Types Of Family/Households Flashcards
A two generation family of a man and a women and their dependant children (own or adopted)
Kinship refers to blood relatives or people connected because they are marital partners. People can enter kinship through adoption and fostering
People sharing a house. This may be students and increasingly is made of people living alone.
Extended family
Any group of kin (people related by blood, marriage or adoption) extended beyond nuclear family (vertically - grandparents, horizontally - Aunts, uncles)
Modified extended family
An extended family living far apart but keeping in touch by phone, letters, email and frequent visits
Reconstituted family
A step family in which one or both partners have children from a previous relationship
Patriarchal family
Authority held by males
Matriarchal/Matrifocal family
Authority held by females
Symmetrical families
Authority and household tasks shared between male and female partners
Lone parent family
Lone parent with dependant children, most commonly after divorce or separation (although may also arise from death of a partner or unwillingness to marry/cohabit)
Same sex families
Same sex couple, with children
Civil partnerships
The 2004 civil partnerships act gave same sex couples similar legal rights to married couples in respect of their pensions, inheritance, tenancies and property
Single person household
An individual living alone
When a couple lives together but is not married
Beanpole family
A family that is vertically extended but not horizontally extended e.g grandparents, parents and children, but not aunts, uncles or cousins