U1Re Marriage&Family Flashcards
KeyWords: Adultery
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse. Example- The Bible teacher, “ Thou shall not kill”
KeyWords: Divorce
To legally end the marriage. Example – divorce is never allowed in the Catholic Church.
KeyWords: Cohabitation
To live together in a sexual relationship without being married or in a civil partnership. Example – cohabitation is not allowed in the Catholic Church.
KeyWords: Commitment
A sense of dedication and obligation to someone or something. Example– Marriage is committing yourself to person for life.
KeyWords: contraception
Methods used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant during all following sexual intercourse. Example – Condom, the pill.
KeyWords: Gender Equality
People of all genders joining the same rights and opportunities in all aspects of their life. Example – “ We are all in Christ”
KeyWords: Responsibilities
Actions/duties you are expected to carry out. Example – A parent is responsible for looking after their child.
KeyWords: Roles
Position, status or function of a person in society, as well as the characteristics and social behaviour expected of them. Example – parents should have equal roles and looking after the family.
KeyWords: Relationship
The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.
Types of Families: Nuclear family
Two parents and children living in the same house.
Types of Families: Extended Family
Multiple adult and children living in the same house; this may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.
Types of Families: Blended/Reconstituted Family
A family made up of two parents who had previous partners and children. Step – parents, step – brothers/sisters,etc.
Types of Families: Childless family
A family with no children, this may be by choice, infertility or another reason.
Types of Families: Single parents
A family with only one parent, who raises the children alone.
Christian views: Purpose in Family
To build a stable society, to produce children to be raised as Christian.
Christian views: Bible teaches in Family
The Bible teachers that nuclear family is the ideal type of family however modern life has posed issues for this for you. There are now more single parents and blended families in the UK.
Roles Christian View: How God created men and women?
Christians believe that God created men & women in his own image to support each other
Roles Christian View: What men and women are in Gods eyes
They are both Equal
Roles Christian View: Husbands should…
Work and provide for their family.
Roles Christian View: Women should…
Remain at home, raising the children and keeping the house.
Roles Christian Views: Quote
‘Wives, submit to your husbands as you do to the Lord’ Ephesians 5:22
Catholic View family: Their idea of family
Nuclear Family is ideal
Catholic View family: Role of Parents
To provide a safe stable home
Catholic View family: Responsibility
Raise child as Catholic
Catholic Views on Family: QUOTE
“ Honour your father and your mother” EXODUS 20:12
Muslim Views on Family: They should follow…
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), by getting married & have children
Muslim Views on Family: Purpose of Family
-To built a stable society
- To produce children to be raised as Muslim
Muslim Views on Family: Extended Families
These are r very common in Islam
Roles of Women & Men in Islam: Parents Responsibility?
To provide a stable home and educate/raised their children in Muslim Faith
Roles of Women & Men in Islam: men and women are…
Roles of Women & Men in Islam: Men role
Men are the head of the family – they must protect and provide for their family financially
Roles of Women & Men in Islam: Women roles
Women are the hearts of the family – they mustn’t show the well-being of everyone and the standards of morality
Roles of Women & Men in Islam: Hadith
“ a man is the guardian of his family and responsible for his subjects; a woman is the guardian of her husband home and his children” HADITH SAHIH AL-BUKHARI
Monogamous Meaning
Having one sexual partner
Why do people get married?
Commitment, love, money, children, and arranged
Why does some people not get married?
Money, children, trust issues, same-sex couples, too young, not able to commit, not needed, multiple partners, no agreement from parents.
Quote: About Marriage Christianity
“ the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh” Mark 10:6-8
Definitions: Marriage
The legal or formal recognised union of two people as partners and our personal relationship – in some religions or countries this can be two people of the opposite sex
True or False: A marriage is a legally binding contract
True or False: Couples living together without being married have the same legal rights as married couples
True or False: To adopt a child in the UK you must be married
True or False: If you are living together without being married and your partner dies you are given access to their bank accounts
True or False: As a women when you get married you don’t have to take your husbands last name
Christian Views On Marriage: What do they believe Marriage is?
Most Christians believe marriage is a sacrament (a gift from God)
Christian Views On Marriage: What does Jesus explain marriage is?
Jesus explains marriage is Gods intentions for humans & that’s it joins a couple spiritually & physically
Christian Views On Marriage: Is sex forbidden before marriage
Yes sex outside marriage is forbidden
Definitions( 4 P’s): Procreation
To make a stable environment to have and raise children as Christian
Definitions (4 P’s): Partnership
A long life commitment to unite and support each other
Definitions (4 P’s): Purity
To allow people to have sex and it’s not sexual immorality
Definitions (4 P’s ): Protection
It helps to maintain an organised society
Quotes On Marriage: Marriage is Procreation Genesis 1:22
“And God bless them, saying,” be fruitful and multiply, and fill the water in the seas, and let birds multiply on earth .”
What Christians do to get Married?
