U2T4 - Keywords Flashcards
Adapted to live in water. Have adaptations to minimise gas exchange, especially since tissues are under water.
Having little or no rain.
Large air spaces.
Difference between hottest and coldest part of the day.
Organisms compete for a resource which is in short supply, this results in a winner + a loser.
Intraspecific Competition
Organisms of the same species are competing for a resource.
Interspecific Competition
Organisms of different species’ are competing for a resource.
Ecological Niche
Organism’s role within ecosystem. What it feeds on, where it lives, climatic + edaphic factors it prefers + competition.
Competitive Exclusion Principle
No 2 organisms can occupy the same niche. If they do, it’d be competition + one species would have to lose.
Ways to estimate the amount/abundance of organisms present in particular habitat.
Number of individuals present, usually sampled using quadrats, most common way of sampling animals. Not suitable for all plants as some are hard to decipher where they start + end/
Percentage Cover
Usually for plants as difficult to distinguish between individuals, gives an estimation.
Species recorded as present/absent at certain sampling point. Pin frames/point quadrats often used for this. 5% frequency = 5% pins used touched species. If a number of species touch pin, then they are also recorded.
Percentage frequency
Indicates percentage of all quadrats/sampling points in which a species occurs in.
Random Sampling
If area to be sampled is uniform/absence of clear pattern in species distribution, this is used. It avoids bias. Grid set out using tape measures at right angles, random numbers generated by calculator. Assuming distribution is relatively even.
Systematic Sampling
Used when zonation/clear transition from one habitat type to another occurs. Along a line or transect.
Line Transect
Sampling continually at intervals along transect line (tape). Only those touching tape are counted.
Belt Transect
Sampling along transect line using quadrats rather than tape. Percentage cover represented by line graph, histogram or kite diagram.
Interrupted Belt Transect
Sampling at intervals along overall transect due to large distance. e.g. Sand Dune 1km+. Several belt transects at intervals within overall transect. Use kite diagram for data especially if more than 1 organism present. Otherwise can use line diagram or bar chart.
Abiotic Factors
Non-living/physical factors. e.g. soil moisture, soil organic content, soil temp, soil pH + light intensity.
Edaphic Factors
Factors that relate to the soil.
Biotic Factors
Factors linked to living organisms. e.g. competition from other organisms + grazing.
Relative Light Intensity
e.g. Light reaching group in certain habitat as % of light reaching open group.
Pitfall Traps
Samples small group animals. Must sink trap sufficiently into soil so edge not above ground level, check regularly to avoid predation by other organisms.
Sweep Nets
Hold net with hoop end nearest to group in front, plane of hoop perp to you, swing side to side 180deg arc, one stroke per step. Tilt net opening so lower rim edge slightly ahead of upper rim. In short vegetation, swing deeply. In tall vegetation, sweep deep enough to keep upper edge opening even with plant tops. No more than 10 inches below plant tops. Same net for diff areas, not field edges.
Sample small insects for viewing + identifying in lab.
How common something is. Abundant, Common, Frequent, Occasional + Rare.
More than or equal to 51%.
26 to 50%
12 - 25%
6 - 11%
Less than 6%.
The process of change by which an organism/species becomes better suited to its environment.
Behavioural Adaptation
The things organisms do to survive.
Physiological Adaptation
Internal systematic responses to external stimuli in order to help an organism maintain homeostasis.
Morphological Adaptation
A structural feature that aids in fitting a species to its particular environment.
The process by which air is circulated through, mixed with or dissolved in a liquid or substance.
Interaction between animal or plant species, or individual organisms, that are attempting to gain a share of a limited environmental resource.
A portable frame, typically with an internal grid, used to mark out a square area for sampling.
The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification can be depended on to be accurate.
The quality of being logically or factually sound.
The quality or state of being correct or precise.
The quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate
The tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.