UA final review Q's Flashcards
most sensitive for renal failure
chromosomal defects 1st trimester
chorionic villi sampling
increased alkaline and acid phosphatase
prostate cancer
case study, PSA
prostate specific antigen
Routine CSF tests
pressure, vdrl, glucose
major intracellular cation
K (potassium)
not a hepatic enzyme
case study (kathy), cold, clammy, pain in L neck, L arm, L jaw, elephant on chest, looks gray
heart attack
extremely specific marker for cardiac damage
troponin 1 + cardiac troponin T
chest pain with difficulty with normal blood chemistry
(olga) can’t urinate, pain in lower flank, ammonia break, painful murphy punch
renal failure
where do creatinine and BUN come from?
protein metabolism
biocarbonate regulate pH through:
not affected by lung disease
plasma ammonia
(krystal) headache, been drinking water, and having chicken soup, what is not effected by vomiting and diarrhea?
Na decreased, you lose?
before you can diagnose prostate cancer you require:
digital rectal exam and biopsy
approved by WHO to diagnose heart attack
prolonged chest pain, ecg change, high or low cardia enzymes
high 2-4 hours after heart attack or surgery, normal w/in 24-48 hours
cardiac enzymes
why do we test blood gasses?
- kidney function
- ability of lungs to oxygenate blood and remove waste
- ability to carry O2
correct about CO2
total CO2 measures all forms of CO2
incorrect about uric acid
uric acid is not usually found in blood
fatigue, pallor, dyspnea upon exertion:
decreased O2ct,
increased PaO2, PaCO2, increased SaO2
(zack) tender upper L quadrant, low thoracic pain getting worse and sudden while driving
what does lipase do?
break down triglycerides
oral glucose test
fasting plasma glucose
test determines blood glucose level for several months
glycosylated hemoglobin
(sara) bypass surgery, enlarged liver, yellow skin and eyes, (-)murphy sign, upper R quadrant pain
hepatitis C
will always be positive for hepatitis antigen
severe hemolytic anemia
haptoglobin will decrease
definitive for TB exposure
Mantoux test
(+) VDRL
(tania) is about to deliver 1st child in 2 weeks, signs and symptoms of preclampsia, you would NOT expect to see:
tanias progesterone level would be
TX for preclampsia
bed rest
incorrect statement:
BOTH albumin and globulin are formed in the liver
high HCG
will not cause ectopic pregnancy
significant markers:
rhesus factor, Hla, ABO factor (aota)
(natasha) pain, fatigue, general malaise, skin lesion
rheumatoid factor abnormal production of:
IgG, the giant has this
western blots identifies
blood type receives all types (UD) but must match to give blood
O (-)
does not describe transuate pleural effusion
cloudy fluid
bloody peritoneal fluid results from
perforated intestine
trying to ID fecal occult blood
Guiac test
parathyroid hormone responsible for the following plasma levels
case study, no weight loss
T3 Tri iodothyronine comes from
thyroid gland
increased blood pressure due to adrenal medulla, catecholamine concentration
epi would increase
decrease B12 and folic acid which is a marker for increase coronary heart disease and stroke