In Christian tradition, marriage involves spiritual preparation, a ceremony usually in a church, and legal formalities. Couples often undergo pre-marital counseling. During the ceremony, vows are exchanged, rings are given, and blessings are offered. The marriage license is signed, and celebrations follow with friends and family.
Features is a Christian wedding
Married in a church to show commitment to God, gift from God, bridesmaids, speeches, vowels, rings representing everlasting love, communion etc
Muslims beliefs about Marriage: What is marriage
Marriage is a religion obligation for Muslims, a contact about commitment , consenting the man and women
Muslims beliefs about Marriage: Qu’ran states…
The Quran states that Allah
made men and women as gift each other
Muslims beliefs about Marriage: What marriage creates
A flourishing Society, allows two people to support and carefully each other, allows humans have their sexual needs without sinning.
Quote: Marriage Islam
“He creates spouses from among yourselves” Qu’ran 30:21
Muslims beliefs about Marriage: How many wives can a man have
Muslims men can have up to 4 wives: as long as he can treat them all equally(polygamy )
Muslims beliefs about Marriage: how many husband can a Muslim women have?
Muslim women can only have one husband
Muslims beliefs about Marriage: Why Muslims marry?
Family life is important, to strengthen the Muslim community, Follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed, All Muslims are encouraged to marry, Quran 30:21 suggest marriage is a gift from Allah
About Muslim weddings: Couples get permission to marry from…
from the Wali (guardian of the bride )
About Muslim weddings: What must the bride be given
The bride must be given a Mahr (dowry) from the grooom (money jewels or other high value items )
About Muslim weddings: Families celebrate how?
Families will usually celebrate the marriage with a Walimah - Partyy
About Muslim weddings: Muslim ceremonies are called…
Nikahsss also the name of the contract bride and groom sign if front of two male witnesses
About Muslim weddings: A wedding can usually take place in a….
Mosque, home, or somewhere else
About Muslim weddings: Duration of a Muslim wedding
- Pre Wedding: When family meet and set the even dates.
- The Wedding: Whne the bride officially leave her family home to join her husband
- Post Wedding: When the bride and groom host an after party once moved in together
About Muslim weddings: 5 important parts
- Mahr
- Signings the nikkah (marriage contract )
- The vows
- Reading from the Quran.
- The Walimah (Big party)
Keywords: Tradition
The transmission of customs or beliefs that generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way
Types of Marriage: What is love marriage?
Two people decide to get married to each other because they love each other
Types of Marriage: Arranged marriage
A marriage of two people organised by the families of those involved. No one is forced to marry but the match is based on family, reputation and morals rather than love.
Types of Marriage: Temporary unannounced marriage
This is when a man and a woman and married for sure amount of time it was a traditionally used during time of Mohammed so that men could take wife fast they were travelling
Interfaith Marriage Meaning
Is when two people from different faiths get married; for example, a Muslim and a Christian
Christian Views on Interfaith marriage: Quote
“ Do not be yoked together with unbelievers” 2 Corinthians 6:14
Muslim Views on Interfaith marriage: Is marriage outside Islam discouraged
It is strongly discouraged, some will allow Muslim man to marry Christian would you woman, any children from an interface marriage would need to be raised as Muslims
Keyword: Stigma
A set of negative beliefs that society has about someone
Catholic views on cohabitation: Is it prohibited
Christian teachings forbid, cohabitation, sex before marriages are said known as fornication
Catholic views on cohabitation: Quote
“ fornication and adults God will judge” Hebrews 13:4
Muslim views on cohabitation: Quote
“ do not go near fornication/auditory: it is an outrage” Quran 17:32
Muslim views on cohabitation: Is it prohibited
Cohabitation is forbidden and Islam – as sex outside of marriage is considered to be a called Zina
Keywords: infidelity
The action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse 
Adultery terms
Cheating, having an affair, fornication, two timing, playing around, infidelity, unfaithfulness
Why people commit Adultery
Flattered by attention, felt emotionally neglected at home, was unhappy with sex life, enjoyed the thrill cheating, could not commit to just one partner.
Christian views on adultery: Is it prohibited
Christians are opposed to adultery it is considered a sin, they believe that it destroys relationships between men and women.
Christian views on adultery: Quote
“You shall not commit adultery ” Exodus 20:14
Christian views on adultery: some Christians after divorce and remarry
Muslim views on adultery: Is Adultery prohibited
Adultery is forbidden (haram) in Islam- as sex outside of marriage is considered a sin
Muslim views on adultery: Men aren’t allowed..
