U14 - U19 Flashcards
not caring or worrying about the future
chatty (adj)
a person who talks a lot
within reason
according to what is practical, possible, or sensible
be drawn to sb/sth
be attracted to sb/sth
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. to impress others
>< slow-witted
able to think quickly; intelligent
trying hard to get what you want, especially in a rude manner
assertiveness (n)
behaving confidently so that people take notice of what you say
get up sb’s nose
annoy sb very much
on the surface
when not thought about deeply or carefully and completely; when not looked at carefully
scratch the surface (of sth)
deal with, understand, or find out about only a small part of a subject or problem
alood | distant | stand-offish
not friendly towards others
virtuous (adj)
> < vice
a good or desirable quality
impulsive | impetuous | rash
doing things quickly, without thinking about the results.
scepticism (n)
sceptical about sth
you are not confident that it is true or will happen
cynicism (n)
you believe people do things for yourself rather than for unselfish reasons.
He was gutted when she finished the relationship.
being in a state of extreme distress or excitement and crying, laughing, shouting, etc.
in tears
bottle sth up
bottle up your emotions
stop yourself showing negative emtions or feelings, especially over a long time
wear your heart on your sleeve
make your feelings obvious to others
innermost thought
the thoughts which are most personal and private
Screaming at the top of your voice is a good way of venting pent-up frustration.
(of emotions, energy, etc.) held back; not shown or expressed
complimentary (about sth)
compliment sb on sth | pay sb a compliment
saying nice things about sb
put a strain on sb/sth
create pressure and anxiety for sb, create tension in a relationship
stick up for sb
support and defend sb if they are criticised
as time went by
over a period of time
settle down
become calmer and more relaxed
have a go at sb
criticise sb
make a sacrifice
give up sth important or valuable in order to do sth that seems more important
follow in sb’s footsteps
do the same work or be as successful as sb before you
idolatrous (adj)
too much love or praise for sb/sth
a person who thinks they are better than people in lower social classes
vulgar | coarse | crude
not polite, elegant, or having good taste
despise sb/sth
hate and have no respect for sb/sth
malicious | spiteful
malice (n)
out of malice/spite
showing hatred and the desire to hurt people’s feelings
kick up a fuss | make a fuss about sth
made complaints about sth angrily
make a fuss of sb | make a fuss over sb
pay a lot of attention to sb, usually to show how much you like them
lay down rules/law
say officially what the rules are
set a good/bad example
behave in a way that others may copy
make an example of sth
punish sb severely to set an example
give in (to sb/sth)
= capitulate (to sb/sth)
The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers’ demands.
agree to do sth that you don’t want to do
the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society
frown on/upon sb/sth
disapprove of sb/sth
courtesy (n)
having bad manners and not showing respect.
insolence (n)
extremely rude and disrespectful
be on your best behaviour
behave in the most polite way you can.