Types of Aid Flashcards
Voluntary Aid
Given by charities (Oxfam, Save the Children) who raise money from the general public to finance small development projects and provide emergency help.
Often a natural disaster such as drought can lead to famine for many in Africa. Charities such as Oxfam or Save the Children appeal for short term aid.
Bilateral Aid
Aid given directly from one government to another (money, training, food). Often this is ‘tied aid’ with conditions placed upon the aid, usually to benefit the donor.
Multilateral Aid
Aid given through an agency like the World Bank or many countries.
Official government aid
Aid given by the governments and other agencies to support the economic, environmental, social and political development of developing countries
Also known as Official Development Assistance (ODA) is given by governments and paid for by taxes.
Short-term Aid
Aid given for emergency relief- to cope with immediate problems caused by disasters like earthquakes and wars
Long-term Aid
Aid helps people to improve their lives and develop their country over time.
Tied Aid
Often MEDC governments ‘give’ countries aid. Sometimes we provide them with loans to build dams or power stations to help the nation develop. As part of the deal, a foreign multinational company are allowed to make use of the cheap electricity generated.
Alternative aid
eg. Cancel all debt of the world’s poorest countries. Try and provide better strategies so that they can help themselves. MEDCs should stop exporting subsidised crops which damage poor rural communities around the world. Reduce tariffs in MEDCs for crops and foodstuffs from LEDCs