Typical Items & Specific Transactions Flashcards
Net position
Equity section for proprietary and fiduciary fund types
Three categories of net position
Net investment in capital assets
Funds that aren’t restricted or net investment in capital assets
To be restricted, the restriction needs to be due to an external reason such as creditors or legislation. The city council’s decision on how to use funds would still be “unrestricted”
Net investment in capital assets
Balance is equal to capital assets - accumulated depreciation - any debt related to the capital assets
Fund balance
Fund balance is the equity section for governmental fund types
Two types of classifications
Classification types for spendable section
Not in a spendable form or legally required to remain unspent, such as permanent endowments
Reserved for a specific purpose by external parties such as creditors, regulations, or imposed by law.
Constrained by the government’s highest level of authority. Note the difference to restricted
Intended to be used for a specific purpose but doesn’t meet restricted or committed criteria
Resources available for any purpose
Capital Assets
Capital assets will be reported in the proprietary or fiduciary funds, not in the governmental funds. Recorded at historical cost and depreciated, except for land and inexhaustible works of art or historical items.
Infrastructure Assets
These are assets such as bridges, roads, water systems, etc. that have much longer useful lives than ordinary capital assets such as machinery.
Inexhaustible infrastructure assets are not depreciated, and the rest are treated as capital assets and the depreciation will be reported in the government-wide statements, the proprietary fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund net position, and the statement of changes in fiduciary net position.
Alternatively, governments have the option to take the modified approach which means the asset won’t be depreciated, but the government will record maintenance costs instead of depreciation. If this approach is taken the government must document that the asset is being preserved at a disclosed level.