u4 Flashcards
Disease is constantly present in a population usu. at low frequency
Disease suddenly increases in a population
Disease increases within large widespread populations usu. worldwide
Leading infectious killers
– acute respiratory infections: pneumonia, influenza
+ HIV AIDS, diarrhoeal diseases, TB, malaria, measles
Infections = huge burden
(measured as disability adjusted life years; DALYs)
= so sick -> cannot contribute to the community • cannot work
• cannot care for children
major factors contibuting to the emergence of infectious disease
- human demographics and behavior
- technology and industry
- economic development and land use
- international travel and commerce
- microbial adaptation and change
- breakdown of public health measures
aim of active immunisation
• to produce long lasting immunity to pathogens in individuals and the community
• to eliminate the pathogen (where possible)
= Living together of organisms
Commensalism: ‘commensal’ = lives in / on another
ie Interaction between normal flora and host One partner benefits
Other partner not affected
Mutualism: ‘mutualist’ / ‘symbiont’ ->Both partners benefit
Often obligatory eg ruminants, GIT flora
Parasitism: ‘parasitic organisms’
Pathogen = parasitic organism causing specific disease
- One partner benefits
- Other harmed
Benefits: of normal flora
Benefits: • Compete with pathogens for attachment sites, nutrients • Produce anti-microbial compounds = toxic to invaders, pathogens • Aid digestion • Supply essential growth requirements • Stimulate immune system Aid resistance to infection
factors governing symbiosis exam
- No. organisms:
Increase numbers = shift to parasitism eg poor hygiene - Virulence of organisms
Increase virulence = shift to parasitism - Host’s defence / Resistance
Healthy = high resistance
Decrease resistance = shift to parasitism
what is virulence
the degree or intensity of pathogenicity.i.e. increased virulence-> likely to cause harm and result in parasitism
Drift = small antigenic changes
→ alteredprotein
= not effectively recognised by immune system
Shift = drastic antigenic changes
→ large scale altered proteins
= not recognised at all by immune system
what is the result of shift and drift
major epidemics (or pandemics)
transmission of influenza virus
• Air-borne:
– aerosols: coughing, talking, sneezing: ‘flu, chicken pox, mumps, measles etc
– dust: hospitals = nosocomial infection
• Contact: Direct usu. skin to skin; utensils, STI’s
• Vehicle: contaminated food / water: cholera, food poisoning
• Vectors: malaria, trypanosomiasis
control of infecious disease from the infectious disease cycle. EXAM
Source: reduce / eliminate
– Eliminate contaminated food or water: food poisoning
– Quarantine carriers and diseased: smallpox
– Destroy animal carriers: mad cow disease, chicken ‘flu HK – Identify reservoir: bats in SARS outbreak
Transmission (KEY ROLE): stop spread one host to next – Change behaviour: HIV protection
– Destroy insect vectors: DDT mosquitoes
– Control animal vectors: cattle: brucellosis, TB
Host susceptibility
– Improve nutrition
– Vaccinate
– Problem with lack of immunocompetence
virulence and mode of transmission EXAM
Virulence =intensity of pathogenicity OR degree of ability to cause disease
Affected by ability to live outside host
Eg Common cold:
virulence low / direct contact low level transmission host still active, moves around, spreads virus
cv. Increase virulence, host ill (bed-ridden), transmission drops
Conversely, vector transmission eg African sleeping sickness: host can’t transmit, reliant on vector
= Virulence not connected with transmission
= the ability to cause disease
= degree or intensity of pathogenicity of a microbe»_space; indicated by:
fatality rates
ability to invade host tissues & cause disease
- What are virulence factors?
1.Microbial strategy / Trait
• Product eg toxin
2. Contribute to virulence = virulence mechanism
• Clear connection: virulence infection
3. Plus “Housekeeping” functions
• Derive nutrients, energy for survival in host
virulence factors
- Aid colonisation
- Allow penetration of host tissue
- Prevent/reduce host response
- Cause direct damage eg.toxicity
Attachment / Adhesion -Non-specific
give e.g of non-specific attachment
1. dental plague
e.g. the attachment of slime layer derive from polysacchride cause the acummulation of the plague
2. glycocalyx
the intestinal epithelium hide under glycocalyx of the E.coli->protection
give e.g. of specifc attachment
influenza virus protein spikes
- the spikes bind to the receptor initiate infection.
