U1: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology Flashcards
___ has 2 meanings:
a. a synonym for cognition
b. a theoretical approach to psychology
Cognitive Psychology
___ laid the foundation for cognitive psychology
-1st psychology lab in Germany
-studied mental processes
- contribution: introspection
Wilhelm Wundt
-human memory
-nonsense syllables
Hermann Ebbinghaus
- recency effect
- 1st women of APA
Mary Calkins
-Principles of Psychology
-delved into the everyday psychological experiences
-active and inquisitive nature of human mind
William James
-focused on measurable and observable reactions to a stimuli
-an antimentalist
-emphasized on the use of operational definitions & controlled experiments
John B. Watson
-emphasize that humans have basic tendencies to actively organize what we see
-whole is greater than the sum of its parts
-rejected introspection and gave importance to problem-solving
Gestalt Psychology
-chimpanzee sultan stacking sticks to reach a banana placed far away
Kohler’s study
-Remembering: An experimental and social study book
-rejected controlled experiment of Ebbinghaus
-discovered systematic errors
-human memory is active, constructive. We interpret and transform information
-emphasis on schema-based approach
Fredric Bartlett
-cognitive revolution
Emergence of modern cognitive psychology
-stated that humans have an inborn ability to master all the complicated and varied aspects of language
sensory memory- STM- LTM
(2 secs) (30 secs) (forever)
Information processing approach
-investigates the cognitive processes involved in our social interactions
Social cognitive neuroscience
-destruction of brain tissue due to stroke, tumors, accidents or sometimes done purposefully
Brain lesions