UA Local 140 Practice Test 1 Flashcards
. Which of the following is true when there is excessive vibration of rotating machinery?
It may lead to fatigue failures
Which is the best practice to follow when one bearing fails is a multiple bearing application?
Replace all bearings
Thrust loads are____ to a shaft.
When installing split tapered bushings, where should you apply anti-seize lubricant?
none of the parts
Which is the final step in installing a pillow block bearing?
tighten bearings to shaft
The mechanical seal in a centrifugal pump is necessary to prevent which of the following events?
fluid leaking out around the shaft
If a mechanical seal has just been replaced and the pump leaks slightly at start-up, which step should you take
a. allow the pump to continue running for a short period to see if the leak stops
How should the belts in a multiple V-belt application be replaced?
as a set
While performing a visual inspection of a belt driven fan, which of the following is NOT a requirement of the
manufacturer of the belt
Using a belt tensioning tool, which factor is NOT taken into account when adjusting belt tension?
number of belts
The horsepower of the motor is transferred from the V Belt to the fan pulley where on the belt?
the sides of the belt
A belt drive on a motor driven fan has a drive sheave of 3” pitch diameter on the motor. The sheave of the fan shaft has a pitch diameter of 5”, when the motor speed is 1720 RPM, what is the fan speed?
RPM of drive=diamerterof driver X RPM of driver
Divided by Diameter of driven
1032 RPM
Which of the following is the major cause of high speed rotating equipment failure?
imbalance and misalignment
Which is the first step of shaft alignment of a direct drive motor?
Angular in elevation view
Which tool would not be used to align a pump?
Which is the first step of shaft alignment of a direct drive motor?
flexible base
Which of these statements is TRUE of a coupling which is NOT properly aligned?
it will almost certainly fail more quickly than it should and could wear out
Which of these statements is true of coupling guards?
they should be kept in place for the life of the equipment
A tire style coupling is commonly used on which of these?
cooling towers
Which of these is the tool to use to move a coupling half that is seized on the motor shaft?
hammer with softening tool
Which of the following times situations does NOT require a re-check of the pump coupling alignment?
after a motor and pump are at the normal operating temp
Potential difference refers to the energy difference in electrons between two reference points measured in
which type of unit?
The basic law for current is a series circuit states that amperage is______ parts of the circuit.
the same in all
Operation of the potential relay is based on which of these principles?
motor develop counter EMF