HA trimer for attachment and NA tetramer for puncture of the wall
adheren mechanism
- pilli for sexual conjugation
2. fimbrial for adhesions
host cell penetration and growth
Uptake via • Invasins: bacterial surface proteins: promote ingestion • Endocytosis: non-phagocytic cells Exocytosis: actin tail propulsion • Phagocytosis. e.g. influenza virus:endocytic uptake Measles virus: membrane fusion uptake
coagulates blood
digests fibrin clots
hydrolyses hyaluronic acid
hydrolyzes collagen
IgA proteases
destroy IgA antibodies=survivall
4.Evading the Immune Response
Capsules Virulence protective anti-phagocytic
Capsules Virulence
-e.g. Crytococcus neoformans forming capsule, capsule can prevent phagocytosis therefore escape the immune response
- damaging the host
- Microbial Toxins
i. Exotoxins
ii. Endotoxins - Pathogenicity Islands
describe exotoxins EXAM
source: mostly G+ metabolic product: by-products of growing cell chemistry: protein fever: NO neutralized by antitoxin: YES
e.g. of a disease caused by exotoxin
exfoliative toxin: Scalded skin syndrome caused by the exotoxin of staph.aureus in immuno naive infant
microbial exotoxins classification
3 types based on structure & action:
- A-B
- Membrane-disrupting 3. Superantigens
Microbial Exotoxins: A-B Toxins
Active-binding protein
- B involve in binding, A invove in damage the cell
e.g. of A-B toxin
cholera exotoxin
- the exotoxin cause the protein to be inactive result in the disease Vibrio cholerae.
membrane disrupting
Exotoxins and e.g
Channel-forming (pore- forming) -Phospholipase hydrolysis of membrane: * Destabilises * Destroys integrity e.g.Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin: phospholipase action causing gas gangrene
Rare strains of Staphylococcus aureus produce TSS-toxin, In the tempon, the Mg stimulate the production of an organism causing peelin skin
Source: Gram – Metabolic product: Present in LPS of outer membrane Chemistry: Lipid Fever? Yes Neutralized by antitoxin: No
inflammatory action of endotoxins
- macrophage ingestes a G- bacterium
- the bacterium is degraded in a vacuole, releasing endotoxins that induce the macrophage to produce IL-1
- IL-1 is released by the macrophage into the bloodstream, through which it travels to th ehypothalamus of the brain
- IL-1 induces the hypothalamus to produce PG, which reset the body’s thermostat to a higher temperature, producing fever
what is the inflammatory components of G+ bacteria
- peptidoglycan
- lipoteichoic acid LTA
- teichoic acid TA
mechnism of pathogenicity islands exam
• Contribute to characteristics of pathogenicity – Absent in non-pathogenic strains
• Large segments of DNA
– Contain insertion-like sequences = mobile – Encode major virulence factors
– Associated with tRNA encoding genes
• Pathogens may have >1 PI
• Maybe plasmids
• Acquired by horizontal gene transfer
e.g. of pathogenicity islands
– alter actin microfilaments to mediate adherence
– modulate host activities
example of pthogenicity island:Protein secretion: Modulates host activities. exam
Yersinia pestis (causes plague): Type III secretion system: Function: • delivers effector proteins • secretes plasmid-encoded outer membrane proteins into phagocytic cells Action: • counteracts natural defence mechanisms • helps Y. pestis multiply and disseminate in the host
Gram –ve: LPS
Gram +ve: Peptidoglycan, LTA,TA
Non-specific host defences
- Physical barriers
– Skin / Mucosal membranes / Flushing mechanisms - Chemical Barriers
– Proteins / pH / Hormones / Others: bile, urea - Biological Barriers
– Normal flora / Inflammation / Phagocytosis
Host factors affecting successful establishment of infection
- Socio-economic status: - Nutrition
- Living conditions: poverty, overcrowding 2. 2. Age:
- Very young
- Aged - Gender
- Occupation
- Race
- Genetic factors
- Defective immune systems
physical barriers
- Skin
* Mucous membranes • Flushing mechanisms
defence of skin EXAM
- dry acidic environment: prevent growth of many bacteria
- dead, keratinized cells: keratin is hard to degrade, and dead cell diacourage colonization
- slouphing of surface cells: remove bacteria that adhere
- toxic lipids, lysozyme: protect hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous gland
- normal microbiota
- underlying immune cells (langerhans): combat bacteria that mannage to reach the dermis and tissue below it
defenses of mucosal membrane
- thick layer of mucin
- trap bacteria before reach the cell
- contain antimicrobial compounds such as lysozyme and lactoferrin
- MALT mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue
Muco-ciliary escalator
move and repel foreign particle
what does lysozyme do in mucus
digest peptidoglycan
what does lactoferrin do in mucus
sequester iron, prevent growth of bacteria
chemical barriers
• Antimicrobial factors in body fluids: mucous, tears, saliva – Lysozyme • Proteins – Enzymes – Bacteriocins – Complement – Fibronectin – Cytokines: eg Interferon • Hormones • LowpH • Others – Bile, urea
Lysozyme Breaks Down __ ?
