Type 2 Diabetes Flashcards
Goals for Optimum Management of Type 2 Diabetes
- Diet
- Eat according to Australian Dietary Guidelines - BMI
- 5-10% weight loss If BMI >=25 - Physical Activity
- Children/adolescents - >= 60mins/day of moderate to vigorous exercise + muscle and bone strengthening activities 3x per week
- Adults - 150mins aerobic activity + 2-3 sessions resistance exercise (to total of >=60mins) per week. - Cessation of smoking
- EtOH - <= 2 std drinks per day
- BSL monitoring
- Fasting 4-7mmol/L
- Post-prandial 5-10mmol/L - HbA1C Target
- Generally <= 7% (53mmol/mol) - Lipids - According to CVDRisk. If >15%, following targets
- Total < 4.0mmol/L
- HDL > 1.0mmol/L
- LDL < 2.0mmol/L (<1.8 if CVD present)
- Non-HDL < 2.5mmol/L
- TAG < 2.0mmol/L
- Total < 4.0mmol/L
- BP < 140/90mmHg
> Urine ACR? Target < 130/80mmHg - Urine ACR
- Men < 2.5mg/mmol
- Women < 3.5mg/mmol - Vaccination
- Influenza, Pneumococcus, dTpa.
- Consider Hep B if travelling and HZV.
Indications for Self-monitored blood glucose
- Insulin-user
- If not using insulin, consider on case-by-case basis basesd on type of hypoglycaemic agents, risk of hypoglycaemia, level of glycaemic control.
- Pregnancy complicated by diabetes of gestational diabetes
- Sick Days - Hyperglycaemia arising from intercurrent illness.
- Haemoglobinopathies or other conditions where HbA1c measurements unreliable.
Screening For Type 2 Diabetes
- Screen for diabetes every three years from 40yo on using AUSDRISK assessment tool.
- ATSI? Screen from 18yo annually.
- AUSDRISK >= 12? Screen with fasting BSL or HbA1C every 3 years.
- Impaired GTT or FBG, screen every 12 months.
Early-Onset Diabetes Recommendations
Early- onset = diagnosis <= 25yo.
- Refer to endocrinologist. If not available, refer to specialist physician with interest in diabetes.
Indications for metabolic surgery in T2DM
- BMI >40kg/m^2
- BMI 35.0-39.9kg/m^2 with inadequate diabetic control despite optimal medical therapy and lifestyle management.
HbA1C Targets
< 7% - General recommendation
< 8% - Severe hypoglycaemia risk, limited life expectancy, advanced micro or macrovascular complications,
Diabetes and cases for clinically determined high CVDRisk
- Age > 60 + T2DM
- Diabetes with UACR > 2.5 men or > 3.5 women
- eGFR < 45
- Diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia
- Total Chol > 7.5mmol/L
- ATSI + Diabetes
- SBP > 180mmHg or DBP > 110mmHg
Diabetic Retinopathy Guideline Recommendations
Screening by optometrist/opthalmologist:
- At diagnosis of T2DM
- Annually
- Established retinopathy, add Fenofibrate to Statin to reduce rate of progression.
- Patients with established retinopathy planning pregnancy or who are pregnant must be counselled regarding risk of progression of diabetic retinopathy.
- Eye examination should occur before pregnancy and monitored every trimester during pregnancy and for one year post-partum.
Diabetes-related neuropathy Guideline Recommendations
Screen on diagnosis and annually
Small Fibre
- Pinprick sensation
Large Fibre
- Touch Sensitivity to 10g monofilament
- Vibration Sensitivity to 128Hz tuning fork
- Ankle Reflexes
Foot care Guideline recommendations
- Low risk - Annually
- Higher risk - 3-6months.
- Foot protection program
- Podiatrist review
- Appropriate footwear
- Offloading of foot if plantar foot ulcer present. (Use total contact cast)
- Non-viable tissue should be debrided
Diabetic Nephropathy Guideline Recommendations
Screening - Annually via eGFR and uACR
- CKD established? Commence ACE-i or ARB
- Review eGFR and K levels prior to commencing medication and 2 weeks post.
- Consider SGLT2-i, or GLP1-RA to reduce risk of progression of CKD or CVD.
- Sick day management - Review medications to avoid and withhold during sick days.
T2DM and Reproductive health Recommendations
- Aim HbA1C < 6.5% ideally prior to conception to reduce risk of congenital abnormalities, pre-eclampsia, macrosomia, other complications.
- Cease ACE-i, ARB and Statins prior to pregnancy.
- Metformin and Sulfonylureas can continue until pregnancy is achieved.
5mg daily dose of folic acid at least 1 month prior to conception.
