U33 - U37 Flashcards
The doctor gave him a referral to the consultant.
the act of sending sb to get professional help
second opinion
I’d like a second opinion before I make a decision.
advice from another person
out of hours
when a surgry, office, etc. is closed
clinical trial
The new drug is undergoing clinical trials.
a piece or period of research on the effectivesness or safety of drugs or treatment
complementary medicine
treatments that are not part of traditional Western medicine, e.g. acupuncture
nothing is too much trouble
sb is always ready to help
second to none
As a dancer, he is second to none.
If a treatment is …, it is the best
rushed off your feet
extremely busy, with too many things to do
recuperate (from sth)
= recover/ convalesce
get back your health, strength or energy after being ill, tired, injured, etc.
fastidious | meticulous
fastidiousness (n)
paying careful attention to every detail
perfectly clean
a written statement by a political party saying what they belive in and what they intend to do
give sb a say / have a say in sth
the right to take part in sb/sth for a particular purpose
allocate sth
A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.
They intend to allocate more places to mature students this year.
give sth officially to sb/sth for a particular purpose
>< ineligible
allowed by rules or laws to do or receive sth
happening or existing across the whole city
the activity of keeping order in a place, using the police
proceeds (of sth)
the money you receive when you sell or organise sth
fraud (n)
the crime of obtaining money from sb by tricking them
defraud sb
They were accused of defrauding the company of $14 000.
get money illegally from a person or an organization by tricking them
fraudulent (adj)
fraudulent advertising
intended to cheat somebody, usually in order to make money illegally
a gun that can be carried
forgery (n)
forge (v)
the crime of making the exact copy of documents or works of art in order to make money by selling them
be detained in custody
detainee (n, person); detention (n)
keep sb in an official place (a police station) and prevent the from leaving
grounds (for sth)
on the grounds that
good or true reasons for saying or doing sth
give rise to
The novel’s success gave rise to a number of sequels.
cause something to happen or exist
caution sb
warn sb officially that anything they say may be used against them as evidence in court
the state of being prision while awaiting trial
remand sb
The two men were charged with burglary and remanded in custody.
remand (n) (be on remand)
send sb away from court until their trail
People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.
retributive (adj)
severe punishment for sth serious that sb has done
rehabilitate sb
the process of helping sb to live a normal life after they have been ill or in prison
in crisis
in a period of great difficulty and uncertainty
reoffender (n, person)
commit a crime again
occupational hazard
Hearing loss from excessive noise is an occupational hazard for nightclub workers.
a rish or danger that is a part of a job
occupational therapist
occupational therapy
a person whose job is to help people get better after illness or injury by giving them special activities to do
occupational health
the study or activity of trying to prevent people becoming ill because of their job
industrial/occupational hygiene
the science or activity of controlling disease and injury in the places where people work
occupational medicine
the study and treatment of illnesses or injury caused by the work someone does:
occupational pension
a pension from an employer rather than the government:
industrial/occupational/organisational psychology
the study of the behaviour and relationships of people in the places where they work:
occupational hazard/risk
a danger that is connected with doing a particular job:
Each chapter is self-contained and can be studied in isolation.
able to operate or exist without outside help or influence
a person living in a prison
a part or share of the whole number or amount
deviate from sth
deviation (n)
be different from what is normal
segregate (v), segregationist (adj) (n, person)
the policy of separating people of different sex, race, religion, etc.
by common consent (everyone), By mutual consent (both)
agreement about sth
the process of judging your own progress, achievements, etc.
join the army force
conscription|the draft|call-up
conscript (v)
the practice of ordering people by law to join the armed forces