Gram +ve Cell Walls
• Series of 9 serum enzymes, act in cascade
• Always present in serum
• Activated when Ag/Ab reactions occur
• In association with Ab, causes bacterial lysis
• Aids phagocytosis
»»> RESULT: Kills bacterial cells
= proteins + polysaccharide moieties eg Fibronectin - Mediatesnon-specificclearance - Coatsforeigncellsclotting - Blocksattachmentofforeignorganismsto epithelial cells >>>>> RESULT: limits colonisation
• Intercellular signal
• Bindtoreceptorsoncells
• Triggers cellular behaviours:
– Initiate signal transduction pathway
» regulates specific transcription, translation events • Soluble small protein or glycoprotein
• Can induce production of other cytokines
• Produced in response to non-specific stimulus from: – microbes: bacteria, viruses, parasites
– cancer
– inflammation
– action of specific immune cells
• antiviral proteins
• formed in response to viral infection • excreted by infected cell
• species specific, not virus specific
• interesting as anti-viral drug:
expensive; genetic engineering
»»> RESULT: Protects other cells from viral infection
Anti-viral Action of Interferon 1
- virus RNA enters the cell
- infecting virus replicates
- the infecting virus induces RNA to produce alpha and beta interferon
- interferons released by the virus-infected cell bind to plasma membrane of neighbouring uninfected cells inducing them to produce anti-viral proteins (AVPs)
- new viruses infect neighboring cells
- AVP’s degrade new viral mRNA, inhibiting protein synthesis and replication
Biological Barriers
• Normal flora
• Inflammation – Acute
– Chronic
• Phagocytosis
acute inflammation
– – – Results from tissue injury and infection See redness, swelling, warmth, pain 4 steps: 1. Increasedbloodflowanddilation 2. Riseintemperature 3. Formationoffibrinclot 4. Phagocyticaction >>>>> RESULTS: destruction of invader localisation of infection
4 steps in acute inflammation
- Increasedbloodflowanddilation 2. Riseintemperature
- Formationoffibrinclot
- Phagocyticaction
Acute Inflammation: Capillary penetration
- damaged tissue
- inflammatory signals
- dialation/permeability
- chemotaxis
- attaction of pahacytes to site
- destruction of foreign microbe
• Chronic
– Slow
– Intracellular pathogens eg TB, syphilis
outcome of phagocytosis
- nonencapsulated bacterial engulfed by pathocyte and digested
- bacteria protected by capsule or by M protein cannot be engulfed by phagocytes (e.g. streptococcus phemoniae/pyogenes)
- pathogens engulfed but produced leukocidin and destroy phagocyte (Staph.aureus, strep pyogenes)
- pathogens engulfed but gorwn within pjagocyte (e.g. mycobacterium tuberlosis, salmonella typhi)
natural killer cells
• Non-phagocytic lymphocytes (more on lymphocytes next lecture)
• RecognisecellswithdefectiveMHCclass1protein on cell surface
• Result in production of pore-forming perforin proteins and granzymes = lyse target cells = apoptosis
• Attackanddestroycells: – Malignant
– Containing microbes
– Opsonised with antibody
Revision: How are Bacteria Classified?
