Typography Flashcards
It is a type of typography that carries the meaning of the
word and sometimes appears as physical
Expressive Typography
It is a type of typography that is meant to be read
Functional Typography
This rule states “Align your text to the left for best readability.”
Rule 1: Justify Left – Because It’s Right
This rules states “Stick to one font for a clean, cohesive design. You can experiment on mixing other fonts/typefaces when you are confident enough on using multiple fonts in a single layout.”
Rule 2: Use One Font/Typeface – Keep It Simple
This rule states “Jump from light to bold, skipping intermediate weights.”
Rule 3: Skip a Weight – Make a Bold Choice
This rule states “For a dramatic hierarchy, double the size of your fonts between levels”
Rule 4: Double Point Size – Make Heads Turn
This rule states “Align text elements to one vertical axis for clean, professional layouts.”
Rule 5: Align to One Axis – Stay in Line
This rule states “You can choose any font, but choose wisely”
Rule 6: Pick Any Font – Just Pick It Right
This rule states “Use visual rules to group related content together”
Rule 7: Group by Using Rules – Organize Like a Pro
This rule states “Keep important text away from the corners of your layout.”
Rule 8: Avoid the Corners – Stay Out of the Danger Zone
This rule states “Mind the space between lines and letters”
Rule 9: Mind the Gap – Give Your Text Space
This rule states “Typography is important, but don’t stress out.”
Rule 10: Relax, It’s Just Type – Don’t Overthink It