Tx Considerations for Various SCI Levels Flashcards
The Importance of UE Function
77% of tetraplegics expected an important or very improvement in OL of their hand function improved
The return of arm and hand function is the highest priority among tetraplegics as compared to other functions such as sexual function, trunk stability, or walking
Complete Lesions: paralysis neck down Ventilator C1-C3 diaphragm is paralyzed C4 may need vent initially then wean Paralysis from neck down Resting hand splints Teaching pt. to direct caregivers Selection of technology to aid help (envt. controls) Mouth & Head sticks to point, turn pages, type, draw
Deltoids & biceps are weak
UE’s need support to fxn
MAS (if strength < 3/5) (MAS = mobile arm support)
Grasp and hold objects
U cuff or long opponens (lack wrist & hand fxn)
Resting hand splint (not permanent)
Tabletop activities (support w/ elbow or forearm function)\
Dependent in drsg, bathing d/t decreased trunk control
Grasp->hook grasp, bilateral grasp, use less invasive stratagies for grasping
C5 : Determining Device
Look at MMT
Use trial & error, foods that are easier to minpulation (i.e. spear)
Support elbow then use MAS
Radial wrist extensors -> allows for closing of fingers for tenodesis grasp (increase UE independence)
Tenodesis splint (trains pt. to extend wrist & close fingers at same time for pinch)
Short opponens
Max A for bathing/dressing
Rotator cuff Deltoids, biceps, triceps Ulnar wrist extension, wrist flexion Finger flexion, ext; thumb flex, ext, ABD Limited grasp/release (slide to edge of the table then pinch item - i.e. coin) Increased UE strength/endurance Reach above head More refined hand function
Extrinsic finger ms
Thumb flexors
Grasps w/ MCP’s in ext & IP’s in flexion (claw hand or intrinsic minus)
Ranging: avoid contractors but allow some intrinsic tightness
LE Dressing: short siting w/ rails up.
UE’s full intact (unless injured previously)
Limited UE trunk stability
Increased endurance (diaphragm is intigrated)
Lower trunk & total LE paralysis (limited in transfers)
No fx’l ambulation
PRE program
Increase UE strength post normal status
Increase balance w/ dynamic gross motor activities
SBT and Depression
Work on LE dressing, bed mobility, community mobility
Good trunk stability
LE paralysis
Some fx’l ambulation (in home setting or short distances w/in the community)
increased trunk strength (lateral flexion & rotation w. weights)
May need more PT than OT
Transfers (to ALL surfaces including the floor)
Strengthening of UE’s & trunk (PRE, bring strength into daily routine)
Endurance building
Bowl/Bladder (habits & routine)
ADL’s in sitting & standing (look at whole routine from a holistic perspective- grooming, phone use)
Pressure Relief
Long handled mirror & ucuff for skin checks daily
J cushions, gel cushions, rohous (pressure relief cushions)
Ambulation Categories
Standing only, exercise, household, community
Esitm for SCI
Can be used as a neuromuscular retraining w/ goal of returning pt. to activites w/o stim (as a form of exercise or biofeedback) or…
Neuroprosthesis (implanted), combining stimulation w/ the performance of functional activities.