1. Phenetic (phenotype): – Gram reaction and morphology – Carbon sources, energy sources – Electron acceptors (eg. aerobic/anaerobic) 2. Phylogenetic (genotype): – Ribosomal RNA sequence – Other DNA, RNA, protein sequence
diverse G- bacteria can cause disease
- proteobacteria
- gamma-proteobacteria: Escherichia, salmonella, vibrio, pseudomonus
- beta-proteobacteria:neisseria
- alpha-proteobacteria: Rickettsia - spirochaetes: e.g. treponema
- gamma-proteobacteria:
- Facultative anaerobic, heterotrophic, G-ve rods
- Found in gut of humans and animals
-Part of family Enterobacteriaceae: contains many other pathogens: Salmonella, Klebsiella, Yersinia
• Widely used in microbiology as a model organism
• Motile by peritrichous flagella e.g. e.coli
the polar flagellum e.g. pseudomonus is non-motile
Transmission of Disease
Transmission of Disease
1.Inoculation =directcontact
eg staphyloccal skin infections, STI’s, leprosy, anthrax, Herpes cold sores & genital herpes, tetanus
2. Inhalation = air-borne, ~10um diameter droplets -> respiratory tract eg TB, chickenpox , influenza, diphtheria, Legionnaires disease, meningococcal disease
Ingestion = food/water-borne -> gastrointestinal tract
eg botulism, food poisoning, typhoid, cholera, viral gastroenteritis, polio
Vector-borne = minor = arthropod or mosquito bite ->skin
eg plague, malaria, sleeping sickness, Ross River fever, Murray Valley encephalitis
Combination = both air-borne & direct contact transmission
eg Ebola & Marburg viruses
= haemorrhagic fevers involving massive haemorrhage throughout the body
Inoculation =directcontact
eg staphyloccal skin infections, STI’s, leprosy, anthrax, Herpes cold sores & genital herpes, tetanus
air-borne, ~10um diameter droplets -> respiratory tract eg TB, chickenpox , influenza, diphtheria, Legionnaires disease, meningococcal disease
Ingestion = food/water-borne -> gastrointestinal tract
eg botulism, food poisoning, typhoid, cholera, viral gastroenteritis, polio
Vector-borne = minor = arthropod or mosquito bite ->skin
eg plague, malaria, sleeping sickness, Ross River fever, Murray Valley encephalitis
Vector-borne = minor = arthropod or mosquito bite ->skin
eg plague, malaria, sleeping sickness, Ross River fever, Murray Valley encephalitis
Combination = both air-borne & direct contact transmission
eg Ebola & Marburg viruses
= haemorrhagic fevers involving massive haemorrhage throughout the body
Staphylococcal Infections
Transmission: Inoculation, Direct Contact
bacterial skin infections
When the stratum corneum is disrupted:
– Trauma: abrasion, insect bite, burn…
– Maceration due to excess moisture: blisters… – Inflammation: injury, allergy…
Two common bacterial pathogens:
Staphylococcus aureus
– Present in anterior nares of 20-40% of people
– Can spread person-person
– Usu. colonises nose first then spreads to skin
Streptococcus pyogenes (= Group A Streptococcus) Refer to U3L20
− Rarely persists for long
− Generally acquired from others
− Usu. goes to skin first; later colonises respiratory tract
Staphylococcus aureus exam
Staphylococcus aureus
– Present in anterior nares of 20-40% of people
– Can spread person-person
– Usu. colonises nose first then spreads to skin
Streptococcus pyogenes
Streptococcus pyogenes (= Group A Streptococcus) Refer to U3L20
− Rarely persists for long
− Generally acquired from others
− Usu. goes to skin first; later colonises respiratory tract
Epidermis: Impetigo exam
Caused by S. pyogenes alone or with S. aureus
Does not scar as infection is superficial
Resolves spontaneously or with antibiotic treatment
Dermis: Folliculitis exam
- Staphylococcus aureus is most common cause of infection and inflammation of hair follicle
- Stye = infection of oil gland of Zeis on base of eyelid
extension of folliculitis
coalescence of furuncles; associated chills, fever indicate systemic spread of Staphylococcus
Virulence Factors of S. aureus: Cell wall
- Cell wall components:
Capsule / slime: Anti-phagocytic, masks cell, adherence - Protein A:
