U1: C1: The Cell Flashcards
Cell theory
- cell is basic unit of life
- arise from pre-existing cells
- cells carry and transfer genetic info
- all living things composed of cell(s)
Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
- organisms
- cell support
- location of genetic material
- mitotic apparatus
- organelles
- Flagella and sperm tail make up
- uni/multicellular
- ribosomal subunit
- DNA/ chromosomes
- location of transcription and translation
- asexual/sexual
- types of reproduction
- bacteria
- fungi, protist, plants, animals
- cw (peptidoglycan)
- fungi cw (chitin)
- protists & plants cw (cellulose)
- animals no cw, instead internal cytoskeleton
- no nucleus, instead in the nucleoid (region)
- inside the nucleus
- none instead use cytoskeleton
- only animals: centrioles and asters (MTOC)
- none
- yes present (key distinction bw pro & euk)
- flagellin (use H+ and Na+ gradient)
- animals: microtubules (use ATP)
- uni
- fungi (uni/multi)
- protists (uni usually, but multi like algea)
- plants (uni/multi)
- animals (multi)
- 70s
- animal: 80s
- Single circular, 1 chromosome w.o histones
- animal: muli linear, multiple chromosomes w. histones
- occurs at the same time, in the cytoplasm
- occurs at different times, transcription in the nucleus, translation in the cytoplasm
- a/sexual
- fungi, protists, plants: a/sexual
- animals: sexual
- binary fission(a), conjugation(s), (transformation/transduction)
- fungi: spores/ mycelial fragmentation
- animals: meoisis
- nucleus
- nucleolus
- nucleoid
- only in euk
- only in euk, where rRNA is transcribed and incomplete ribosomes are made.
- only ih prok, region where DNA is located when coiled
phospholipid bilayer, with hydrophobic and hydrphobic region. It is what encloses the organelles.
- In euk plasma membrane, embedded are…
- Transport proteins
- Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) proteins : recognize cells, located on cell surface
- Cholesterol: rigidity
- Sugar
nucleus structure
Enveloped nucearl membrane (double membrane), nuclear pores, and nucleolus

make protein (and can be either the free floating or bound to ER)

Can bacteria do endo/exocytosis?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
- smooth: nonbound ribosomes, biosynthesize lipids and steroids and metabolize carbs and drugs (detox)
- rough: bound ribosomes, biosynthesize transmembrane proteins and secreted proteins

Golgi Apparatus
repackage SER and RER materials and secrete via secretory vessicles.
RER material is also modified in golgi

Vesicles/ vacuoles
animals/ plants
transport and store ingested, secreted, processed materials
hydrolytic enzmes, also cause autolysis (cell death), recycle and clean up and police
contains its own gene and repliate via binary fissionh but req use of ribosomes (only inherited by mother)

peroxisomes: in animals catalyze detox rxns in liver
glyoxysome: in gem. plant, utlize fat for usable E bc can’t photosynthesize yet
in plants and algae, use sun and water to make sugar

specialized microtubules not membrane bound. Animals only
Animal cell



Animals vs Plant cells

- microfilament
- microtubules
- intermediate
- (actin rods): contraction of muscles - thin filament
- (tubullin hollow): structural support of cillia and flagella, and transportation of chromosomes
- (collection of fibers): maintailn overal integerity oc cytoskeleton
phospholipid bilayer donut, so it can encase polar things
Miscelle: phospholipid circle, so it can encase nonpolar thing