What is market faiure
where free marekt fails to allocate scarce resources at the socially optimum level of output
state the 9 market failure causes
negative + positive externalities
demerit + merit goods
public goods
income inequality
monopoly power
common access resources
factor immobility
why are externalities a casue of mkt failure
6 parts
not accounted for in the free market mechanism
consumers ignore any impacts on 3rd parties when they consume
producers ignore impacts on 3rd parties when they produce
this is becasue firms are profit maximisers so only consider their private costs
and consumers are utility maximisers so they only consider private benefits
so at the heart of the problem is self interest whihc is an issue if there are external costs or external benefits
explain why merit and demerit goods are casues kf mkt failure
4 parts
we don’t know how good or bad these goods are for us so theres informaiton failure in this case which
may casue consumers to make irrational descisiions when they consume
which can lead to the allocation of scarce resources being too high or low
therfore we create an output that isn’t eqal to the socially optimum level of output
explain why public good are a casue of mkt fialure
we have the free rider problem and the notion that firms are profit motivated therfore there wont be a supply of public goods
*? -creating a missing mkt which results in mkt failure as there is no ouput of the good so we dont get a socially optimum level of output
explain how common acess resources (tragedy of the commons) is a cause of mkt failrue
these goods often overconsumed and over produced becasue there are -ve externalities in production
self interest is at the heart becuase private producers ignore external costs when it comes to producing
explain how income inequality is a source f mkt failure
can be argued to be a source of mkt failure on teh grounds of inequity
in a free market if inequality becomes so high its deemed to be ujnfair it can be agued to be a source of mkt failure
whats the problem of the idea of inequality as a source of mkt failure
its someone opinion (normative consideration ) of when its too high
explain why monopoly power is a source of mkt failure
hint: think of assumptions
5 point
in a free amrket we assume there are many buyers and sellers, perfect information and no barriers to entry and exit
but a monopoly has one dominant seller and high barriers to entry
this gives rise to monopoly power
therfore consumers are exploited withb hgiher than SO prices and lower than SO quantities
casuing mkt failure as we dont have output at eh socially optimum level of outpu
explain why factor immobility si a cause of mkt failure
when d shifts right in free markret suppliers can respond and produce extra output, responding to the incentive to icnrease £ and make more profit
however they may be unable to as their FOP may be immobile so they cant increase output meaning we’re left with a misallcoation of scarce reosurces
e.g in labour mkt workers may not be perfectly mobile because they may be ocupational imobile
this therfore stops the PAOSR leading to market failure