Anti-phagocytic, binds host Ig, prevents complement activation - Peptidoglycan: Stimulates endotoxin-like activity; attracts polymorphs (abscess formation); inhibits phagocytosis; stimulates complement cascade
- Teichoic acid:
Invasion; mucosal cell attachment
action of S.aureus capsule/slime
Anti-phagocytic, masks cell, adherence
action of S.aureus protein A
Protein A:
Anti-phagocytic, binds host Ig, prevents complement activation
action of S.aureus peptidoglycan
Peptidoglycan: Stimulates endotoxin-like activity; attracts polymorphs (abscess formation); inhibits phagocytosis; stimulates complement cascade
action of S.aureus Teichoic acid
- Teichoic acid:
Invasion; mucosal cell attachment
virulence factor os S.aureus:enzymes
1. B-lactamase :
Penicillin; inactivates antibiotic
2. Catalase: Lethal H2O2; protects against killing by oxidative burst in phagocytosis
3. Coagulase
Host fibrinogen fibrin coating on Staph. cells clumping; anti-phagocytic
4. DNase: DNA; destroys host nucleic acid
5.Hyaluronidase: Hyaluronic acid; spreading factor
6. lipase: Lipids; affects cell membranes Nucleic acid
7. protease: Proteins
S.aureus coagulase production, covert fibrinogen into fibrin
• Clots plasma:
Coagulase + prothrombinblood > staphylothrombin + fibrinogenblood > fibrin
• Related to virulence:
Surrounds Staph cell with fibrin meshwork: Increased diameter > ineffective phagocytic uptake = protective persistence infection
Enterotoxins of S.aureus
toxins of S.aureus as part of virulence factors
GIT, cause food poisoning
cytotoxic haemolysins (toxins of S.aureus as part of virulence factors)
alpha: erythrocytes, skin
beta: erythrocytes, sphingomyelin
alpha and gamma: erythrocytes
leukocidin (toxins of S.aureus as part of virulence factors)
Cytotoxic; inhibits phagocytosis by granulocytes
Exfoliative toxins A & B (toxins of S.aureus as part of virulence factors)
Surface layers of skin; shedding
Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (toxins of S.aureus as part of virulence factors)
Systemic effects, causes fever, shock
virulence factors of S.aureus: toxin
enterotoxins: GIT, cause food poisoning
cytotoxic haemolysins : alpha: erythrocytes, skin
beta: erythrocytes, sphingomyelin
alpha and gamma: erythrocytes
leukocidin: Cytotoxic; inhibits phagocytosis by granulocytes
Exfoliative toxins A & B:Surface layers of skin; shedding
Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1:Systemic effects, causes fever, shock
S. aureus Leukocidin
leuko = white; cide = kill: kills white blood cells eg PMNs, neutrophils
Postulated actions:
• causes polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) lysis
• low concentrations mediate PMN apoptosis: bind directly to mitochondrial membranes
• creates pus: pus contains pus cells = necrotic PMNs
• tissue necrosis results from release of reactive oxygen species from lysed PMNs
• release of granule contents from lysed PMNs
->inflammatory response ->tissue necrosis
»»> RESULT: cell death, pus formation
S. aureus Exfoliative Toxin:
Ritter’s Disease aka Scalded Skin Syndrome
toxin-mediated disease: caused by exfoliatin toxin produced by certain strains of S. aureus
Occurs in young children: spontaneous recovery in 7-10d; scarring absent
Taken from: Emond et al
Secondary complicating bacterial infections sometimes cause more serious disease
STI: Chlamydia Transmission: Intimate Direct Contact exam
• Acquired via intimate contact
• Usu. microbes unable to survive outside human body
• Several important bacterial causes of STI:
– Neisseria gonorrhoea,Treponema pallidum(syphilis), Chlamydia trachomatis
• Several important viral causes of STI: – HIV, genital herpes, papilloma virus, HepB
• Globally 300 million new cases/year
• Many unreported, undiagnosed ->sequelae = sterility, scarring
why chamydial infection increase from yrs to yrs
- Increased recognition, better testing → increased diagnoses → increased notifications
- Underestimate because often asymptomatic
Chlamydial Infection
Males: • Painful urination • Inflammation • Discharge: mucopurulent = v. similar to gonorrhoea Females: • Slight discharge, 80% asymptomatic • Inflammation of cervix • Burning on urination
Who is at risk?
