(U1) Developments In Nazi Germany 1933-39 Flashcards
How strong was Hitlers position as chancellor when first appointed
- not initially strong (broad coalition of right wing parties only 3 nazis in cabinet)
- Von Papen believed he and Hindenburg could control Hitler
- however Frick role as Minister of interior gave widespread power over policing and justice
What was Hitler’s first action as chancellor?
- 31st January 1933: radio address to the nation
- asked German people for 4 years (a precursor of the enabling act)
- set out Nazi plan and helped gain trust of people
When was the reichstag fire and how did the nazis react
- Feb 27th 1933 Reichstag set ablaze
- Dutch communist Van Der Lubbe imprisoned and executed for the fire
- Hitler described it as ‘God given signal’ and golden opportunity for Nazis
- Portrayed as attack against Germany
What was the Decree for the Protection of the People and State?
When was it signed?
What was its affect (for the Nazis)?
- signed February 28th 1933
- took away freedom of assembly,
- allowed government to access communications,
- allowed internment,
- freedom of press curtailed,
- death penalty for certain offences
- increased power of Nazis hugely
What did Hitler do after the reichstag fire?
What did this demonstrate?
(Other than Decree)
- banned the KPD (Feb 28th 1933)
- sent clear intentions of Nazis about eliminating competition
- illustrated Nazi view that communism and being German were incompatible
What were the results of the March 5th 1933 election (3)
What was the backdrop to the election?
- No overall majority by Nazis 43.9% (288)
- joined with DNVP 52.6% (340)
- KPD banned - Nazi coalition majority up to 60%
- widespread violence by SA - intimidation during election
What was the Enabling act?
How was it passed? (3)
- Law that would give Hitler dictatorial powers for 4 years - bypassing the Reichstag
- required 2/3 Majority in reichstag to pass
- achieved through intimidation and persuasion e.g Z party by promising to respect rights of Catholic Church and uphold religious values
- passed 441 to 94 only SPD went against
When was the Enabling Act passed?
March 23rd/24th 1933
What moves did the Nazis take to eliminate opposition in local govt?
- March 31st 1933: local govts disbanded and reconstituted to 60% Nazi majority in every district
- April 1933 to Jan 1934: Länder progressively outlawed, centralising govt
- also introduced Reichstadthalter (governor roles)
What moves did the Nazis make against Trade Unions
- May 2nd May 1933 Trade Union offices occupied and assets seized
- Seen as potential opponents to Nazis regime
- Replaced May 10th by German Labour Front (DAF)
What happened to the other political parties in Germany in 1933
- June and July 1933 DVP, DNVP and Z party voluntarily fold spd banned
- Law against formation of political parties July 14th
- Germany now one party state, made spd ban legal and gave Nazis legitimacy
What was the Law of unity of party and state
- made it compulsory to be part of the Nazi party to hold government position
- NSDAP became synonymous with Germany and third Reich
- Ties Nazi party to every part of the German state
How did the Nazis reconstruct the state
- January 1934 Reichsrat abolished local governments made subordinate to ministry of interior
- end of federalism (centralism)
What was the reasons for the Blood Purge
- 2-3 million SA soldier loyal to Rohm who was openly critical of Hitler
- Rohm wanted to merge with the army who Hitler seeks the loyalty of
- Rohm was a socialist who wanted another revolution which made him an opponent of Hitler
What happened during the night of long knives
- June 30th 1934
- 200 SA officer arrested and executed
- Rohm executed
- other political opponents arrested or executed
- clear sign of Nazis ruthlessness