U31: Classroom language Flashcards
Equipment and uses
a highlighter pen
You use a highlighter pen to highlight a word.
Equipment and uses
pencil sharpener
You use a pencil sharpener to sharpen pencils.
Equipment and uses
look up a word in dictionary
(phrasal verb)
find the meaning of a word
Equipment and uses
borrow something from someone
use it and then return it
Classroom activities
plug in the DVD player
(noun, /ˈplʌɡɪn/)
put the plug in the electric socket
Classroom activities
turn up the volume on the DVD player
(phrasal verb, /tɜːn/)
increase the volume; make it louder; opp: turn (it) down
Classroom activities
You lend someone something …
Classroom activities
You borrow something from someone…
Classroom activities
a partner
Someone else,i.e. another student
Classroom activities
Could you swap places with someone?
Change seats / sit in each other’s seats
Classroom activities
Use it together at the same time
Classroom activities
Repeat this sentence after me
repeat (v)
repetition (n)
say it again
Quenstions about vocabulary
What do you mean?
mean (v)
meaning (n)
to have a particular meaning
Quenstions about vocabulary
How do you pronouce something?
pronouce (v)
prounciation (n)
(verb, /prəˈnaʊns/)
to make the sound of a letter or word
Quenstions about vocabulary
How do you spell something?
spell (v)
spelling (n)
to write down or tell someone the letters that are used to make a word.
Quenstions about vocabulary
How do you use the word something?
use (v)
use (n)
Quenstions about vocabulary
Could you explain the difference between something A and something B?
explain (v)
explanation (n)