What are negative externalities in production
costs to 3rd parties as a result of actions of producers
IN NEGATIVE EXTERNALITIES of production , producers are producing somehing and 3rd parties are
suffering the costg
what is a 3rd party - production terms
economic agents that have nothing ot do with the activity/transaction taking place but suffering costs as a rsult of production
give 4 examples for where 3rd parties suffer as a result of production
Air Pollution
Resource Depletion
give 4 examples for where 3rd parties suffer as a result of production
Air Pollution
Resource Depletion
Resource Degradation
explain how air pollution is a negative externality and affects 3rd parties
thorugh producing metals , textiles and chemicals
air pollution is a by product
local residents are the 3rd party suffering from respiratory probles + a greater risk of cancer
explain how resource depletion effects 3rd parties
future gen suffer from a loss of income and not being able to consume goods and services that may have been made from those reosurces
what is resource depletion
consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished
explain how deforestation effects a 3rd party
3rd party villagers living near and use forest for food/water sources suffer from a greater risk of flooding
in terms of a negative externality What is greater MSC and MPC
msc > mpc
explain why in a negative externality of production msc greater than mpc
we have external costs as a result of production - they become real
EC are +Ve meaning SC are greater and higher than PC
since were working with negative externalitirs in production what curve moves
how would you draw graph for negatove externalities in producgtion
y axis = price /costs/benfits
x axis = quantity
draw MPC then draw MSC behind / higher as theyre greater
then draw D=MPB=MSC curve
draw equilibrium at mpc = mpb demand and mpc w p & q
draw another equilibrium at social optimum (mpb = msc) w pq
shade in triangle towards social optimum ( diff between social cost and benefit)
why does the marekt allocate reosurces at mpb = mpc - production ?
because thats the private optimum
where is the allocativley efficient and social optimum