Who is at risk?
• People in contact with asymptomatic, infected persons
• People with multiple partners
• Newborns of infected mothers
Chlamydia trachomatisEXAM
• Small
C. trachomatis Bind to Mucosa
Problems: • scarring ♀ blocks Fallopian tubes ♂ blocks urethra, vas deferens • infection spreads - salpingitis PID Result >>> infertility
TB transmission: aerosols
• Oldest documented infectious disease
• ‘Great White Plague’ / ‘Consumption’ (Satine in ‘Moulin Rouge’)
• Linked to poor sanitation / bad living conditions
• Chronic, slowly progressing infection – usu. of lungs
– also: kidneys, spine, brain
• Incidence:
– 16th-18th C: 25% with TB died – Today
• Globally: Each year:
– 2 billion infected (1/3 world’s pop.) – 2 million die
• Australia: 1300 new cases / year
contributors to increased incidence
• Immigration from endemic TB areas
• The human immunodeficiency virus epidemic – AIDS: infection with atypical strains
• Antibioticresistance
– development of multi-drug resistant TB
• TBtransmissionininstitutionalsettings – hospitals and prisons
• Reducedemphasisoncontrol&prevention
– Deterioration of the infrastructure for TB services: • No mobile clinics in Australia
– No new drugs
– Need for more research
causative organis for TB
Mycobacterium species
• Usu. M. tuberculosis
• M. bovis: cattle assoc’d:
– Vaccination / herd testing / milk pasteurisation
• Atypical strains (eg M. avium):
– Immunosuppression eg AIDS, cancer drugs – RT defect eg COAD
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Aerobe • Fastidous • Slow-growing: 12-24hours/generation • Waxy lipids (mycolic acid) in cell wall – 40% lipid Hydrophobic – Resistant to disinfectants and stains – Acid fast
dentification Specimen = Sputum/phlegm – Stain: Acid fast rod in smear – Culture: Lowenstein Jensen medium (SLOW) • Confirmatory • Drug resistance – Molecular techniques (QUICK) • PCR
establish of TB infection important NO toxins produced
Enters URT in small aerosol droplets tubercle
phagocytosis: selective uptake
- Preferential uptake via complement and mannose receptors
- Inhibits uptake via Fc receptor
- Inhibits phagosome / lysosome fusion
- Possibly escapes from phagosome into cytoplasm
= Area of dead tissue surrounded by layer of macrophages and T lymphocytes
• Walled off, calcified
• Interior ‘cheese-like’: caseous necrosis – Trap bacteria
Essentials of CMI response to TB EXAM
• T helper cells and macrophages interact via receptors and cytokines
• Th1 cells secrete INTERFERON GAMMA (IFN-y)
• Macrophages secrete TUMOUR NECROSIS FACTOR (TNF)
• Macrophage activation →
↑↑ proteolytic enzymes
↑↑ ROI
↑↑ RNI
some tubercle bacilli killed → giant cells & epithelioid cells
• Granulomas form
– consist of activated macrophages, T helper & T cytotoxic cells – may contain the infection
Outcomes of Cell-mediated Immune Response
• Control (latent infection):
– Activated macrophages kill M. tuberculosis
• Tubercles calcify = granuloma
• No symptoms, not contagious
• Reactivation ~20yrs / immunosuppression OR
• Uncontrolled (TB disease):
– Insufficient immune response
• Centre of tubercles liquefy
• Bacteria coughed up in sputum • Spread to blood, organs
• 50% mortality rate
Outcomes of Cell-mediated Immune Response control (latent infection)
• Control (latent infection):
– Activated macrophages kill M. tuberculosis
• Tubercles calcify = granuloma
• No symptoms, not contagious
• Reactivation ~20yrs / immunosuppression
Outcomes of Cell-mediated Immune Response uncontrolled (TB disease )
• Uncontrolled (TB disease): – Insufficient immune response • Centre of tubercles liquefy • Bacteria coughed up in sputum • Spread to blood, organs • 50% mortality rate
