U2RE Life&Death Flashcards
Definitions: Environmental Sustainability
Ensuring that the demands placed on natural resources can be met without reducing capacity to allow all people and other species of animals, as well as plant life, to live well, now and in the future
Example – looking after the planet by planting more trees
Keywords: afterlife
Life after death. Example- Heaven or Hell
Keywords: euthanasia
From Greek, eu ‘good’ and Thanatos ‘death’. Sometimes referred to as ‘mercy killing’. Example-‘Thou shall not kill’
Keywords: Evolution
The process by which different living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier less complex forms during the history of the earth. Examples- This scientific theory for origins of the world believed by many Christians and Muslims.
Keywords: Abortion
When a pregnancy is ended so that it does not
result in the birth of a child
Example – Catholic Christians believe abortion is
wrong because ‘Thou shall not kill’
Keywords: Quality of LIfe
The extent to which life is meaningful and
Example – Some people might believe being
paralysed and unable to move or do regular things
is a poor quality of life
Keywords: Sancity of LIfe
The belief that life is precious, or sacred.
Example - For many religious believers, only human
life holds this special status
Keywords: Soul
The spiritual aspect of a being; that which
connects someone to God. The soul is often
regarded as non-physical and as living on after
physical death, in an afterlife
Example – Christians believe the soul leaves the
body and goes to heaven or hell
Orgin Of The World: Christian belief
Christians believe that the world was created within six days as it says in book on Genesis. God created the world
Orgin Of The World: uslims belifes
Muslims believe that Allah created the world as in the Qur’an is says “Allah created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days”
Origins Of The World: Humanists beliefs
Humanists believe in the Big Bang creating all the universes and earth also with the addition of evolution more scientific backed up statistics then any religious belief.
What is the Design Argument
The design argument is an argument that all humans face it’s basically the argument for the existence of God according to one version the universe as a whole is like a machine machines, have intelligent designers like effects have like causes, therefore the universe as a whole has an intelligent designer, which is God
Stewardship; Christians
Christians believe that disintegration of the natural world is our responsibility that God left us in the faith that we will take care of his creation
Stewardship: Muslims
Muslims believe that humans are stewards or Khalifahs of our creation. They must maintain the fitra or balanced the world. “ All creation and command belong to him”
Stewardship: Humanists
They believe that we have to protect and preserve the environment, and that includes all life including
· Sanctity Of Life: Christians
They believe human life is sacred, and is a gift from God
· Sanctity Of Life: MUslims
They believe life is sacred, and one of the greatest gifts and blessings from God similar to Christianity
· Sanctity Of Life: Humanists
They reject any belief in the sensitive of life. Human life has a value, but it does not belong to God and humans were created in the image of God. That’s what humanist believe.
Euthanasia: Christians
Catholic Church opposed active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide on the grounds that life is a gift from God and physician, assisted suicide on thegrounds that life is a gift from God
Euthanasia: Muslims
Muslims believe that it is forbidden, however, if the patient has a imminently fatal illness, it can be considered permissible
Euthanasia: Humanists
They believe that dying patient should have the right to choose if they want to end their life to prevent further suffering
Afterlife: Christians
Christianity teaches that the death of the physical body is not the end, and that, after time on earth, humans will have eternal life in the afterlife, whether being heaven or hell
Afterlife: Muslims
Muslims believe that after death, God/Allah will play the word of a judge weighing the deeds of each individual. He will be the one to decide whether a person goes to Jahannam (Hell) or Jannah (Heaven)
Afterlife: Humanist
They have no belief in afterlife, so they focus on seeking happiness in this life
Abortion(Pro Choice Vs Pro Life): Christians
Catholics believe that abortion is moral evil, whereas most protestants, believe in abortion to some extent
Abortion(Pro Choice Vs Pro Life): Muslims
Abortion is allowed, only when it is medically proven that the life of a mother is in danger
Abortion(Pro Choice Vs Pro Life): Humanists
Many humanist believe abortion can be morally, accepted.Many humanist around the world, actively campaign for abortion to be legally available
Funerals: Humanists
Non-religious and personal funeral ceremony, a humanist ceremony is a funeral service led by celebrant. It is recognised as, profound sadness, saying goodbye was celebrating the life and the legacy of a loved one
Funerals: Muslims
Muslims see a funeral to be a very spiritual occasion everyone in a tendency participates in group prayers
Funerals: Christians
When someone passes away, it is the end of their life on earth, family and close friends, gather at a Christian funeral to moon, but also to celebrate the life of a person who passed away.
Speciesism- Peter Singer: Who is this?
Singer regards speciesism as discrimination on the basis of species membership, on a par with sexism and racism: speciesists unjustifiably favour the interests of members of their own group over the interests of others
· Case studies Savita
This woman was a victim of being unable to abort her child, when 17 weeks pregnant, she complained of back pain, but was discharged without a diagnosis. Late examined, found that the gestational sac was protruding from her body later, determined that miscarriage was on avoidable several hours later her water break and the following day 23rd October. She discussed abortion with her counselling physician, but her request was refused as that Irish law at the time so bid abortion later on she died of cardiac arrest at one oh9 am on 28 October age 31
· Case studies: Gianna
She was born weighing, 2 lb with her cerebral palsy her mother tried to abort her in her final three months in the womb she was adopted at the age of four and length the truth of her traumatic birth when she was 12. She is now in anti-abortion and disability writes protester. She has forgiven her mother, but she questions “if birth is about to women’s right then what are my rights?”
Case studies: Harold Shipman
He was a serial killer, an acquaintance as Fred Shipman he was considered to be one of the most prolific serial killers in modern history with an estimated 250 victims. Het was found guilty of murdering 15 patients under his care. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life order, he hanged himself in his cell at HM prison.He only targeted vulnerable elderly people who trusted him as he was their doctor
Case studies: Baby RB
This baby wasn’t born crying, but was born blue. He was late moved into a ventilator with a red genetic condition called congenital myasthenic syndrome (CMS), as he grew up he couldn’t do anything. Apart from move his little wrist. His brain was absolutely fine. He could hear he could see his mum later, filed for a court session. The case went to High Court. She wanted to let her son suffer no more.
Case studies:Tony Nicknlson
He was an active sporty guy in his younger years, but in 2005, he had a stroke which paralysed him he could only move his head and eyes for many years. He wanted to end his life, but could not without help. He asked for High Court to state that it could be lawful for doctor to help him and his life, but was rejected several times, so he resorted to one thing starvation, he died after refusing food in 2012 20th August
Keywords: Empirical Evidence
Evidence that can be measured by our sense – seen, touched, hurt, tasted or smelt.
Origin of the universe: The 6 days in Christian’s eyes
1) he creates light
2) he creates the sky
3) he creates the land, sea and plants
4) he creates the sun, moon and stars
5) he creates animals
6) he creates humans
Origins of the Universe: Quite
‘Let there be light’ Genesis 1:3
Origin of the Universe: Quote Islam
‘Be!’ Allah says that and the universe comes to existence
‘He who created the heaven and the earths’ Qur’an 36:81
Keywords: Inception
The establishment or starting point of something
Liberal Muslim: Quote
‘ Him who created you out of dust, then out of drop or sperm, and then fashioned you into a complete man?’ Qur’an 18:37