Types of long-term memory Flashcards
Why was the multi-store model criticised for its description of long-term memory?
A major limitation of the multi-store model is its description of long-term memory as a single, unitary store. On the basis of hundreds of research studies, psychologists now know that there are potentially many different long-term memory stores.
Who was one of the first cognitive psychologists to realise that the multi-store model’s view of LTM was too simplistic and inflexible?
Endel Tulving (1985)
According to Tulving, how many types of LTM are there?
Tulving proposed that there are three LTM stores, containing different types of information.
What are the three long-term memory stores identified by Tulving?
Episodic memory, semantic memory and procedural memory.
What is an episodic memory?
Episodic memory refers to our ability to recall events from our lives. This has been likened to a diary, a record of daily happenings.
List examples of episodic memories
- Your first date
- A fight you had with your friend last night
- Your first day of secondary school
Why are episodic memories thought to be complex?
Episodic memories are complex because your memory of a single episode will include several elements, such as people, places, objects and behaviours.
Are episodic memories time-stamped?
Episodic memories are time-stamped, meaning one can remember when they happened (e.g. recently or last week).
How are episodic memories recalled?
Episodic memories require conscious effort to be recalled. This may only take a couple of seconds, but you are still aware that you are searching for your memory.
What is a semantic memory?
This store contains our knowledge of the world. Semantic memories have thus been likened to a combination of an encyclopaedia and a dictionary.
List examples of semantic memories
- How to apply to university
- An understanding of what words and concepts mean
- Your address
- Where the Eiffel Tower is located
Are semantic memories time-stamped?
Semantic memories are not time stamped, meaning we don’t remember when we first learned about specific concepts.
What happens to our semantic memory store as we get older?
As we get older, our semantic memory store becomes more complex because the store is added to each time we learn something knew.
How are semantic memories recalled?
Semantic memories require conscious effort to be recalled.
What is a procedural memory?
This is our memory for actions, skills and how to do things.
How are procedural memories recalled?
Procedural memories can be recalled without conscious awareness.
Provide one example of a procedural memory
An example of a procedural memory is driving a car. Our ability to do this depends on procedural memory because we are able to change gear without having to recall how. Similarly, we indicate left or right at a junction without even realising we have done so.
Why are procedural memories described as being ‘non-declarative’?
Procedural memories are ‘non-declarative’ because these are the sorts of skills we might find hard to explain to someone else.