• Bacteria survive:
– inside walled-off lesions in lungs
– in lung-associated lymphoid tissue – in other sites
• Reactivation up to 20 years later
TB disease Pulmonary Symptoms
- Chronic, bad cough: lasts > 3 weeks
- Chest pain
- Coughing up blood/sputum * Weakness or fatigue
- No appetite weight loss
- Chills, fever, night sweating
cough and weight loss
Extrapulmonary TB
Active TB in : – Kidneys
– Skin
– Lymph nodes – Bones / joints – Brain
screening for TB
- ChestX-ray
- Tuberculintest(Mantoux):
– Intradermalskininoculationoftuberculo- protein PPD
– Indicatescell-mediatedhypersensitivity
– DetectslatentandactiveTBorsuccessful BCG vaccination
-ve result:
• No skin reaction after 2d
• Never infected with M. tuberculosis
• Sometimes false –ve in tuberculous meningitis
prevention of TB
• Limit transmission • Improve living conditions – Housing – Nutrition – Social deprivation • BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) vaccine
BCG Vaccination
• Attenuated vaccine: Live strain of M. bovis reduced in virulence
• Local reaction at site within 2-6 weeks: Papule ulcerates, heals, scar
• Initiates cell-mediated immune response
• Administration:
– Developing countries / endemic areas: children at birth
– Developed countries: high risk individuals: contacts, healthcare workers, teachers, immigrants from endemic countries
– Not used for:
• Immunosuppressed people • Asymptomatic HIV +ve
– Variable effectiveness:
• Research studies: UK 70% / 20years; India 0 - 90%
»> BCG provides some protection against TB because:
• M.tuberculosisandM.bovisBCGsharesomeantigenicepitopes • MemoryTcellsconferprotection
treatment TB
• Isoniazid,rifampicin,pyrazinamide ethambutol
• Two or more drugs given together – Minimises development of resistance
• Long-term: ~1year – Poor compliance – Resistance
• Spontaneous chromosomal mutations
• 2007 in Aust.: >11% strains showed some
resistance (Lumb et al)
The clinical specimen should be:
The clinical specimen should be: 1. Appropriate and adequately represent the diseased area
- Of sufficient quality /quantity for all tests
- Free of contamination
- Collected into appropriate containers 5. Obtained before antibiotics are administered (if possible) 6. Accompanied by notes from the physician
Transport Must be quick because pathogens can - Die quickly outside the body - Be overgrown by contaminants Minimise time lag between sampling and testing using: • special transport media • preservatives • dip slides • refrigeration/freezing
Laboratory reception:
Laboratory reception:
Need good documentation on receipt of specimen,
Assignment of ID no. and labeling
- Macroscopic
- Microscopic
- Using specific lab tests
Additional tests and reporting
Additional tests and reporting Initial report Preliminary report Presumptive diagnosis Final report Confirmatory diagnosis Supplementary report
B. Laboratory Testing Techniques
B. Laboratory Testing Techniques I. Microscopic methods II. Cultural methods III. Serological/immunological methods IV. Molecular methods V. MALDI-TOF VI. Typingsystems:strainswithinspecies VII. Antibiotic sensitivity testing
B. Laboratory Testing Techniques:I. Microscopic methods
- Unstained preparations
- Simple stains: Gram
- Special stains: specific features
- Immunofluorescence
I. Microscopic methods:
General stains
Haemophilus influenzae
present in CSF seen with Gram stain
Fungal cell staining pink with the H&E stain used in histology
I. Microscopic methods:
Special stains
Ziehl-Neelsen’s acid fast stain shows the presence of Mycobacterium in a sputum sample
Negative staining of a CSF sample with India ink shows encapsulated Cryptococcus cells