Causes of secondary diabetes
- Diseases of the exocrine pancreas
- Pancreatic cancer
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Haemochromatosis
Cases of inaccuracy of HbA1C
Percentage measure of glycated N-terminal residue on beta chain haemoglobin.
- Acute-onset glycaemic states (post-traumatic type-2 diabetes, rapid onset glycaemia in sepsis, steroid use)
- Within four months post-partum
- Haemoglobinopathy
- Haemolysis
- People with iron deficiency (artificially inflated)
- Recent blood or iron transfusion.
Screening and diagnosis of T2DM
- 5.5-6.9? Perform OGTT
- >=7.0? Confirm with repeat FBG
- FBG 6.1-6.9 - IFG
- 2H 7.8-11.1 - IGT
- Re-test in IFG or IGT in 1 year.
- FBG >= 7.0 or 2H >=11.1? Diabetes
Normal FBG or OGTT? Re-test in 3 years
Impaired? Re-rest in 1 year.
Diagnosing type 2 diabetes in symptomatic patients
- Lethargy, polyuria, polydipsia, frequent fungal or bacterial infections, blurred vision, loss of sensation, poor wound healing, weight loss.
- Acanthosis nigricans
- Skin tags
- Central obesity
- Hirsutism
Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis considerations
- Ketosis / Ketonuria
- Polyuria
- Polydipsia
- Acute weight loss (>5% in less than 4 weeks)
- <50 yo
- Personal and family history of autoimmune disease
- Acute onset of symptoms
Antibodies (Present in 90% patients with T1DM)
- Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD)
- Insulinoma antigen-2 (IA-2)
- C-Peptide level (<0.2nmol/L on non-fasting sample support diagnosis)
If suspicious, bedside testing with fingerprick BSL and blood ketones recommended.
Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults
Type 1.5 Diabetes
- Occurs more commonly in adults
- Diabetes with b-islet cell antibodies
- Presents similarly to T2DM but involves more rapid course of b-cell destruction, poorer metabolic response to non-insulin therapy and a more rapid progression requiring insulin to control hyperglycaemia due to b-cell failure
Monogenic Diabetes
Collection of single-gene mutations that account for 1-2% of diabetes cases
- Types
- Neonatal diabetes mellitus
- MODY (Maturity onset diabetes of the young)
- Related genes for MODY: HNF1A, GCK, HNF4A
If suspected, refer to endocrinologist
Person-centred care
Holistic treatment of patients considering their individual preferences, priorities and sociocultural contexts.
- Patients more likely to engage in self-management and achieve optimal health outcomes if their care plans are person-centered.
- Use shared decision-making process
- Care is personalised
- Care is enabling
- Care is co-ordinated
- Person is treated with dignity, compassion and respect.
Review Rule - What if medication is not working?
- Check patient health literacy and compliance with treatment
- Assess persistence and adherence to both lifestyle and pharmacological management
- Review for confounders (UTI, Steroids, Antipsychotics)
- Consider LADA or MODY as possibilities
- Review-rule used to optimize effect of current management prior to advancing through additional glucose-lowering medications
GLP1-RA and insulin injectable recommendations
- Single use of pen needles and syringes recommended to reduce risk of lipohypertrophy
- Shorter (4mm) needles adequate for injection and reduce risk of IM injection.
- Ensure rotation of injection sites
BSL <= 3.9mmol/L
Symptoms vary between people
- Adrenaline activation symptoms - Pale skin, sweating, shaking, palpitations, feeling of anxiety, dizziness
- Neuroglycopenic symptoms - Hunger, change in intellectual processing, confusion, irritability, seizures, coma
- Severe dehydration, polyuria, polydipsia
- Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
- Altered consciousness
- Shock
- Ketotic Breath (DKA only)
Review for underlying cause of hyperglycaemia (Infection, Myocardial infarction)
Indications for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion CSII)
Patients at
- High Risk of Hypoglycaemia
- Hypoglycaemic unawareness
- High glycaemic variability
Guide to insulin initiation and titration
- Basal insulin 0.1units/kg or 10 units Nocte
- Continue oral glucose-lowering medications
- Adjust insulin dose twice weekly based on Mean FBG over 2 days
Management of hypoglycaemia
Provide 15g quick acting carbohydrate
- Half a can of softdrink, half a glass of fruit juice, six jelly beans
- Review in 15 mins
- Test glucose hourly for next 4 hours.
Severe with altered LOC?
- Glucagon 1mg IM
- IV access - 50% glucose 20mL
Components of Annual Diabetic Cycle of Care Examination
- Weight
- BP
- Feet examination
- Eye Examination
- Fasting Lipids
- HbA1C
- Urine ACR
- eGFR
Diabetic Foot Examination
- Pinprick sensation
- 10g Monofilament