Ubuntu Linux: Working with directory commands Flashcards
Opens up manual for any function following this command
ex: [man mkdir]
Print working directory; print name of current/working directory
Change directory: Used to navigate around the file system
Lists contents within current file/directory
Clears the Linux terminal machine
What character indicates to Linux that the file/data is hidden?
What does following command [ls] with [-a] display?
All files and their contents (including hidden files/content)
What does following [ls] with [-l] display?
All files and information on file sizes and creation dates(long listed format).
True or False: The following command has proper syntax; [ls -l -a]
False; in order to combine both functions, putting a hyphen in front of both characters is unnecessary.
Proper syntax: [ls -la]
Creates a new file directory
Removes an EMPTY directory
Used to create or remove parent folders
What command can be used to remove a directory and its contents?
[rmdir -p file/directory/tree (this is just a placeholder tree)]