costs of sexual reproduction
- males are unable to produce offspring- only half the population (females) can
- only half of each parents genome is passed onto offspring , disrupting successful parental genome
costs of asexual reproduction
- genetic variation of population is low
how does the positives of sexual reproduction outweigh the negatives of having males
- advantage is that there is increase in genetic variation
- genetic variation provides the raw materials required for adaptation , giving sexually reproducing organisms a better chance of survival under changing selection pressures
how can the red queen hypothesis explain the persistence of sexual reproduction
-as co evolutionary interactions between parasites and hosts may select for sexually reproducing hosts
If hosts reproduce sexually, the genetic variability in their offspring reduces the chances
that all will be susceptible to infection by parasites
Hosts better able to resist and tolerate
parasitism have greater fitness. Parasites
better able to feed, reproduce and find new
hosts have greater fitness.
- hosts that are better able to resist/ tolerate parasitism have greater fitness , so this trait increases in subsequent generations. If hosts reproduce sexually the genetic variability of their offspring reduces the chances that they will be susceptible to to infection by parasites.
- parasites better able to feed , reproduce and find new hosts have greater fitness. if parasites reproduce sexually , the genetic variation in their offspring increases the chances of some of the offspring having improved ability to exploit their hosts
what does asexual reproduction involve
- how / when is it successful
- involves the production of genetically identical offspring by a single parent
advantages of asexual reproduction
- whole genomes are passed from parent to offspring, just one parent can produce daughter cells and establish a colony of unlimited size overtime. maintaining the genome is an advantage , particularly on very narrow , stable niches or when re colonising disturbed habitats
- offspring can be reproduced more often and in larger numbers than with sexual reproduction
disadvantages of asexual reproduction
- asexually reproducing populations are not able to adapt easily to changes in their habitat because thier genetically identical offspring do not provide the variation required for natural selection
- however mutations , although rare, do arise and provide some variation and enable some natural selection and evolution
examples of asexual reproduction
- vegetative cloning in plants
- parthenogenesis in animals and lower plants
vegetative cloning in plants
- eukaryotes usually use sexual reproduction
- flowering plants can use sexual and asexual
- asexual : vegetative cloning has evolved in flowering plants : including bulbs ( daffidols) , corms , yubers (potato) . stolons (strawberry) rhizomes (ginger)
what is parthenogenesis
- give an example
- reproduction from a female gamete without fertilisation
- stick insect and aphids are examples of insects that produce multiple female clones, but can also produce males by deleting a sex chromosome
- where is parthenogenesis more commonly found
- parthenogenesis is more commonly found in areas with lower parasitism.
- these include cooler climates that are disadvantageous parasites and regions where there is low parasite density and diversity . in these areas the RQs hypothesis is being run more slowly , so there is a lower selection pressure on producing offspring with genetic variation
both sexual and asexual reproduction are examples pf ______ gene transfer
- what is this
- where parent individuals of one generation pass copies of their genes on to offspring that form the next generation
what is horizontal gene transfer
when genes are transferred across from an individual to others in the same generation. This does not occur due to reproduction.
organisms that reproduce mostly by asexual reproduction often have mechanisms for _____ gene transfer between individuals within a generation
give an example of organisms that exchange genetic material horizontally
- prokaryotes can exchange genetic material horizontally eg such as the transfer of plasmids between individual bacteria in a population.
- although yeast is eukaryotic , it is unusual in having plasmids that can be transferred between individuals
prokaryotes can exchange genetic material horizontally, resulting in faster evolutionary change than in organisms that only use ____ _____
vertical transfer
eg -
what is meiosis
- meiosis is the division of the nucleus that results in the formation of haploid gametes from a diploid gametocyte
body cells
- diploid and haploid
- all body cells are diploid (have 2 sets of chromosomes)
- gametes are haploid (sex cells) carry only one set of chromosomes
- diploid number for humans is 46- two sets of 23
in diploid cells , chromosomes typically appear as ______ ______
what is similar and different about these ?
- homologous chromosomes
- the chromosome in each set have a matching homologous chromosome - that is the same size , has same centromere position , has the same genes at the same loci
- though the genes are the same on the homologous chromosome , the alleles may be different as each chromosome in the pair has been inherited from a different parent
the production of haploid gametes starts with the cell division called ____
- when does fertilisation occur
- when the haploid gametes (formed by meiosis ) fuse together to form a new diploid nucleus
how does combining haploid gametes increase variation
- the combining of haploid genomes from two different individuals produces a new combination of alleles in the offspring , so variation is increase
meiosis I
1) at the start of meiosis I , chromosomes have already replicated , condensed and become visible. Each chromosome consist of two genetically identical sister chromatids attached at the centromeres
2) homologous chromosomes pair up , so they are aligned gene by gene, forming a bivalent (pair of homologous chromosomes)
3) the homologous chromosomes undergo random crossing over at points called chiasmata between non sister chromatids , and this allows the exchange of sections of DNA and recombination of alleles of linked genes
4) nuclear membrane breaks down so that microtubules from centrosome can connect with centromere. microtubules form spindle fibres aligning the chromosomes at the equator. orientation of the pairs of homologous chromosomes at the equator is random , irrespective of the parental origin: this is described as independent assortment
5) microtubules of spindle fibres shorten and chromosomes of each homologous pair are separated and move towards opposite poles
6) nuclear membrane forms around chromosomes, and cytokinesis occurs forming two daughter cells
meiosis II
- there are now two cells- each one is haploid , with one copy of each homologous chromosome. the sister chromatids are no longer identical due to the crossing over
1) the nuclear membrane breaks down (of each cell) centrosomes send out microtubules again to bind to centromeres of each sister chromatid. spindle fibres align the chromosomes across the equator of the cell
2) microtubules shorten and pull the sister chromatids to opposite ends of the cell. the sister chromatids are now called chromosomes
3) new chromosomes group in each end of the cell and a nucleur membrane forms around them , cytokensis then seperates the cells
4) at the end of meiosis II, four genetically different haploid cells have been produced
what are the two different processes in meiosis that produce cells that are genetically variable and when do they occur
- crossing over , in meiosis I , after homolgous chromosomes pair up gene by gene forming a bivalent
- independent assortment - in meiosis I , when homologous chromosomes are aligned at the equator
crossing over
- what are linked genes
- random crossing occurs at random points called chiasmata - chiasmata can only form between chromatids of two homolgous chromosomes ( never between the chromatids of one the same)
- linked genes are those on the same chromosome and crossing over can result in new combinations of the alleles of these genes
- crossing over of DNA