Types of Disabilities: Deafblindness Flashcards
A sensory disability that includes both deafness and blindness. Most people who are Deaf-Blind are not completely deaf nor completely blind and retain some hearing and sight capability.
Braille Displays
If a person is both deaf and blind, the only option is to use a refreshable braille display in combination with a screen reader. The screen reader sends the text to the braille display, which they can then feel with their hands.
ICT Challenge: Digital text cannot be seen.
Solution: A screen reader can convert text to braille on a refreshable braille device, or “print” it in a braille embosser.
ICT Challenge: Audio (including the audio portion of videos) cannot be heard.
Solution: A text transcript of the audio can be converted to refreshable braille by a screen reader, or “printed” in a braille embosser.
ICT Challenge: Cannot see or hear visual or auditory alerts/feedback.
Solution: Provide haptic alerts/feedback.
General Challenge: Speakers cannot be seen nor heard.
Solution: Provide tactile sign language interpretation.