Commercial Refrigeration Service Technician Study Guide - 2007 Flashcards
In a refrigeration system heat is rejected by
latent heat of condensation in the condenser
All refrigerants have flammability and the toxicity classifications. Where
could a technician best find those ratings?
The main function of an expansion device is to?
Meter the refrigerant
The main function of an expansion device is to?
Store excess refrigerant
How does a technician determine whether or not there is liquid refrigerant
leaving the evaporator?
calculates what the evaporator superheat
Which of the following is NOT TRUE about refrigerant as it enters the
it is subcooled
Any additional heat added to the refrigerant after its 100% saturated vapor
condition is called?
Most of the heat absorbed in the low side of a refrigeration system is.
latent heat
If a technician subtracted liquid line temperature from high side
condensing temperature he would
An azeotropic refrigerant would be defined as
a mixture of two or more refrigerants that have the same
boiling point and act as
When a zeotropic refrigerant blend changes phase the refrigerants in the
blend have different boiling points which can cause the refrigerant to
A refrigerant that is not miscible with mineral oil is
Which lubricant is most commonly used with HFC-134a refrigerant?
Polyol Ester oils are?
Refrigerant tanks must always be stored in an area where the temperature
will not exceed
125º F
When transferring refrigerants from a cylinder to a working system or any
other container, the technician should always wear
goggles with side shields and gloves
When entering a mechanical room where a refrigerant leak is suspected
the technician should?
use the appropriate breathing apparatus until the area has
been cleared of fumes
Which of the following gasses is non flammable and would be preferred
when leak testing a system?
CO2 & Nitrogen
Refrigerant cylinders that are labeled “Disposable”
by law cannot be refilled & are color-coded for easy identification
A refrigerant cylinder that has been DOT approved for refilling must
never be filled over 80% capacity
When calculating how much refrigerant can be placed into a rechargeable
tare lbs
All refrigerants have flammability and the toxicity classifications. Where
could a technician best find those ratings?
the MSDS
Double suction riser are used in refrigeration system when
large fluctuations in system capacity will occur
Suction risers are typically reduced by one size over that of the main
suction run
to increase refrigerant velocity to aid in proper oil return