I. Microscopic methods:
M. tuberculosis - labelled with fluorescent antibod
B. Laboratory Testing Techniques cont.
II. Cultural methods:
These allow:
- Isolation on solid media
- Identification through morphological and biochemical characteristics
- Pure isolate for other testing
(eg. biochemical tests, antibiotic sensitivity tests)
Three Types of Culture Media:
- Enrichment media
• For low numbers or fastidious organisms • Can be liquid or solid
• Enriched with blood, tissue infusions, etc
Three Types of Culture Media:
- Selective media
Separation of pathogen from mixture Selective ingredients - antibiotics, dyes, bile salts etc
Mannitol salt agar; Staphylococci can tolerate high salt media while most other bacteria are inhibited
Three Types of Culture Media:
- Indicator media
• Identify particular colonies among a mixture • Contain sugars or other substrates and dyes • Indicator media are usually selective as well
Chromogenic agar
MacConkey agar – selective and indicator medium
Culture: Biochemical Tests
• Series of tests allow presumptive ID – Sugar usage
– Chemical compound usage
Test for indole
- separate enterics such as E. coli (Ind+) from Enterobacter (Ind-)
Salmonella in Rappaport - Vassiliadis medium
+ve (left) & -ve (right)
Fermentation reactions
- used to separate enterics
Culture: Biochemical Tests
Multitest systems combine tests in a single kit eg. API
Limitations of culturing exam
Limitations of culturing
• Incubation time delays diagnosis and treatment
• Labour-intensive
• Improvements include automation and computer analysis
Laboratory Testing Techniques cont
III. Serological / Immunological methods:
eg precipitatin, haemagglutination, complement fixation, ELISA
• GenerallyusedtodetectvirusesorAbtoviruses • Useful for organisms that are difficult to
culture or dangerous
• Disadvantages:
- retrospective
- +ve result ≠ active infection
Laboratory Testing Techniques cont
IV. Molecular methods (Genus & species ID)
- Probe for genes
- specific virulence factors of pathogen - commercially available
- quick, accurate so long as gene present in high numbers - DNA Amplification
- increase copies of gene before probe - difficult/slow, dangerous pathogens - Microarrays
- simultaneous screening for different pathogens
IV. Molecular methods (Genus & species ID)Advantages and dis
IV. Molecular methods (Genus & species ID) • Advantages - highly automated - high sensitivity & specificity • Disadvantages - contamination->false +ve - inhibition->false –ve - can only detect known microbes - expensive equipment and reagents
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Time-Of-Flight
- MALDI TOF detects abundant housekeeping proteins in the sample, especially ribosomal proteins
- Developed for bacteria; can also be used for fungi/yeasts; not very good for viruses as they don’t have much protein
- Now adopted by many large diagnostic labs worldwide due to speed, sensitivity and low cost
MALDI TOF limitation
• Doesn’t work for viruses
• Only as good as your database
• Can’t handle mixed samples where there are >1
organism present
• Doesn’t work on solid samples (stool; tissue)
VI. Typing systems - strain within species
• Tracesourceofoutbreak • Biochemical,culture,genetic - biotyping – phenotypic markers - serological typing – agglutination - molecular typing – restriction digestion-based eg. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), sequence-based, eg. MultiLocus Sequence Typing (MLST)
VII. Antibiotic sensitivity testing Identified pathogen – which antibiotic?
• Tests ensure
appropriate treatment -> minimise severity of
-> shorten recovery time
• Especially valuable for organisms with unpredictable AB sensitivity
C. Treatment
C. Treatment
• If disease is life threatening – initiate antibiotic therapy without waiting
• Antibiotic sensitivity test: - confirm treatment OR
- recommend more effective therapy
• Importance of fungi to human health
- Importance of fungi to human health
- Poisonous mushrooms (mycetism) • Food spoilage fungi and mycotoxins • Allergenic fungi and hypersensitivity • Commensal and pathogenic fungi
- Eukaryotic
- No chlorophyll
- Moulds / yeasts
- Usually found in moist dark habitats
- Usually aerobic, though some are anaerobic • Cell walls contain chitin
- Reproduce by spores