To be alone with a women other than there wives or family members is haram
Muslim views on adultery: Quote
“Do not go near formication/adultery : it is an outrage ”Quran 17:32
Muslim views on adultery: Punishment of adultery
The Quran states it is punishable by death in several Islamic countries eg Iran
Keyword: Reconcile
To restore or repair a damaged relationship
Definition: Annulment
A legal way to cancel a marriage in the Catholic Church
Catholic Christians views on Divorce: is it prohibited
Catholics don’t accept divorce, they are against remarriage as well- as they believe it’s a form of adultery
Catholic Christians views on Divorce: Why would Catholics allow annulment
-If the couple have never had sex (consummated the marriage)
- If one member of the couple was forced into the marriage
Catholic Christians views on Divorce: Quote
“What God has joined together, let no man separate” Mark 10:9
Muslim Views on Divorce: Is it prohibited
Muslims will accept divorce, but only as a last resort. If they are having difficulties in their family, they should appoint family members to help them reconcile – these are known as arbiters.
Muslim Views on Divorce: Quote
“ wives either be kept on in an acceptable manner or released in a good way” Qur’an 2:229
Muslim Views on Divorce: Rules during an Islamic divorce
- Divorce is not allowed whilst women is menstruating pregnant or just after childbirth
- Divorce must be announced in Arabic in front of two witnesses
- Must wait three months before divorce granted to ensure wife is not pregnant
- Wife May keep them make , husband must support any children
- Divorce is granted by the Shariah council, in the UK, the couple must apply for legal divorce on top of that
Humanist views on Divorce: Is it prohibited
Humanist accept divorce as they believe that we should do whatever makes us happy in life without harming others. 
Quiz: the religion doesn’t accept divorce at all, so couples cannot get remarried in a place of worship
Quiz: Remarriage is encouraged after a divorce
Quiz: divorce people who wish to remarry can only have a civil ceremony
Quiz: divorce is accepted, so remarriage is not an issue
Quiz: it is up to the judgement of the religious leader whether to allow a remarriage
Quiz: some religious leaders may offer a blessing rather than a marriage
Keywords: Promiscuity
Having several sexual partners on a casual basis
Christian views on the nature and purpose of sex: What they believe sex is
Christian believes sex is a gift from God. However, most people believe that this gift should only be enjoyed by a man and woman within a marriage.
Christian views on the nature and purpose of sex: What the Bible says about sex
Procreation- to have children
Partnership- sex unites a married couple sexually and physically.
Pleasure – sex is for enjoyment between our husband and wife
Muslim views on the nature and purpose of sex: What Qur’an says about sex
The current teachers that sex is a gift from Allah for the pleasure of the couple. Muslims believe that sex is an act of worship. Finally, the greatest purpose of sex in Islam is for procreation (to bring new life in the world).
Is sex prohibited in Islam
Key Concepts: Chastity/Chaste
To not have sexual intercourse
Key Concepts: Celibacy/Celibate
Remaining unmarried and not having sexual intercourse
Keywords: Inclusivity
The practise or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded
Quaker Christian views on same-sex relationship: is it prohibited?
Quaker Christians accept homosexuality – pointing out that Jesus never forbid it, and that Jesus teaches are more important than all Testaments laws.
Catholic Christian views on same set relationships: is it prohibited?
Catholics believe that homosexuality is a sin that breaks Saint Thomas Aquinas’ natural law. (to reproduce)
Catholic Christian views on same-sex relationships: are same-sex couples allowed to be married?
They do not allow same-sex couples to be married and Catholic Church as they believe marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Pathic Christians views on same-sex relationships: Quote
“You shall not lie with a man as with a woman. That is the detestable.” Leviticus 18:22
Muslims use on same-sex relationship : is it prohibited?
The Crown forbid same-sex relationships and doesn’t accept same-sex marriages – homosexuality is a sin
Muslim views on same-sex relationships: why isn’t same-sex relationships halal?
Muslims believe Allah created man and a woman in pairs to procreate in marriage. However, they are allowed to come to the mosque and pray they just cannot engage in any sexual activities.
Muslims use on same-sex relationship: Quote
“You approach men with desire, instead of a women. You are a transgressing people” Qur’an 7:81
Conservative Muslims: their beliefs within the LGBTQ+
- Made people to procreate. And homosexual couple cannot procreate.
– Being gay or lesbian is a crime in most Muslim countries.
– The Quran has passages that show homosexuality a sexuality is wrong.
Liberal Muslims: their belief in the LGBTQ+
They are growing numbers of organisations, website and Muslims who support homosexuality and the LGBTQ community they say this because, it is acceptable they live in, Islam is a religion of tolerance, accept recent scientific development about homosexuality, allow will be the ultimate judgement, Allah has created everyone.
Keywords: Egalitarian
Believe in in the idea that people are equal deserve equal rights and opportunities
Christine views on woman in worship: Quote 1
“ I don’t permit a woman to teach auto assume authority over man” Timothy 2:11-12
Christine views on woman in worship: Quote 2
“ Nor is the male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
Muslims views on women in worship: Quote 1
“ Husbands have a degree of right over them(wives)” Qur’an 2:228
Muslim view on women in worship: Quote 2
“Whoever does good and believe, be it man or women, will enter Paradise” Qur’an 40:40