u3 schizophrenia Flashcards
Kurt Schneider - sorted symptoms into positive and negative
Structural abnormalities describe
Nancy Adreasen - MRI scans; 20-30% larger ventricles
Vita et al - CAT scans; 33% with schizophrenia had moderate to severe atrophy
Luchins et al - CAT scans tudies right handed individuals with and without schizophrenia. There was increase in reversals in those with schizophrenia.
Structural abnormalities evaluation
Nancy Adreasen - MRI scans; 20-30% larger ventricles
McCarley - praised study above | suggested that other factors such as age, sex, all impact brain abnormalities
Lyon - as doses of antipsychotic meds increase, density of brain tissue decreases
Psychodynamic describe
Reichman - early experience of rejection + mistreatment led to profound distrust and resentment to others within schizophrenics
Psychodynamic evaluate
Kasanin - examined hospital records maternal overprotection in 33/45 cases
Heston - adoption studies - 10.6% of those with a biological mother with schizophrenia were also diagnosed compared to 0%
Dysfunctional families describe
Brown - men discharged to stay with parents and wives relapsed more than those sent to lodgings or to stay with siblings
Batson’s double-blind theory
Dysfunctional families evaluate
Researchers - 53% schizophrenics with high EE relatives relapsed within 9 months compared to 12% of those with low EE relatives.
McCready and Phillips - failed to find higher subsequent relapse rates
Sociocultural factors describe
Francis and Dunham 1933 - higher incidence of schizophrenia in cities compared to suburbs in Chicago
Krabbendan and Van Os - features in urban areas: pollution, drug abuse, overcrowding, greater social stress.
Farris - suggested that people with schizophrenia find contact with others stressful so they withdraw
Jones et al - ‘solitary play’ at ages 4 and 6 | at 13 years old more likely to rate themselves as less socially confident
Sociocultural factors evaluate
Van Os et al - single people in less populated had a greater risk of schizophrenia
Mackenzie et al - higher levels of social capital may protect is from stress
Antipsychotic drugs describe
Phillip Seman - Fast off theory
Antipsychotic drugs evaluate
J Cole - 75% conventional antipsychotics were much improved compared to 25% on placebo | none of patients on the drugs got worse compared to 48%
Rettenbacher et al -
Full: 54%
Partial: 8.3%
Non: 37.5%
Thomas Szasz - physical treatment for mental disorders is no more sophisticated than demonology
CBT describe
Laura Smith - identified key treatment components
CBT evaluate
1. 50% on CBT improved, 1 got worse vs
standard care alone 31% improved, 3 got worse, 1 suicide.
- clients generally satisfied with their experience of CBT
- costs involved CBT offset by reduced service cost in the future