U1 AOS1 - Lesson 1 - Intro to Economics Flashcards
What is economics?
Economics is the study of how our scarce resources are allocated to maximise societies living standards
Are the smaller parts which make up the whole economy.
Eg. The price of a particular good or service, the profitability of an individual business.
Is the study of factors which impact the whole economy.
Eg. The inflation rate, unemployment rate, economic growth rate etc.
Positive Economics
When economic decisions are based on evidence. For example A leads to B occurring. If the price of apples increased to $10 per kilo, demand would decrease.
Normative economics
When internal factors impact economic decision making.
E.g., if someone was to buy a red car because they thought it would drive faster.
The creation of goods and services
What is earned by selling resources to the business sector
The total spending on goods and services
Economic Activity
All the transactions that take place in the economy, in terms of volume of production, income and expenditure in an economy