Types of clogged follicles Flashcards
noninflammed buildup of cells , sebum, and other debris inside of follicles
- OPEN comedo is a blackhead open at the surface and exposed to air.
(when follicles is filled w excess oil a blackhead occurs)
-CLOSED comedo forms when opening of the follicles are blocked with debris and white cells.
(Whitehead *should not be confused with more hardened white type of papules (milia))
small epidermal cysts that appear as firm white papules
-whitish, pearl like masses of sebum and dead cells under the skin with no visible opening.
often mistakenly called whiteheads
(look similar but they are soft)
-more common in dry skin and may form after skin trauma such as:
-laser resurfacing
-cromic exposure to UV radiation
Retention hyperkerattosis
hereditary factor in which dead skin cells build up because they do not shed from the follicles as they do on normal skin
Sebaceous hyperplasia
benign lesions frequently seen in oilier areas of the face
-white, yellow, or flesh colored
*DOUGHNUT SHAPED with an indentation in the center
-as cell turnover rate slows with age and androgen levels decline, cause abnormal cell buildup with very little oil that crowds & enlarges sebaceous glands
severe oiliness of the skin
(abnormal secretion from the sebaceous glands)
-in the scalp: dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis)
-behind ears
-around nose
-other areas of face
it is NOT acne