholesalers to capitalize direct and indirect costs allocable to property they produce and property bought for resale
usually - all indirect should be capitalized for tax
does NOT apply for dealers with less than $10m in gross receipts from the past 3 years
What does Uniform Capitalization Costs include?
- storage at off-site
- quality control
- taxes (except income taxes)
- utilities, repairs, rent, depreciation
What does Uniform Capitalization Costs NOT include?
- Marketing & selling
- Research
- Advertising
- Distributions
- SG&A
Rules for change in accounting method
Voluntary - spread over 4 years beginning in year of change. This includes change from incorrect to correct method. If less than $25,000 can include all income in year of change.
If required by IRS, any positive adjustment is included in earliest year under examination
Group-term life insurance
First $50,000 is paid for by employer and tax free any amount remaining is taxable
Max contribution to 401(k), Traditional, Roth, and deductibility
401(k) = 18,000
Traditional or Roth = 5,500
Contributions to Traditional = deductible
Contributions to Roth = NOT deductible